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Church#arden" +tuart Phillips1 232222 Church#arden" Ann !oberts1 232227

Church Noticeboard
Next Sundays Readings
Dec 29th (Sunday after Christmas) %saiah 63.778" /ebre#s 2.45749 :atthe# 2.43723.

The Weekly Newsletter of St Teilos Church Bishopston

December 22nd Advent 4

Thank You 1
*e &ade a grand total o' ;463 to#ards church 'unds at our recent Christ&as <oodies stall. A big =Than) you goes to e(eryone #ho donated ho&e7&ade ca)es" puddings etc. and another than)7 you to e(eryone #ho bought so generously. *e hope you en,oyed the goodies. The Baking Team

Church Notice 2 A Bible Odysseypage 3 Prayer 7 Todays Collect ! 7

Inside the Grapevine

Message from the Rector

Thank You 2
Bert and Cynthia #ish to than) e(eryone 'or generously supporting the ra''le 'or the /a&per. The 'inal a&ount raised #as ;273.55. *hen told" their granddaughter +tephanie #as e>tre&ely pleased #ith this a&ount and sends her grate'ul than)s to you all. ?ust to re&ind you" the proceeds #ill help to support +tephanie @aged 42A in a #or)ing trip @not a holidayA to Benya in ?uly 2542 arranged by her College. +tephanie #ill be in(ol(ed in #or) in a (illage school and a pro,ect in the (illage. :any than)s" Bert & Cynthia Colderick

ell" #ere nearly there$ % hope to see &ost o' you in Church at one or other o' the Christ&as ser(ices" but % )no# so&e o' you #ill be tra(elling else#here to be #ith 'a&ily o(er the Christ&as period. +o i' youre going a#ay 'or Christ&as" ha(e sa'e ,ourneys" and please ta)e the greetings o' +t Teilos #ith you. And on behal' o' -i" .llie" +usie and &ysel'" &ay % #ish you all a (ery Blessed Christ&as and a /appy Ne# 0ear. Fr Andrew -or 'urther in'or&ation about +t Teilos" or any 'orthco&ing parish e(ents" you can contact1 The !ector" -r Andre# Pearce1 The !ectory" 2 Port#ay" Bishopston 232425

Parish Yearbooks 2013

These are no# a(ailable 'or those #ho pre7ordered the& @;CA. There are only about 45 le't" and #e #ill not be re7 ordering this year" so i' you #ant a copy" please spea) to :i)e *hi''in as soon as possible. Than) you.

St Teilos New Website


OD! N.* *.B+%T. /A+ A!!%E.F$ The ne# address is

A Bible Odyssey Bible Notes: ee! "

Would like to read the Bible in its entirety over the course of three years? If so it!s not too late to "oin other Christians from across #outh $ower in taking u% the challenge& The ' (ear )eading *lan is available at the back on church and daily reflections follow +and also on our Facebook %age,Isaiah 9!2" #onday December 2$rd %n the ne#s at the &o&ent" the people o' the D)raine see& torn G not 'or the 'irst ti&e G bet#een *est and .ast. :any people #ithin that country see a prosperous 'uture as being dependant upon stronger ties #ith the .uropean DnionH but there are others #ho loo) bac) #ith nostalgia on the days o' the D++!" and yearn 'or a rene#ed closeness to =:other !ussia. %ts a 'a&iliar tussle thats been repeated se(eral ti&es since the 'all o' the D++! in 4884 G and its anyones guess as to #hich #ay the con'lict is heading in the 'uture. %ts a 'a&iliar story G and todays reading re&inds us that geopolitical ri(alry is nothing ne#. %n %saiahs day" Assyria #as the do&inant regional po#er G but there #ere other potential ri(als to its hege&ony. One o' these #as .gypt G the &ost ancient o' all the :iddle .astern po#ers" ho&e to perhaps the 'irst ci(ilisation o' note. And %saiahs ?udah 'inds hersel' stuc) in the &iddle bet#een these t#o ri(als G rather li)e D)raine today. %saiahs #ords in chapters 48 and 25 and 'ull o' caution 'or those in the royal court G probably including Bing /eIe)iah hi&sel' G #ho ha(e been te&pted to turn to .gypt 'or support. .gypt &ay see& li)e

a great po#er still" but %saiah recognises that her golden days ha(e passed. The pharaohs o' .gypt #ere no longer o' the calibre o' Bhu'u" the builder o' the <reat Pyra&idH or the re(olutionary A)henaten and his beauti'ul consort Ne'ertitiH or !a&esses %%" #ho& .gyptians re'erred to as the =<reat Ancestor" perhaps the &ost celebrated and po#er'ul pharaoh o' the& all. %saiah 'oresa# de'eat" disillusion&ent" di(ision and disaster 'or the .gyptians. At this ti&e" the .gyptians #ere go(erned by the T#enty7'i'th Fynasty" a noble 'a&ily that had their origins in Cush @'urther to the southAH but in 674 BC @,ust a 'e# years a'ter %saiahs deathA" the Assyrian )ing .sarhaddon #ould &arch against .gypt" and o(erthro# the pharaoh. .gypt #as noted 'or its #isdo& G but" in (erses 4474C" %saiah prophesies that its #ise &en and o''icials #ill be decei(ed" and e>posed to ridicule. True #isdo& can only co&e 'ro& <od. Joo)ing else#here 'or guidance" 'inding #isdo& in the #ays o' &en G as ?udah is te&pted to do G can only end in disappoint&ent. As 'or the plight o' poor .gypt G #ell" perhaps (erse 2 @.I will stir u% /gy%tian against /gy%tian 0 brother will fight against brother neighbour against neighbour city against city!A #ill &o(e us to pray 'or the people o' .gypt today G 'or in the &idst o' the shattered hopes and despairing 'ears o' the past couple o' years" the people o' .gypt &ost certainly deser(e our prayers" and our sy&pathies. Isaiah 2 %uesday December 24th Today is the last day o' Ad(ent G and #e end our re'lections on the 'irst third o' the Boo) o' %saiah #ith a reading 'ro& chapter 24 that once again spea)s o' ,udge&ent. %saiahs targets in this chapter G Babylon" .do& and Arabia G but the &essage is clear. Not the &ost cheer'ul note 'or us on Christ&as .(e$

%ts a salutary re&inder to us" though" that e(en in the &idst o' Christ&as G a season thats &eant to bring hope and light into hu&an li(es G the proble&s and su''erings o' the #orld dont ,ust disappear. As #e &a)e our 'inal preparations 'or this ,oyous ti&e" spare a thought 'or those #ho li(es still 'eel o(er#hel&ed #ith dar)ness. The children 'reeIing and star(ing in a +yrian re'ugee ca&pH the destitute and ho&eless sleeping rough on the streets o' +#anseaH the &arriages under stress that #ill 'inally collapse o(er the holidaysH the 'a&ilies de(astated by illness or berea(e&entH and those #hose #ill spend this Christ&as on their o#n. These are all people #ho 'eel the&sel(es under ,udge&ent" burdened by the sins and tra(ails o' the #orld. But it is to people such as these that the Christ7child co&es. +o lets end our readings 'ro& %saiah this Ad(ent #ith so&e &ore hope'ul #ords 'ro& the prophet1 .For to us a child is born to us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders1 And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor 2ighty $od /verlasting Father *rince of *eace1! @%saiah 8.6A #atthe& . '!2( )ed December 2(th Those o' you #ho #ere in +t Teilos a couple o' +undays ago #ill )no# that % spo)e about the &any prophecies in +cripture relating to the :essiah" nu&bering perhaps three hundred in total G not in detail" other#ise it #ould ha(e been a long ser(ice$ .ach o' these prophecies acts as part o' the =bio&etric data that helps us to 'ocus in on one person out o' @potentiallyA the hundreds o' thousands" e(en &illions" #ho &ight ha(e ='itted the bill. +t :atthe# begins his gospel by gi(ing the ='a&ily tree o' the :essiah G 'ro&

Abraha& do#n to ?oseph and :ary @:atthe# 4.4747A. The (arious :essianic prophecies" scattered through the Old Testa&ent" achie(e the sa&e purpose G and so&e o' the&" 'ro& the prophet %saiah" #e ha(e pondered in our Bible readings through Ad(ent this year. Ji)e all good 'a&ily trees" :atthe# &ay start #ith innu&erable &e&bers" and branches" at the beginning G but the 'ocus beco&es narro#er and narro#er #ith each generation. Ji)e#ise" so&e the :essianic prophecies &ay be (ery general @=descendant o' Abraha&" =shoot 'ro& the root o' ?esse" =son o' Fa(id" =bringer o' light to the people o' <alileeA" but others are &ore speci'ic" applying to a progressi(ely s&aller group o' people G until #e end up at the (ery pinnacle o' the :essianic 'a&ily tree #ith a single prophecy that 'inds its 'ul'il&ent in a single hu&an person. This is the prophecy o' %saiah 7.42" that :atthe# proclai&s 'ul'illed in ?esus1 .The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son and they will call him Immanuel 0 which means 3$od with us4! @:atthe# 4.23A. *hat other person" in hu&an history" has been born o' a (irginK *ho alone ta)es the top spot on the :essianic 'a&ily treeK To #ho alone does the angel @or starA on the top o' our Christ&as trees gi(e honour and praiseK /is na&e is ?esus. A /appy Christ&as to you all. *u+e 2. !2" %hursday December 2,th The .nglish #ord =e(angelist is deri(ed 'ro& the <ree) #ord euangelos" &eaning =bringing good ne#s. The ter& is applied in se(eral #ays by the Church. +o&eti&es it is used to re'er speci'ically to the -our .(angelists #ho ha(e beLueathed to us the good ne#s o' Christ in #ritten 'or& G the <ospels o' :atthe#" :ar)" Ju)e and ?ohn. +o&eti&es the ter& is applied to Christians #ith a

speci'ic &inistry to bring the gospel &essage to people #ho ha(e ne(er pre(iously heard it. +o&eti&es it is used" loosely" as a synony& 'or =saint or =&issionary" especially those described as per'or&ing the act o' e(angelis& G li)e +t +tephen" #hose 'east day 'alls today" the 'irst Christian to be &artyred @as recorded in Acts 7A 'or his 'earless preaching o' the :essiah be'ore the asse&bled +anhedrin @the ?e#ish Council o' .ldersA. *ho #ere the 'irst to tell others the =good ne#s @euangelionA o' the :essiah G to act" in other #ords" as e(angelistsK The 'irst indi(iduals to proclai& the =good ne#s are actually angels G <abriel to Mechariah" then :aryH and the co&pany o' angels to the shepherds on the hillside" as #e read today @Ju)e 2.9742A. But being a =bearer o' ne#s is so&ething #e e>pect o' angels G they are &eant to be <ods &essengers" a'ter all$ 0ou could actually &a)e a good case 'or the shepherds as the (ery 'irst human e(angelists. They are the ones #ho (isit the ne#born :essiah in the Bethlehe& stable. The last t#o (erses o' todays reading are (ery signi'icant. %n (erse 48" #e read that .2ary treasured u% all these things and %ondered them in her heart1! There is a ti&e si&ply 'or re'lecting on the #onder o' Christ&as G and its no surprise that :ary" &ost inti&ately concerned in these e(ents" should do ,ust that. But theres a place 'or action too. Eerse 25 concludes1 .The she%herds returned glorifying and %raising $od for all things they had heard and seen which were "ust as they had been told1! *e dont )no# e>actly #ho the shepherds spo)e to" or #hat they said1 but it see&s inconcei(able that they )ept it to the&sel(es G indeed (erse 47 e>plicitly says they .s%read the word concerning5 this child!.

Angels &ay ha(e started the process o' sharing =good ne#s1 but the baton soon passed to hu&ans" 'or it #as hu&anitys sa)e that the Christ7child had co&e. %' #e #ant others to hear about the :essiah today" #e cant rely on angels to do the ,ob 'or us. *e ha(e to be li)e the shepherds G spreaders o' the gospel that #e ha(e heard and recei(ed. *e too &ust be e(angelists. -ohn . ! 4 .riday December 2/th Christ&as Fay ha(e gone" Bo>ing Fay has past. Already" 'or so&e" ha(ing put up the Christ&as decorations so long ago" the te&ptation to ta)e the& done &ust be great. Others #ill ha(e gone bac) to #or)" the holiday spirit dissipating already. But #ait1 its only the third day o' Christ&as G the season has barely begun$ But i' youre 'eeling a little ,aded G and a little bloated a'ter the tur)ey and all the tri&&ings G ta)e a &o&ent to re'lect today on the #ords 'ro& todays reading" dra#n 'ro& the beginning o' ?ohns <ospel. The 'east o' +t ?ohn the .(angelist 'alls on Fece&ber 27th" and so its highly appropriate that #e spend so&e ti&e considering the opening &essage o' his <ospel today. One o' the great the&es in ?ohns <ospel is light" and the po#er o' light to o(erco&e dar)ness. The beginning o' ?ohns <ospel deliberately echoes the #ords o' the Boo) o' <enesis" #here <ods 'irst act is to bring creation into being #ith the #ords =Jet there be light$ /o#e(er #e thin) o' this G be it in the poetic account o' the si> days o' creation 'ound in <enesis1 or the uni&aginable po#er o' that al&ost in'initely7s&all &o&ent o' ti&e #hen the Big Bang occurred G in those #ords =Jet there be light$ #e ha(e the triu&phant application o' <ods po#er and lo(e. ?ohn tells us that ?esus is the (ery essence o' this di(ine light1 that in hi&"

#e see the authority" the goodness and the (ictory o' <od &ade &ani'est in hu&an 'or&. %n the &idst o' the dar) and gloo& o' Fece&ber" #hen the dar)ness around us see&s greater than e(er" #e need ?ohns &essage1 .the light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it! @?ohn 4.CA. Others &ay #ant to ta)e to ta)e do#n the tinsel" and turn o'' the Christ&as lights G but resist the te&ptation. Jet the lights continue to shine in and 'ro& your house" and in and 'ro& your heart. 0salms / 1 ' Satu December 29th /o# do #e respond #hen #e are #rongly accused" or #hen #e su''er in,usticeK ?ust a 'e# #ee)s ago" the #orld &ourned the passing o' Nelson :andela1 a &an #ho perhaps &ore than any other o' his generation epito&ised our hu&an capacity" at its best" to 'orgi(e e(en the &ost protracted and degrading acts o' inhu&anity. T#enty7se(en years o' i&prison&ent" &uch o' it spent in solitary con'ine&ent or undergoing hard labour" could easily ha(e le't Nelson :andela a bitter &an. 0et he re'used to allo# bitterness to i&prison his soul1 as he later said" .As I walked out the door towards the gate that would lead to my freedom I knew if I didn!t leave my hatred and bitterness behind I!d still be in %rison1! :any co&&entators belie(e that Psal& 7 #as #ritten by Fa(id in response to the slanderous accusations o' those #ho accused hi& o' plotting to )ill +aul and seiIe the throne @4 +a&uel 22.8744A. Fa(id could easily ha(e ta)en &atters into his o#n hands against his ene&ies" or could ha(e de&anded (engeance 'ro& <od. %nstead" Fa(id responds #ith a plea to <od 'or ,ustice. /e trusts that <od #ill deli(er hi&H he reLuests that <od #ill loo) into his o#n heart to see i' there is anything a&issH he as)s that the people &ight )no# <ods ,usticeH and he than)s <od that his righteousness pre(ails.

Nelson :andela trusted in the rightness o' his cause. /e trusted that ,ustice #ould ulti&ately be done. And #hen he too) those steps into 'reedo&" 'ro& dar)ness into light" he did so #ithout any yearning to e>act (engeance or retribution" but rather #ith the desire to continue toiling 'or peace and reconciliation G e(en i' that &eant #or)ing #ith those #ho& he had once thought o' as the ene&y. Our 'inal Psal& in 2543 helps us to end on a note o' gladness and than)sgi(ing. Psal& 9 re&inds us o' #hat a #onder'ul <od #e ha(e1 so&eone #hose na&e is &a,estic in all the earth. %t re&inds us o' ho# a#eso&e <ods creation is G the #onders o' the hea(ens abo(e" the ground beneath our 'eet" the creatures #ith #ho& #e share this island earth. 0et it also re&inds us that hu&an beings are pretty re&ar)able too. %n the enor&ity o' this uni(erse" #e &ay be te&pted to thin) that #ere insigni'icant. But that is not ho# <od regards us. .What is man that you are mindful of him the son of man that you care for him?! says the psal&ist. And yet #e bear the (ery sta&p o' the Creator" bearing his li)eness" and ha(ing the capacity G as Nelson :andela sho#ed G to allo# di(ine grace to shine out o' i&per'ect hu&an (essels. *e each ha(e the potential 'or greatness" 'or #e ha(e been .crowned with glory and honour!. Psal& 9 celebrates a <od #ho delights in the see&ingly s&all and insigni'icant1 the li%s of children and infants @(erse 2A" the work of his fingers @(erse 3A. This is the sa&e <od" o' course" #ho re(eals hi&sel' as a child in a stable at ChristH a child so s&all that he can barely #rap his 'ingers around the one 'inger o' his &other. This is the <od #ho shares our hu&anity" and raises it to greatness. This is the <od #ho sees our potential 'or greatness" and re,oices in it.

O Jord" our Jord" ho# &a,estic is your na&e in all the earth$ Fr Andrew *earce

<i't7gi(ing <od" 'orgi(e us. -ree us 'ro& our sel'7centeredness. /elp us to accept your lo(e so 'reely gi(en that #e &ay li(e as you ha(e called us to li(e. A&en.

#rayer Corner

'ur Prayers This Week

An2lican Cycle of 0rayer The Fiocese o' 0o)oha&a and the ?apanese .piscopal Church Diocesan Cycle of 0rayer The Fiocesan Board 'or +ocial !esponsibility and the #or) o' our Fiocesan -a&ily Centres @-aith in -a&iliesA Community Cycle of 0rayer All #ho d#ell #ithin our co&&unity" our 'a&ilies and our 'riends" that the ,oyous &essage o' the birth o' Christ &ay bring light hope into their ho&es this Christ&as. :e&bers associates o' our churches #ho li(e outside Bishopston" :urton and Three Cli''s. Sic+ 1 3eedy of our 0arish !hys Fa(ies" Barbara +teele" Bert Colderic)" Audrey :a#son" Nancy" Niah" Fenise ?e#ell" :ary :ort" Ann +&ith" !uth Jech&ere all in need at Ca&pion <ardens. %he De4arted All those recently departed.

The io!esan "ision Prayer

ather" #e hold be'ore you our 'a&ily in the Fiocese o' +#ansea and Brecon and #e open our hearts and &inds to your +pirit1 bless us as #e gather in your na&eH guide us as #e gro# into the li)eness o' your +onH lead us by your +pirit to go out and &a)e disciples o' others. <od o' our ,ourneying" be our #ay and our truth and our li'eH our beginning and our end. *e pray through ?esus our Jord. A&en.

# $hrist%as Prayer o& Praise and $on&ession

e praise you" O lo(ing <od" #ho ga(e your (ery sel' in hu&an 'or&" your &a,esty born into our po(erty" your lo(e lying in an out7house. *e than) you that" a&idst Bethlehe&Ns noisy rush" #e 'ind in you a 'ocus 'or our acti(ity" a hope 'or you hu&anity" a lo(e 'or all eternity. But #e con'ess that ChristNs birth has gone unnoticed. No#" as then" #e ha(e not &ade roo& in our day to day li(es. No#" as then" #e ha(e &islaid your &essage o' reconciling lo(e. No#" as then" #e ha(e ignored the stillness o' your presence.

$odays Collect % Readings



od our redee&er" #ho prepared the Blessed Eirgin :ary to be the &other o' your +on1 grant that" as she loo)ed 'or his co&ing as our sa(iour" so #e &ay be ready to greet hi& #hen he co&es again as our ,udgeH #ho is ali(e and reigns #ith you and the /oly +pirit" one <od" no# and 'or e(er. Amen.

.I7S% 76ADI38

A reading 'ro& the prophet %saiah.

he JO!F spo)e to AhaI" saying" =As) a sign o' the JO!F your <odH let it be deep as +heol or high as hea(en. But AhaI said" =% #ill not as)" and % #ill not put the JO!F to the test. Then %saiah said1 =/ear then" O house o' Fa(id$ %s it too little 'or you to #eary &ortals" that you #eary &y <od alsoK There'ore the Jord hi&sel' #ill gi(e you a sign. Joo)" the young #o&an is #ith child and shall bear a son" and shall na&e hi& %&&anuel. /e shall eat curds and honey by the ti&e he )no#s ho# to re'use the e(il and choose the good. -or be'ore the child )no#s ho# to re'use the e(il and choose the good" the land be'ore #hose t#o )ings you are in dread #ill be deserted. +Isaiah 617897:, This is the #ord o' the Jord1 %han+s be to 8od.

the dead" ?esus Christ our Jord. Through Christ #e ha(e recei(ed grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience o' 'aith a&ong all the <entiles 'or the sa)e o' his na&e" including yoursel(es #ho are called to belong to ?esus Christ. To all <ods belo(ed in !o&e" #ho are called to be saints1 <race to you and peace 'ro& <od our -ather and the Jord ?esus Christ. +)omans 71796, This is the #ord o' the Jord1 %han+s be to 8od.


lleluia" alleluia. Prepare the #ay o' the Jord" &a)e his paths straight" and all 'lesh shall see the sal(ation o' <od. Alleluia. Jisten to the <ospel o' Christ according to +aint :atthe#1 8lory to you9 5 *ord.

S6C53D 76ADI38
A reading 'ro& the letter o' Paul to the !o&ans.

aul" a ser(ant o' ?esus Christ" called to be an apostle" set apart 'or the gospel o' <od" #hich he pro&ised be'orehand through his prophets in the holy scriptures" the gospel concerning his +on" #ho #as descended 'ro& Fa(id according to the 'lesh and #as declared to be +on o' <od #ith po#er according to the spirit o' holiness by resurrection 'ro&

he birth o' ?esus the :essiah too) place in this #ay. *hen his &other :ary had been engaged to ?oseph" but be'ore they li(ed together" she #as 'ound to be #ith child 'ro& the /oly +pirit. /er husband ?oseph" being a righteous &an and un#illing to e>pose her to public disgrace" planned to dis&iss her Luietly. But ,ust #hen he had resol(ed to do this" an angel o' the Jord appeared to hi& in a drea& and said" =?oseph" son o' Fa(id" do not be a'raid to ta)e :ary as your #i'e" 'or the child concei(ed in her is 'ro& the /oly +pirit. +he #ill bear a son" and you are to na&e hi& ?esus" 'or he #ill sa(e his people 'ro& their sins. All this too) place to 'ul'il #hat had been spo)en by the Jord through the prophet1 =Joo)" the (irgin shall concei(e and bear a son" and they shall na&e hi& .&&anuel" #hich &eans" =<od is #ith us. *hen ?oseph a#o)e 'ro& sleep" he did as the

angel o' the Jord co&&anded hi&H he too) her as his #i'e" but had no &arital relations #ith her until she had borne a sonH and he na&ed hi& ?esus. +2atthew 717;9<=, This is the <ospel o' the Jord1

0raise to you9 5 Christ.

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