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Roxys Licensed Child Care

Contract & Provider Policies

Parent/Guardian: __________________________________________________________________ Child(ren): _________________________________________ Start Date: ____________ Business Hours: M onday-Friday 7:00am -5:00pm . Contracted days and hours of care for the child(ren) listed above: _________________________________________________________________________ RATE/PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS Rate: _____________ per _________ for (circle one) part-tim e care/full-tim e care.

Parent em ail addresses: ____________________________________________________________________

At Roxys Licensed Child Care, you are paying for a specific spot within m y child care, so no discounts are given if your child does not com e to daycare. This includes parent vacation, and exclusion due to illness. Paym ent is to be made prior to vacation.

PAYMENT SCHEDULE: Tuition is payable in advance and is due no later than drop off on the first day of the week the child is contracted for care. No exceptions are made for absences due to illness, vacation, or other reasons. You can always pay early. Paym ent is still due the first of the week.

A fee of $25 per day will be charged for late paym ents beginning with the second contracted day of care regardless of childs attendance. Returned checks: Parent will be billed $35.00 plus bank fees for insufficient bank funds.

LATE PICKUP FEES will be charged if a child is picked up after business hours. If you pick your child up after 5:00 p.m. the following fees will be imposed:

TIME 5:01-5:15 5:16-5:30 5:31-until

SURCHARGE $10.00 $20.00 $20.00 plus $1.00 per minute

**Phone calls, texts, or emails to notify of late arrival will not exempt a late fee charge. Accounts will be billed. Daycare will be closed with pay on the following Holidays: New Years Day, M em orial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving, Christm as Eve, and Christm as Day. OTHER CLOSURES: If I take any additional days off for vacation, illness, fam ily em ergency, trainings or workshops, etc. it is the parents responsibility to have back-up care available. PROVIDER PTO DAYS: I am allowed 15 personal days with pay per calendar year. I will give at least two weeks notice of personal tim e off. MEDICAL EMERGENCIES: M inor bum ps and scratches are inevitable, but I m ake every effort to keep the children safe through supervision and childproofing. M inor injuries receive appropriate first aid, and if an em ergency injury or illness occurs, you will be contacted as soon as possible. If necessary, your child will be taken to the nearest hospital by am bulance where you will be asked to m eet him /her. EMERGENCY CONSENT: AS THE PARENT OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, I HEREBY GIVE CONSENT TO ROXANNE OR CHRISTOPHER NEUBAUER TO OBTAIN ALL EM ERGENCY M EDICAL OR DENTAL CARE PRESCRIBED BY A LICENSED PHYSICIAN (M .D.), OSTEOPATH (D.O.), DENTIST (D.D.S.), OR ADVISED BY AM BULANCE STAFF FOR _________________________ THIS CARE M AY BE GIVEN UNDER W HATEVER CONDITIONS NECESSARY TO PRESERVE THE LIFE, LIM B, OR W ELL BEING OF THE CHILD NAM ED ABOVE. PARENT SIGNATURE_______________________________________ DATE______________________ Parents are responsible for all costs involved in em ergency m edical treatm ent that is not covered by daycare insurance, including em ergency transportation if required.

ILLNESS: No child will be accepted with a fever, vom iting, diarrhea, runny crusty eyes, or unexplained rash or has had any of these sym ptom s within the last 24 hours. Should the child becom e ill during his/her day here, parents will be notified and we will determ ine the best course of action concerning appropriate care, which m ay include the child being taken hom e. If a child is thought to have a com m unicable disease, parents will be notified and asked to pick him /her up. The child will be isolated from the other children and given special attention and com fort until parents arrive. The child will be accepted back when no longer contagious. All other parents will be notified of the possibility of a com m unicable disease and what sym ptom s to watch for. HAND W ASHING. Per child care licensing rules, everyone m ust dry their hands on a single use towel. M y set up includes a basket of folded washcloths, and a wastebasket with a lid. Children are explained that after washing hands they are to take one washcloth, dry hands, and put it in the garbage. I will then wash/disinfect the washcloths by washing them in the washing m achine with bleach and hot water.

MEDICATION: Both nonprescription and prescription m edications, ointm ents, and cream s can be given to your child if needed. Parents are required to fill out proper form s and supply all m edications in their original containers. These m ust be labeled with the childs nam e.

W ATER PLAY: Sprinklers and other sim ilar water play activities will be played at the child care hom e.

HOUSE RULES: The following rules are reinforced for the safety and well-being of everyone. There is no running in the house. There is no hitting, biting, grabbing, kicking, pinching, or pushing other children. Obscene language is not allowed. Respectful treatm ent of other children and all property, toys, and furniture is expected. W illful destruction of property will be charged to the parent at the cost to replace the item .

DISCIPLINE: M y philosophy is that you use discipline to teach a child. I achieve this through love, consistency, and firm ness. The children are explained the rules of the daycare hom e frequently so that all know the guidelines. Once a child understands the rules and disobeys

them , the following developm entally appropriate guidance techniques will be used. These techniques are: Redirection- Tim e out- Rem oval of privilege- Last resort when a childs behavior is continually upsetting or dangerous to m e or others, and conference will be called with the parents. If the problem cannot be resolved, arrangem ents will have to be m ade for the child to go elsewhere for care, and could result in im m ediate term ination of care.

ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE: Children are to arrive clean and fed (if arriving after 8:00am.) It is norm al for the children to be hesitant and som etim es even cry when dropping them off. Please be very brief (no m ore than 1 minute is sufficient) during drop off tim es; the longer you prolong the departure the harder it gets. A sm ile, cheerful goodbye kiss, and a reassuring word that you will be back is all you need to do.

SUPPLIES: Parents are required to bring a sleeping bag and pillow for rest tim e to be kept at the daycare hom e and a com plete change of clothing (including socks) appropriate for the weather. Soiled clothing will be sent hom e and a clean change of clothes should be brought back the next day. Good clothing is not recom m ended. Parents will be asked to bring bathing suits to be kept at daycare in the sum m er. Appropriate hats, m ittens, and boots m ust be brought to daycare to be kept here or as requested. All item s need to be labeled with your childs initials. Parents m ust m aintain these item s at all tim es. Parents are required to supply diapers, and baby wipes. I will notify you when your childs supply needs to be replenished. Parents should also bring an infants/childs pain reliever, diaper rash ointment (if used), and a sm all daily bag or backpack. I will not supply any m edications, or cream s.

TOYS: Please do not bring toys, books, or electronic devices from home. No toys should be brought to daycare unless it is a special show and tell day. If a child com es to daycare with som ething special they will be asked to leave it in the car for after daycare.

BIRTHDAY/PARTIES: Parents can bring a special store bought treat to share for the childs birthday. No full-sized cupcakes or sheet cakes please.

MEALS: All food will be provided at no additional charge. This includes breakfast for children arriving before 8:00am, m orning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack. Parents are responsible for feeding the child if he/she will be arriving at daycare after a m ealtime. Parents m ay look at the full day m enus at any tim e upon request. If your child requires a

m odified diet, I will need a physicians written instructions or you can provide food for your child with no discount given by provider, tuition rates will not change.

NAP/REST TIME: Each child is required to have a rest period.

Nap/Rest tim e will be

directly after lunch/recess, approxim ately 1:00 - 3:30pm . I also ask that parents do not bring children in or pick up during this tim e as it has proven to be very disruptive to the other children. If you need to pick up during nap tim e, please let m e know (sending m e a text works best) and I will try to have your child ready. Please be as quiet as possible so it doesnt disturb the other children.

PETS: W e have two English Labs, Harm ony and Hershey. Both girls are up to date on shots, and have M ounds View Anim al Licenses. Our dogs spend m ost of the day away from the children, but are occasionally upstairs during the day. Both are very well m annered. Both of them have been with us since they were 8 weeks old, so they have been around children their entire life. Our dogs are never allowed on the playground, or in other play areas.

IMMUNIZATIONS: M innesota law requires written proof of certain shots for children in licensed child care. Parents are responsible to give provider a new copy of Im m unization after anytim e their child has shots. For the safety of everyone at daycare, including m yself, I reserve the right to not enroll fam ilies that have not received all im m unizations required by the law for child care.

DAILY CHILDCARE REPORTS: I use daily reports to com m unicate im portant inform ation to parents. This is where parents will be notified about any pto days that I plan to take off, any illnesses going around daycare, if your child needs additional clothing or other item s at daycare, if an em ergency has com e up and I have to close daycare for the day, etc. It is the parents responsibility to read their em ailed report each day.

PICTURES: From time to tim e I will take photographs of the children in m y child care during activities or at special events. Please provide consent on this below. I give perm ission for ________________s photo to betaken at Roxys Licensed Child Care, and for m y childs photo to be uploaded onto m y daily reports, and to be used on Roxys child care website. Signature of Parent: ___________________________________________ Date____________________


I give perm ission for my/our child, ______________________________________, to walk to and/or participate in activities geared for m y child, but away from the daycare hom e under the supervision of a provider or adult helper.

I give perm ission for my school-age child, _____________________________________, to participate in _____________________________________________ (nam e of activity), outside the residence. I understand that m y child will not be under the supervision of the daycare provider, substitute, or helper.

Parent Signature________________________________________________ Date_________________________________ GENERAL: Parents are required to notify m e by 8am if their child will not be com ing for the day. Parents are required to keep m e informed of any change in addresses, telephone num bers, and other pertinent inform ation. Parents are required to inform m e if they are at any other location that what is listed on their Enrollm ent Record and to provide a telephone num ber for that place. I understand that if the Provider has not m et som eone from m y approved pick-up list, a photo ID M UST be shown before release is m ade and I m ust inform the provider in advance that alternate arrangem ents for pick-up have been m ade. No sm oking is allowed on the prem ises. The daycare hom e will have a fire drill at least once per m onth. Provider will prom ptly report to the proper authorities any sign of neglect or abuse of the children in care. CHEMICAL/SUBSTANCE ABUSE POLICY: I will not use non-prescription, m ood altering m edication, illegal drugs, or alcohol during the hours of m y daycare operation. In addition, children will not be released to a parent/pick up person who I believe is intoxicated. An alternate contact will be called for pick up. GRIEVANCE POLICY: If a problem exists, please notify m e im mediately. I ask that you speak with me directly to resolve any issues or concerns you m ay have. W e will work together, and try to find a solution to the problem . If we are unable to reach an agreem ent to satisfy both parent, and provider, m ay subm it a written two week notice for term ination of care.

TRIAL PERIOD AND TERMINATION OF SERVICE: The first 10 days of scheduled, contracted care from the childs start date are the probationary period for the provider, child, and the parent. This agreem ent m ay be terminated at any tim e during this period.

After the probationary period, this agreem ent m ay be term inated by either party by giving a two-weeks written notice if the child or children are to be perm anently withdrawn from daycare. Provider will give the fam ily a m inim um of two-weeks written notice of any increase in fees or significant changes to this agreem ent.

Required Enrollm ent Form s Checklist: G Adm ission & Arrangem ents G Im m unizations G M andated Reporter Notification G Perm ission to Adm inister G Liability Insurance Notice G Contract & Provider Policies G Food Program Enrollm ent Form

Contracts and required daycare paperwork will be updated annually, at the beginning of the year. Parents will be asked to sign and return the new contract. Any and all additions/changes to this contract must be initialed by both the parent and the provider to be valid. I have read and fully understand this contract. By signing this agreement, I agree to comply with all terms here in. I have reviewed the above information with Roxy, and I understand the Policies of Roxys Licensed Child Care.

Parent Signature:___________________________________________ Date:_____________ Parent Signature:____________________________________________ Date:____________ Provider Signature: ________________________________________ Date: ____________

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