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DICTIONARY JATKI OR WESTERN PANJABI LANGUAGE BY A. JUKES, mrees, roe, Missionary of the Church Missionary Sociely, DERA GHAZI KHAN. LAHORE: RELIGIOUS BOOK AND TRACT SOCIETY. On Sale in Burope by KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., PareRnoster House, CHARING CROSS ROAD, LONDON. 1900. PREFACE. 1, Object—In attempting to compile a Dictionary of the Jatki or Western Punjébi language, the Anthor’s first object was to provide himself with such a Vocabulary as would enable him or others to make an intelligible translation of the Word of God for those who have hitherto been ignorant of it. For this purpose an English Vernacular Vocabulary wes necessary, and pari passu the Vernacular English part came into being, and is now issued in the hope that it may be usefal to all whose work, or pleasure, leads them to study the language. 2, Assistance received—The only Vocabulary the compiler has had to avail himself of was that written by Mr. E. O’Brien, for many years Deputy Commissioner of Multan, this contained about 1,800 words mostly agricultural terms, enriched by several hundred Proverbs, Dohres (songs) and idiomatic expressions, and of little or no help in the work the coripiler had in view, ie. translation into the Vernacular, as there was no English Vernacular Vocabulary. The whole of Mr. O’Brien’s work has heen incorporated in the present Volume in so far as words and definitions go. This Volume comprises 2 great part of some eighteen years’ work of stndy in the language, but the English Vernacular part is not yet complete. To Mr. J. Wilson late Deputy Commissioner, Rawnlpindi and Shéhpur, I am indebted for a very considerable number of words used in the Salt Range, all words marked Sh. were supplied by him, and while the compiler has dono his best to make use of MSS. Kindly lent him, he has been unable to check or confirm in any way the definitions or orthography of the words supplied to him, should any unintene tional errors have crept in he craves Mr. Wilson’s indulgence for the. same. 3. With the exception of the help afforded by Mr. H. O’Brien and Mr. J. Wilson, and a comparatively small contingent collated from the Punjébi Dictionary of Bhéi Méyé Singh 1895, all of which are acknowledged by the letters P. D. after the word, almost the whole of the rest of the Volume has been written by Dr. Jukes with the assistance of Munshi Mubemmad Hasan bin Sher Muhammad of Deré Ghazi Khin and is original in the sense that he is nob indebted to other workers for the material which has been collected with much labour; technical words having been gathered from artizans and others connected with the work in which they wore engaged. 4, Literature—The amount of literature in the Jatki language is exceedingly limited, but all that the Author has been able to get and many stories which he had written for the purpose have been carefully collated. :

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