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Thng 01/2014 Mn h!" T!#ng $nh% &h'! ( Thi gian lm bi: 90 pht

R)*+ h) ,-..-/!ng 0*11*g) *n+ 2*34 h) .) )3 $% 5% C% -3 ( -n 6-73 *n1/)3 1h)) - !n+!8* ) h) 8-33)8 /-3+,-3 )*8h -, h) 9.*n41 ,3-2 1 - 10: Im sure that many people in this lecture hall have, at some time, attempted to open up an image file in order to (1) _____ their photos onto a social (2) _____ site, only to find the file has been (3)_____. ou find theres no !ay to retrieve your digital memories as youve already (") _______ the photos from your memory card. #orse is the reali$ation that your entire hard drive has crashed and that you never made bac%&up copies of your dissertation, years of research, and so on. 'ight no!, Im afraid, theres no guarantee that any of our data !ill survive in the (() _______ currently available. ou see, manufacturers !ant to ()) _______ the speed and capacity of drivers, but arent !orried about long&term stability. *lash memory drives are not a reliable alternative as they have an estimated (+) _______ lifespan of ten years. ,op&end -.s !ith the gold and the phthalocyanine dye layers !ill (/) _______ longer. ,he other issue of course, is that technology is constantly becoming obsolete. 0any of your parents !ill have video cassettes at home but unless you have a video player still in (1) _______, you are unli%ely to ever vie! the content. ,he same goes for any documents saved on floppy dis%s2 no modem 3- comes !ith a compatible drive. Its ironic, of course, that paper, the old (14)__________of transferring information, is actually more durable than its modem e5uivalents. 1. 9. paste 2. 9. chatroom 3. 9. spoilt ".9. erased (. 9. formats ). 9. e>cel +. 9. pea% /. 9. spend 1.9. order 14. 9. opportunity :. display :. discussion :. disrupted :. cancelled :.shapes :. build :. ma>imum :. last :. operation :.source -. share -. meeting -. corrupted -. !ithdra!n -. means -. uplift -. top -. produce -. function -. medium .. upload .. net!or%ing .. disturbed ..rubbed .. types .. boost .. upper .. act .. occupation .. technology

M*34 h) .) )3 $% 5% C% -3 ( -n 6-73 *n1/)3 1h)) - !n+!8* ) h) 9)1 /*6 - 8-20.) ) )*8h -, h) ,-..-/!ng 1)n )n8)1 /! h h) /-3+1 03-;!+)+: 11. 6oe7 not7 good7 s!immer7 ho!ever78ump7 river7 rescue7 little7 girl7 !ho7 dro!n7. 9. 6oe !asnt a good s!immer ho!ever 8umping in the river rescuing a little girl !ho !as dro!ning. :. 6oe !asnt the good s!immer, ho!ever he 8umped in the river to rescue a little girl !ho dro!ned. -. 6oe !asnt a good s!immer. ;o!ever, he 8umped into the river to rescue the little girl !ho !as dro!ning. .. 6oe !asnt the good s!immer2 ho!ever, he 8umped into the river rescuing the little girl !ho dro!ned. 12. <ast night7storm7 damage7po!er7 lines7so7 to!n7 !ithout7 electricity7several7 hour7. 9. <ast night a storm damaged po!er lines. =o to!n had !ithout electricity several hours. :. <ast night the storm had damaged po!er line so to!n has been !ithout electricity for several hours. -. <ast nights storm has damaged the po!er line2 so the to!n is !ithout electricity in several hours. .. <ast nights storm damaged the po!er lines, so the to!n !as !ithout electricity for several hours. 1

13. ;enry 6ohnson7 honest7politician7 but7I! n"#"$! #%t"! him! b"&a'("! n%t! ag$""!p%(iti%n!)%$"ign! policy7. 9. ;enry 6ohnson is a honest politician. :ut I never vote him because I do not agree of his position at foreign policy. :. ;enry 6ohnson is an honest politician, but I !ould never vote for him because I do not agree !ith his positions on foreign policy. -. ;enry 6ohnson !as an honest politician2 but I !ould never vote him because I didnt agree !ith his positions about foreign policy. .. ;enry 6ohnson is a honest politician but I !ill never vote for him because I !ont agree his position in foreign policy. 1". :ecause7 sno!storm7 only7five7 student7 come7 class7 teacher7 therefore7 cancel7 class7. 9. :ecause of the sno!storm only five students came to class. ,he teacher, therefore, cancelled the class. :. :ecause of a sno!storm only five students have come to the class, teacher therefore has cancelled class. -. :ecause the sno!storm only five students came to class the teacher, therefore, had to cancel the class. .. :ecause a sno!storm only five students came to the class2 teacher, therefore, cancelled class. 1(. 3aul7 al!ays7 en8oy7 study7 sciences7 high school7 therefore7 decide7 ma8or7 biology7 university7. 9. 3aul al!ays en8oys to study sciences in high school therefore decides ma8oring biology at the university. :. 3aul al!ays en8oys studying sciences at high school, he therefore decides to ma8or on biology at university. -. 3aul al!ays en8oyed studying sciences in high school. ,herefore, he decided to ma8or in biology in university. .. 3aul al!ays en8oyed to study sciences in the high school2 he, therefore, decided ma8oring at biology at the university. R)*+ h) ,-..-/!ng 0*11*g) *n+ 2*34 h) .) )3 $% 5% C% -3 ( -n 6-73 *n1/)3 1h)) - !n+!8* ) h) 8-33)8 *n1/)3 - )*8h -, h) <7)1 !-n1 ,3-2 1= - 2>: *in" 0ost forms of property are concrete and tangible, such as houses, cars, furniture, or anything else that is included in ones possessions. ?ther forms of property can be intangible, and copyright deals !ith intangible forms of property. -opyright is a legal protection extended to authors of creative !or%s, for e>ample, boo%s, maga$ine articles, maps, films, plays, television sho!s, > soft!are, paintings, photographs, music, choreography in dance, and all other forms of intellectual or artistic property. 9lthough the purpose of artistic property is usually public use and en8oyment, copyright establishes the o!nership of the creator. #hen a person buys a copyrighted maga$ine, it belongs to this individual as a tangible ob8ect. ;o!ever, the authors of the maga$ine articles o!n the research 10 and the !riting that !ent into creating the articles. ,he right to ma%e and sell or give a!ay copies of boo%s or articles belongs to the authors, publishers, or other individuals or organi$ations that hold the copyright. ,o copy an entire boo% or a part of it, permission must be received from the copyright o!ner, !ho !ill most li%ely e>pect to be paid. -opyright la! distinguishes bet!een different types of intellectual property. 0usic may be 1> played by anyone after it is published. ;o!ever, if it is performed for profit, the performers need to 2

pay a fee, called a royalty. 9 similar p in!ip"e applies to performances of songs and plays. ?n the other hand, names, ideas, and boo% titles are e>cepted. Ideas do not become copyrighted property until they are published in a boo%, a painting, or a musical !or%. 9lmost all artistic !or% created before the 24th century is not copyrighted because it !as created before the copyright la! !as 20 passed. ,he t!o common !ays of infringing upon the copyright are plagiarism and piracy. 3lagiari$ing the !or% of another person means passing it off as one@s o!n. ,he !ord plagiarism is derived from the <atin plagiarus, !hich means Aabductor.B 3iracy may be an a a of one person but, in many cases, it is a 8oint effort of several people !ho reproduce copyrighted material and sell it for profit !ithout 2> paying royalties to the creator. ,echnological innovations have made piracy easy, and anyone can duplicate a motion picture on videotape, a computer program, or a boo%. Cideo cassette recorders can be used by p #!ti!#""$ anyone to copy movies and television programs, and copying soft!are has become almost as easy as copying a boo%. <arge companies $ealously monitor their copyrights for slogans, advertisements, and brand names, protected by a trademar%. 1). In lin" +, th" -%$. /)? )n+)+0 i( &l%("(t in m"aning t% 9. e>plicated :. e>posed -. guaranteed .. granted 1+. 1hat .%"( th" pa((ag" mainl2 .i(&'((3 9. <egal rights of property o!ners :. <egal o!nership of creative !or% -. D>amples of copyright piracy .. -opying creating !or% for profit 1/. In lin" 45, th" -%$. %p in!ip"e 0 i( &l%("(t in m"aning t% 9. crucial point :. cardinal role -. fundamental rule .. formidable force 11. Th" p'$p%(" %) &%p2$ight la- i( m%(t &%mpa$abl" -ith th" p'$p%(" %) -hi&h %) th" )%ll%-ing3 9. 9 la! against theft :. 9 la! against smo%ing -. 9 school policy .. household rule 24. It &an b" in)"$$". )$%m th" pa((ag" that &%p2$ight la- i( int"n.". t% p$%t"&t 9. the users ability to en8oy an artistic !or% :. the creators ability to profit from the !or% -. paintings and photographs from theft .. computer soft!are and videos from being copied 21. 1hi&h %) th" )%ll%-ing p$%p"$ti"( i( 6OT m"nti%n". a( p$%t"&t". b2 &%p2$ight3 9. music and plays :. paintings and maps -. printed medium .. scientific discoveries 22. It &an b" in)"$$". )$%m th" pa((ag" that it i( l"gal i) 9. t!o songs, !ritten by t!o different composers, have the same melody :. t!o boo%s, !ritten by t!o different authors, have the same titles -. t!o dra!ings, created by t!o different artists, have the same images .. t!o plays, created by t!o different play!rights, have the same plot and characters 23. In lin" 78, th" -%$. %p #!ti!#""$& i( &l%("(t in m"aning t% 9. truthfully :. hardly -. clearly .. almost 2". 9&&%$.ing t% th" pa((ag", &%p2$ight la- i( 9. meticulously observed :. routinely ignored -. fre5uently debated .. $ealously enforced 2(. 1ith -hi&h %) th" )%ll%-ing (tat"m"nt( i( th" a'th%$ m%(t li:"l2 t% ag$""3 9. ,eachers are not allo!ed to ma%e copies of published materials for use by their students. :. 3lays !ritten in the 1)th century cannot be performed in theaters !ithout permission. 3

-. =ingers can publicly sing only the songs for !hich tne8 ; !rote the music and the lyrics. .. It is illegal to ma%e photographs !hen sightseeing or traveling. M*34 h) .) )3 $% 5% C% -3 ( -n 6-73 *n1/)3 1h)) - !n+!8* ) h) 1)n )n8) h* !1 8.-1)1 !n 2)*n!ng h) 1)n )n8)@1A !n ! *.!81: 2). Th" thi") -%$" gl%#"( (% a( t% a#%i. l"a#ing an2 )ing"$p$int( 9. ,he thief !ore gloves so as to not leave any fingerprints. :. ,he thief !ore gloves so that not leave any fingerprints. -. ,he thief !ore gloves in order not to leave any fingerprints. .. ,he thief !ore gloves in order to not leave any fingerprints. 2+. Th"2 l")t "a$l2 b"&a'(" th"2 .i. n%t -ant t% g"t &a'ght in t$a))i& 9. ,hey left early for not getting stuc%. :. In order to avoid being stuc% in the traffic, they left early. -. :ecause they got caught in the traffic, they left early. .. <eaving late, they got caught in the traffic. 2/. I) th"$" i(n;t "n%'gh $ain, th" h2.$%p%-"$ (tati%n &ann%t %p"$at" 9. #hen there isnt enough rain, the hydropo!er station can operate. :. Enless there is enough rain, the hydropo!er station can operate. -. Enless there isnt enough rain, the hydropo!er station cannot operate. .. Enless there is enough rain, the hydropo!er station cant operate. 21. B"&a'(" th" "#i."n&" -a( -ithh"l., th" p$i(%n"$ -a( )%'n. g'ilt2 9. If,the evidence !as presented, the prisoner !ouldnt be found guilty. :. ;ad the evidence been presented, the prisoner !ouldnt have been found guilty. -. ,he prisoner !as found guilty than%s to the evidence. .. :ecause he !ithheld the evidence so the prisoner !as found guilty. 34. Th"2 (ta2". in that h%t"l ."(pit" th" n%i(" 9. .espite the hotel is noisy, they stay there. :. In spite of the noisy hotel and they li%e it. -. 9lthough the noisy hotel, they stayed there. .. Foisy as the hotel, they stayed there. M*34 h) .) )3 $% 5% C% -3 ( -n 6-73 *n1/)3 1h)) - !n+!8* ) h) /-3+ /h-1) 7n+)3.!n)+ 0*3 !1 03-n-7n8)+ +!,,)3)n .6 ,3-2 h* -, h) - h)31 !n )*8h -, h) ,-..-/!ng <7)1 !-n1: 31. 9. describe :. spelling -. ethnic .. affect 32. 9. either :. climate -. automobile .. island 33. 9. complete :. command -. common .. compare 3". 9. !atched :. laughed -. stuffed .. !ic%ed 3(. 9. !onder :. construct -. structure .. statue R)*+ h) ,-..-/!ng 0*11*g) *n+ 2*34 h) .) )3 $% 5% C% -3 ( -n 6-73 *n1/)3 1h)) - !n+!8* ) h) 8-33)8 *n1/)3 - )*8h -, h) <7)1 !-n1 ,3-2 B= - 4B: *in" *or many people, mushrooms are strange, colorless, incomprehensible plants that should be avoided. '(#int tales and scary stories surround mushrooms because some are e>tremely poisonous. In reality, ho!ever, mushrooms are )'ngi that are simple plants !ithout developed roots, leaves, stems, flo!ers, or seeds. ,hey gro! in !etlands, grassy meado!s, and !oods. -ertain types of mushrooms ) are delicious and are included as ingredients in many recipes and t end$ snac%s. *or e>ample, morels are considered one of the choicest foods, and truffles, related to morels, are highly pri$ed in Durope. Thei shape is tubeli%e, and they remain entirely underground, a foot or more belo! the surface. In 4

the old days, dogs and pigs !ere specially trained to hunt them by scent. 0ushrooms stand out among other plants because they have no chlorophyll and cannot generate 10 their o!n nourishment. ,he part of the fungus that rises above the ground is the fruiting body, and the vegetative part that produces gro!th is hidden under the ground. It can be usually dug up in the form of dense, !hite tangled filaments, !hich, depending on the food supply and moisture, can live for hundreds of years. In fact, mushrooms, as !ell as the rest of the fungus genus species, are one of the fe! remaining simple plants that are believed to be among the oldest living organisms. #hen their 1> environment is not conducive to gro!th, filaments stop proliferating and can lie dormant for do$ens of years. 9lthough mushrooms are rich in flavor and te>ture, they have little food value. 3ic%ing mushrooms re5uires a thorough %no!ledge of environments !here they are most li%ely to gro! and an ability to tell bet!een edible and poisonous plants. 0ost mushrooms thrive in temperatures from )/G to /)G (*) 20 !ith plenty of moisture, and nearly complete dar%ness produces the best crop. ,he entire mushroom should be pic%ed, the stem, the cap, and !hatever part that is underground. :rightly colored mushroom caps usually indicate that the plant is not fit for consumption, and the more the mushroom attracts attention, the more poisonous it is. 0ushrooms !ith beautiful red or orange spotted caps that gro! under large trees after a good rain are particularly poisonous. If mil%y or !hite 8uices seep from a brea% in the body of plant, chances are it should not be pic%ed. ?ld mushrooms !ith bro!n caps are also not very safe. 3). In lin" 8, th" -%$. %Th)!3& $")"$( t% 9. morels :. foods -. truffles .. morels and truffles 3+. 1ith -hi&h %) th" )%ll%-ing (tat"m"nt( i( th" a'th%$ %) th" pa((ag" m%(t li:"l2 t% ag$""3 9. In the old days, !hen food !as scarce, people chose mushrooms as food. :. 0ushrooms should be treated as all other plants. -. :ecause they are poisonous, people should stay a!ay from mushrooms. .. 0ushrooms have different forms of roots, stems, and leaves. 3/. In lin" <, th" -%$. %t end$& i( &l%("(t in m"aning t% 9. tender :. e>perimental -. fashionable .. trusted 31. In lin" 7, th" -%$. %*(#int& i( &l%("(t in m"aning t%========= 9. convoluted :. fanciful -. irritating .. perfunctory "4. It &an b" in)"$$". )$%m th" pa((ag" that m'(h$%%m( m'ltipl2 m%(tl2 b2 m"an( %) 9. moisture :. fruiting bodies -. nourishment .. root systems "1. 1hat .%"( th" a'th%$ %) th" pa((ag" impl2 ab%'t b$ightl2 &%l%$". m'(h$%%m(3 9 ,hey are beautiful. :. ,hey should not be eaten. -. ,hey attract attention. .. ,hey should be destroyed "2. In lin" 49, th" -%$. %te""& i( &l%("(t in m"aning t% 9 narrate :. distinguish -. say .. see "3. Th" a'th%$ %) th" pa((ag" impli"( that m'(h$%%m( 9. have been %no!n since ancient times :. are a relatively recent form of plants -. cannot survive !ithout a good environment .. have been carefully analy$ed M*34 h) .) )3 $% 5% C% -3 ( -n 6-73 *n1/)3 1h)) - !n+!8* ) h) 8-33)8 *n1/)3 - )*8h -, h) ,-..-/!ng <7)1 !-n1: "". It has been estimated____________milligram of s%in scales have over half a million bacteria. 9. that a :. ho! a -. a .. to be a 5

"(. #e oppose this !ar, as !e !ould do any other !ar !hich created an environmental catastrophe. 9. pollution :. disaster -. convention .. epidemic "). +: ,han%s a lot for your help. ,H ___________. 9. our !elcome :. oure !elcome -. oure !elcomed .. ou !elcomed "+. =pider mon%eys are the best climbers in the 8ungle,_____________they do not have thumbs. 9. nevertheless :. for -. despite .. although "/ .___________cell in the body is far from a capillary. 9. Fot :. Fo -. Fot only a .. Feither a "1. 9 man____________helping police !ith their intervie!. 9. !as reported to have :. !as reported to have been -. reports to be .. reported to have been (4. Cietnam is ___________the top e>porters of rice. 9. in :. of -. bet!een .. among (1. #hen you see your friend off, you say I____________J 9. <uc%y you :. ;ave a good 8ourney -. Kood night .. =ee you later (2. If you dont pay your rent, your landlord is going to %ic% you outJ 9. lend you some money . :. play football !ith you -. give you a %ic% .. force you to leave (3. 0rs. 6oness husband passed a!ay last *riday. #e are all shoc%ed by the ne!s. 9. got married :. divorced -. died .. fell ill (". +H .id you get any information from 3eterL ,H ;e___________an e>pert, but he doesnt seem to %no! much. 9. supposes to be :. as supposed to be -. supposed to be .. is supposed being ((. Im having problems !ith .avid. ;e____________me up in the middle of the night and____________ me his troubles. 9. has called2 told :. has been calling2 telling -. is calling2 telling .. called2 told (). 9n international medical conference initiated by .avison resulted in the birth of the <eague of 'ed -ross =ocieties in 1111. 9. started :. helped -. treated .. dedicated (+. +: ,he problems seem annoying to everyone. ,H ___________. 9. It is :. ,hey are -. ,hey do .. It is (/. .uring the !ar____________!rote a poem for Keneral #ashington, !ho complimented her on her Istyle and manner. 9. 3hillis #heatley !as :. it !as 3hillis #heatley -. 3hillis #heatley .. 3hillis #heatley she (1. Ender!ater activities are less varied and the most popular of !hich are snor%elling and scuba diving. 9. portable :. diverse -. familiar .. durable )4. In 1+3), the number of poor people in :oston receiving public assistance_____________about ",444. 9. !as :. !ere -. it !as .. they !ere )1 .___________in 1++) that the .eclaration of Independence !as signed. 9. It !as :. ,here !as -. ,here .. It )2.1 cant believe it, Inspector. ou mean that =mith_____________money from the till all this timeJ 9. stole :. has stolen -. has been stealing .. !as stealing )3. If 0r. =mith____________this company, he !ould have made a lot of changes. 9. runs :. had run -. is running .. ran 6

)". ,he core of the moon is much smaller, in relation to its si$e_____________of the planets. 9. those :. than those -. ones .. than are those )( . !as made of minute particles called corpuscles !as believed by scientists. 9. <ight :. ,hat light -. 9s light .. #hereas lightl (. 9fro& )). 9mericans account____________12M of the E= population. 9. for :. !ith -. of .. 4 .. )+. ,he company____________a ne! advertising campaign. 9. thought to plan :. is thought to be planning -. is thought about planning .. is thought that it is planning )/. +H I phoned but you didnt ans!er it. ou must have gone out. ,H__________. 9. I did :. I !as -. I must .. I agree )1. ;o! many times has Cenus #illiams____________her sisterL 9. !on :. defeated -. lost .. beaten +4. 'obert has a ne! car. ;e____________it for a very good price. ;e paid 34 percent less than the regular retail cost. 9. could buy :. had to buy -. !as supposed to buy .. !as able to buy +1. 3ollution can cause changes in the climate_____________the global scale. 9. in :. on -. of .. under +2. ,he____________refused to change the plot of the play as the actor suggested. 9. composer :. !riter -. script!riter .. novelist +3 .___________invited, so !e three !ont come to her !edding. If you are invited, you should go. 9. Fot only I but also my parents are :. :oth my parents and I are -. Dither my parents or I are not .. Feither my parents nor I am M*34 h) .) )3 $% 5% C% -3 ( -n 6-73 *n1/)3 1h)) - 1h-/ h) 7n+)3.!n)+ 0*3 h* n))+1 8-33)8 !-n: 8> -ontact lenses made of actylic are more t$an(pa$"nt and l"a(t fragile than lenses made of gla((. 9. transparent :. least -. than .. glass 8< 9ristole believed that th" min. or soul, -h% the Kree%s coiled psyche, -a( ("pa$at" from th" b%.2. 9. the mind :. !ho -. !as separate .. the body 85 1a$m and moisture help microbes g -. and th'( assist the ."&a2 process. 9. #arm :. gro! -. thus .. decay 88 9lth%'(h fe!er 9mericans !or% on farms today, they are t%% producrive that the E.= is no! the !orlds t%p )%%. "?p%$t"$ 9. 9lthough :. fe!er -. too .. top 8@ It is estimated that at l"a(t a milli%n meteors ha#" hit the Darths surface, !hich is only 2( p"$&"ntag" of the planet. 9. at least :. million -. have hit .. percentage 89 6a#aA% In.ian( are )a$ more numerous today a( they !ere in the past. 9 Fava8o Indians :. far -. as .. in @0 Ban2 fruits contain large am%'nt( of vitamin -, a( -"ll a( sugar, !hich p$%#i." energy. 9. 0any :. amounts -. as !ell as .. provide /TH0 0N1/

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