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Narrative (Moment) Writing Rubric 5.W.

3 Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective techniques descriptive details and clear event sequences. #tud !each !as" #trong (M$) Refining (%$) Rudimentar& (W')
ent er

5.W.3a (establis ha situation ) 5.W.3b (narrativ e techniqu es)

( have a moment that has a purpose and is clearl& sho)n through the narrative.

( have a moment that has a purpose and is starting to build.

( have a stor& but its purpose is not clear.

5.W.3c (sequenc e of events)

5.W.3d ()ord choice)

( used different narrative techniques to ma"e the stor& interesting bring characters to life and help the reader visuali*e important parts of the stor&. ,vents unfold naturall&- the plot is strong focuses on a "e& conflict problem or challenge to be resolved. ( used different transitions to connect events and move the narrative along. ( used concrete )ords phrases details and sensor& language that give the )riting energ& and brings the narrative to life.

( used narrative techniques but a variet& of )ell+chosen ones )ould add interest to the stor& and add life to the characters (more sho) not tell). ,vents unfold naturall&- but the plot needs a tighter connection to the conflict problem or challenge to be resolved. ( used appropriate transitions connect events and move the narrative along. ( used concrete )ords phrases details and sensor& language in parts of the )riting. $arts of the )riting are brought to life )ith good )ord choice and other parts are difficult to understand or visuali*e. !he conclusion )raps the ideas up and follo)s the events

( used fe) narrative techniques. !he )riting does not have enough details to clearl& visuali*e the action and characters.

,vents move slo)l& out of order or are hard to follo)- there is a hint of the conflict problem or challenge in the plot. 'asic transitions connect parts of the narrative. M& choice of )ords is limited to general functional or vague language- )ea" )ord choice dulls the )riting and clouds its meaning.

5.W..e (conclusi

!he conclusion ties all events together )ith a satisf&ing or

!he narrative has an ending but the reader is left )ith some


understandable solution to the situation problem or challenge.


questions about ho) the conflict problem or challenge is resolved.

!as" 5.0.1 and 5.0..

#trong (M$)

/onventions Refining (%$) ( have minimal errors )ith spelling grammar and punctuations and the errors do not distract the reader. M& narrative is eas& to read.

Rudimentar& (W') ( have man& errors )ith spelling grammar and punctuations that distract the reader and ma"e m& narrative difficult to read.

#tud ent

!each er

( consistentl& use correct spelling grammar and (grammar punctuations. M& narrative is capitali*ati eas& to read ad the )riting on spelling flo)s. 2t times ( m& tr& to and punctuatio include more complex conventions. n) Reflection3

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