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ROFEROS BSED Earner Panabo City

Date: August 17, 2012


Subject: Topic: Time: Computer Education Software 3 hours, 1hr/day

Stage 1 Desired Results

Established Goals Operate basic computer applications. Distinguish between system software and application software. Identify different types of software, general concepts related to software categories, and the tasks to which each type of software is most suited or not suited. Enduring Understandings Students will understand that 1. The use of software is an essential part of operating basic computer applications. 2. Software programs are of different types and runs according to what the user want as an output. Essential !uestions 1. hat is the purpose of software! 2. "ow we#ll be able to use different types of software beneficial in the future!

Students "ill #no"$%

Students "ill be able to$%

1. System software and application software are 1. Differentiate between system software and used for different purposes. application software. 2. System software includes the operating system. 2. Identify types of system software. $. %pplication software is designed to help users $. &tili'e application software to perform certain perform certain tasks. tasks.

(age 1

Stage & A''e(table E)iden'e

Per*or+an'e Tas# Situation )ou are the technology coordinator for a school. %s the technology coordinator for a school district, you ha*e been asked to present information regarding the different types of software and the purpose of *arious programs. )our goal is to categori'e software as either system or application, and identify *arious types of programs for application software. )ou will create a multimedia presentation that will be presented to the class. )our multimedia presentation will include the following+ Definition of software (urpose of system *s. application software %d*antages,benefits and disad*antages in using software to mankind Types of programs for application software -.ample output of each program ,e- .riteria /ubric with the following criteria for presentation+ Includes all re0uired information Includes design or theme Includes animation Includes clipart, graphics, etc. (rofessional and *isually appealing

Stage / Learning Plan

Learning A'ti)ities Students will be presented with graphic organi'er (multimedia presentation, movie clippings, and the like) to identify different types of application software programs and will know its purpose,s. 1ocabulary 0ui' will be gi*en to the students. Students will be gi*en task to present one e.ample output of any kinds of software. 2roup discussions about the ad*antages, disad*antages, uses and effects of using software in day3to3day li*ing. Presentation of what they had discussed will be presented in front of the class.

(age 2

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