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Lesson Plan Template Common Core Aligned

Subject: Math 7 Math 8 Teacher: B Bo!er Lesson Plan "ate: #ee$ o% &'()&()* School(+rade ,d!sse! Charter School +rade 7 +rade 8

L-SS,. PLA. T-MPLAT/0S0,.1S-TT0.+ Common Core Leaning Standard -ssential

2uestion(')st Centur! S$ills
Grade 7- MA.7.A.1.2, MA.7.A.1.6, MA.7..A.3.2, MA.7.A.1.3, Collaboration, Self-Directional, Critical Thinking Grade - MA. .A.1.3, MA. .A.!.2, Collaboration, SelfDirectional and Critical Thinking.

3-4 P,0.TS
"hat ke# idea$ and %nder$tanding$ are re&re$ented b# thi$ ob'ecti(e) "hat kno*ledge and $kill$ do $t%dent$ need to acce$$ the$e ke# idea$ and %nder$tanding$)

+r 7 Monda!1 Tuesda! TS#BAT sol5e problems in5ol5ing simple interest Students 6ill be able to create a %ictitious ban$ account and calculate simple interest on deposits #ednesda!1 TS#BAT re5ie6 %inancial literac! steps b! maintaining a budget7 simple interest in a ban$ account Thursda!1 TS#BAT create a 5ocabular! 6heel %or Chapter 8 5ocabular! TS#BAT de%ine and describe Chapter 8 5ocabular! 9rida!1 TS#BAT retain Chapter 8 in%ormation to re5ie6 chapter in%ormation 6ith accurac! :Tuesda!1 '()8()*;;; T-ST< +r 8 Monda!1 TS#BAT sol5e ine=ualities b! multiplication or di5ision Tuesda!1 TS#BAT sol5e t6o step ine=ualities #ednesda!1 TS#BAT sol5e t6o step ine=ualities Thursda!1 TS#BAT sol5e simple and compound ine=ualities 9rida!: TS#BAT attain 8&>? accurac! on -=uation T-ST

+r 7
Monday- Friday: Chapter 6 Concepts

Monda#+ Di$co%nt T%e$da#++ Si,&le -ntere$t "edne$da#+ .e(ie* /inancial 0iterac# Th%r$da#- Cha&ter 6 .e(ie* and 1ocab%lar# "heel /rida#+r 8
Monday- Friday- Chapter 5 Concepts

Monda#++ Sol(e -ne2%alitie$ b# M%lti&lication or Di(i$ion T%e$da#+ Gra&h and Sol(e Si,&le and Co,&o%nd -ne2%alitie$ "edne$da#+ .e(ie* Th%r$da#+ .e(ie* /rida#+ T3ST

Lesson Plan Template Common Core Aligned

Learning Target:

"hat *ill $t%dent$ kno* and be able to do a$ a re$%lt of thi$ le$$on) 3SS34T-A0 563ST-74S Grade 7 Monda#+ 8o* doe$ the for,%la -9&rt a&&l# to finding $i,&le intere$t fro, a fictitio%$ bank acco%nt) T%e$da#- "edne$da#- + Th%r$da#+ 8o* do &ercent$ hel& ,e to learn financial literac#) /rida#-+ 8o* do - a&&l# &ercent$ into real *orld $it%ation$) Grade Monda#- /rida#+ 8o* do $i,&le and co,&o%nd ine2%alitie$ integrate into real *orld $it%ation$)

+rade 7:
Monday- Tuesday- Students will be Students will be introduced to finding discounts. And si ple interest. Te!t pages ""5-""#. . $% &"-&'. $ednesday- Students will be able to apply percents to include sales ta!( tips( discounts and apply it to fictitious store. Thursday: Students will be introduced to si ple interest. . Te!t pages ""& ) "'*. $% &5-&6. Friday: Students will co plete Chapter 6 +e,iew and create ,ocab wheel. Te!t pages "'--&.

+rade 8:
Monday- Tuesday: Students will be introduced to sol,ing and graphing ine.ualities by using the ' operations. . Te!t pages- *'"-*55 $or/boo/ pages -5--# $ednesday- : Students will practice sol,ing co pound ine.ualities. Te!t pages *5#- *6&. $or/boo/ pages -&- #*. Thursday- T0ST Friday- Students will practice sol,ing and graphing si ple and co pound ine.ualities. T0ST


"h# are the o%tco,e$ of thi$ le$$on i,&ortant in the real *orld) "h# are the$e o%tco,e$ e$$ential for f%t%re learning)

+rade 7 and +rade 8: The outco es for the wee/ly lesson are rele,ant to the succession of difficulty that is necessary for Middle School Students to attain in order to reach and setting. 1essons that are taught coincide with the Sunshine Standards that are set by the Florida 2ept of 0ducation.

aintain success in a high school


,pening :7min <:

8o* *ill #o% co,,%nicate what i$ abo%t to ha&&en) 8o* *ill #o% co,,%nicate how it *ill ha&&en) 8o* *ill #o% co,,%nicate it$ i portance) 8o* *ill #o% co,,%nicate connections to &re(io%$ le$$on$) 8o* *ill #o% engage $t%dent$ and ca&t%re their intere$t) 3 will recall pre,ious day4s lesson and how it builds on to the new concept that will be introduced. 2iscussion will follow of the assigned day4s ob5ecti,e and how it relates to their e,eryday world. $hen introducing a new concept( students will watch and engage with a tutorial ,ideo. Students will also be introduced to new ,ocabulary when applicable.

MAT-@0ALS +rade 7(8: $hiteboard( indi,idual whiteboards( calculators(

co puters( internet( pencils( paper( wor/sheets( rulers( te!ts( wor/sheets( and assess ents 6if necessary7.

Lesson Plan Template Common Core Aligned + M-TA,"S

0ntroduction o% .e6 Material :BB min <

8o* *ill #o% e:&lain;de,on$trate all kno*ledge;$kill$ re2%ired of the ob'ecti(e, $o that $t%dent$ begin to acti(el# internali<e ke# &oint$) "hich &otential ,i$%nder$tanding$ do #o% antici&ate) 8o* *ill #o% &roacti(el# ,itigate the,) 8o* *ill $t%dent$ interact *ith the ,aterial) 8o*;*hen *ill #o% check for %nder$tanding) 8o* *ill #o% addre$$ ,i$%nder$tanding$) "h# *ill $t%dent$ be engaged)

Grade 7 and Grade 8: St%dent$ *ill be introd%ced b# %$ing a (ariet# of ,ethod$+ (ideo t%torial, an a%thentic 2%e$tion %$ing c%rrent e(ent$, or a $hock and =a*e> to get attention. St%dent$ ,a# be gi(en &roble, and an$*er and a$ked to brain$tor, ho* an$*er *a$ deri(ed. Grade 7 and Grade 8: Students 6ill 6or$ independentl! and cooperati5el! on assignment using indi5idual 6hite boards Continual re5ie6 o% pre5ious topics 6ill be hit on each da! "ail! Bell 6or$ 6ill consist o% pre5ious learned topics Misunderstandings 6ill be addressed on indi5idual basis or 6hole class instruction depending on the amount o% students ha5ing the same mista$e Students 6ill be engaged b! indi5idual or collaborate 6or$ing on assignment Grade 7 and Grade 8:
Students will odel prior concepts that were learned. Students will co plete indi,idual8 s all group8 pair partners( to drill8practice past and new concepts. Students will be engaged by indi,idual white boards( role playing( and ga es 6when applicable7. 3t is i portant for students to be engaged to retain infor ation and stay on tas/. 9rade -- te!t pages ""5-"'&. $or/boo/ pages &"-&6. 9rade #- te!t pages *'"-*6& and $% pages -5-#*.

+uided Practice :BB min <

8o* *ill $t%dent$ &ractice all kno*ledge;$kill$ re2%ired of the ob'ecti(e, *ith #o%r $%&&ort, $%ch that the# contin%e to internali<e the ke# &oint$) 8o* *ill #o% en$%re that $t%dent$ ha(e ,%lti&le o&&ort%nitie$ to &ractice, *ith e:erci$e$ $caffold fro, ea$# to hard) 8o*;*hen *ill #o% ,onitor &erfor,ance to check for %nder$tanding) 8o* *ill #o% addre$$ ,i$%nder$tanding$) "h# *ill $t%dent$ be engaged)

0."-P-."-.T P@ACT0C- :BB min <

8o* *ill $t%dent$ inde&endentl# &ractice the kno*ledge and $kill$ re2%ired of the ob'ecti(e, $%ch that the# $olidif# their internali<ation of the ke# &oint$ &rior to the le$$on a$$e$$,ent) "hen and ho* *o%ld #o% inter(ene to $%&&ort thi$ &ractice) 8o* *ill #o% &ro(ide o&&ort%nitie$ for re,ediation and e:ten$ion) "h# *ill $t%dent$ be engaged)

Grade 7 and Grade 8: ASS-SSM-.T:

De$cribe, briefl#, *hat $t%dent$ *ill do to $ho* #o% that the# ha(e ,a$tered @or ,ade &rogre$$ to*ardA the ob'ecti(e. ?ell *ork, for,al and infor,al a$$e$$,ent @Cha&ter te$t$;$e,e$ter e:a,$A, 2%e$tion and an$*er, th%,b$ %&;th%,b$ do*nB..

"hat c%rric%l%, ,odification$ and;or cla$$roo, acco,,odation$ *ill #o% ,ake for St%dent$ *ith Di$abilitie$;Gifted in #o%r cla$$) ?e a$ $&ecific a$ &o$$ible.
3S3 Acco,,odation$ Check for co,&rehen$ion, (i$%al aid$, ,odeling, in$tr%ction in $elf-deter,ination, e:tended ti,e, $hortened a$$ign,ent$, differentiated in$tr%ction, direct in$tr%ction, think-&air-$hare 3C Acco,,odation$A+ Differentiated 2%e$tioning, e:ten$ion acti(itie$, cl%$ter gro%&ing 300 Acco,,odation$+ Si,&lified 1ocab%lar#, $&eak clearl#, differentiated in$tr%ction, differentiated 2%e$tioning, check for %nder$tanding, ThinkCair-Share, ,ani&%lati(e; hand$-7n Acti(itie$, gra&hic organi<er$

Grade 7 and Grade +

.e,ediation *ill be a$$e$$ed b# the indi(id%al need$ of all $t%dent$. So,e re,ediation techni2%e$ are+ check for co,&rehen$ion, (i$%al aid$, ,odeling, in$tr%ction in $elf-deter,ination, e:tended ti,e, $hortened a$$ign,ent$, differentiated in$tr%ction, direct in$tr%ction, think-&air-$hare, Differentiated

Lesson Plan Template Common Core Aligned

2%e$tioning, e:ten$ion acti(itie$, cl%$ter gro%&ing, *ork$heet$ *ill be aligned according to the indi(id%al need$.

A,M-#,@3 :i% appropriate<

8o* *ill $t%dent$ &ractice *hat the# learned)

+rade 7: Monda#- D3-DE T%e$da#- "? &age DF "edne$da#- "? &age D2 Th%r$da#- 1ocab "heel /rida#+ Te:t &age$ 3!7-D +rade 8: Monda#- "? &age 7 T%e$da#- "? &age 7D- F "edne$da#- "? &age 1- 2 Th%r$da#- "ork$heet /rida#- T3ST

Doe$ thi$ le$$on reflect one of the =$hift$> in in$tr%ction) -$ $o, *hich $hift and ho*) 8o* did thi$ le$$on $%&&ort 21 $t Cent%r# Skill$) 8o* did thi$ le$$on reflect acade,ic rigor) 8o* did thi$ le$$on cogniti(el# engage $t%dent$) 8o* did thi$ le$$on engage $t%dent$ in collaborati(e learning and enhance their collaborati(e learning $kill$) Mo$t 0e$$on Clan$ $ho%ld reflect+ St%dent$ a$ *orker$, teacher$ a$ coachG ,%lti&le $%b'ect integrationG higher order thinking;critical thinkingG di(er$ified acti(itie$ and differentiationG a%thentic a$$e$$,ent ,ethod$G technolog# inf%$ed co,&onent$G learning e:ten$ion o&&ort%nitie$G reinforce$ o%r core (al%e$ of 3//7.T, .3SC3CT, 7"43.S8-C, and SA/3THG choice, collaboration, o%tdoor co,&onent$, ,ini,al lect%re and ,ini,al te:tbook e,&ha$i$ ?AS-C ?7A.D C74/-G6.AT-74+ Date Cla$$ 7b'ecti(e$ Cla$$ Agenda o(er(ie*;ti,e$ for acti(itie$

Lesson Plan Template Common Core Aligned

Crod%ct$;a$$e$$,ent d%e at end of &eriod 3:ten$ion;ho,e*ork for the da#

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