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by Dr. Preston T. Bailey, Jr.

In the name o Jes!s Christ an" thro!#h $is she" bloo", I bin" all e%il s&irits, astral &ro'e(te" s&irits, or hybri" s&irits that are tryin# to h!rt or in l!en(e me. As one that has a((e&te" Jes!s Christ as &ersonal )a%ior an" *or", I reno!n(e all the sins o my an(estors ba(+ to ten #enerations an" all orms o ,it(h(ra t that I ha%e &arti(i&ate" in or &ra(ti(e" in any ,ay. )in(e I ha%e been (o-(r!(i ie" ,ith Christ, I (an(el all "emoni( ,or+in#s a#ainst me an" nail to the (ross all (!rses, e%il &rayers, he./s, s&ells, &lots, or e%il s(hemes that ha%e been &la(e" a#ainst me an" (laim by aith they are n!ll an" %oi" an" (o%ere" !n"er the bloo" o Christ. I no, ta+e ba(+ all #ro!n" I ha%e #i%en o%er to )atan by my sins an" the sins o my an(estors an" (laim by aith that they are all or#i%en an" (leanse" by the bloo" o Jes!s Christ. I (laim that #ro!n" ba(+ by the a!thority o the *or" Jes!s Christ an" "e"i(ate it to the *or". I yiel" by aith e%ery area o my li e o%er to the *or"shi& o Christ an" !ll (ontrol o the $oly )&irit. I "e"i(ate my s&irit, so!l, an" bo"y to Jes!s Christ an" (laim by aith that I am ille" ,ith the &o,er o the $oly )&irit. )in(e I ha%e been (r!(i ie" an" raise" ,ith Christ, I (laim by aith that thro!#h the *or" Jes!s Christ that I (an "o all thin#s. From this moment on, I brea+ all hol"s that )atan has ha" on me an" reno!n(e them by the bloo" o Jes!s Christ. I (laim by aith I ha%e on the ,hole armor o 0o", the shiel" o aith to 1!en(h all the iery "arts o the ,i(+e" one, the s,or" o the )&irit to "e eat all my enemies, an" am (o%ere" !n"er the bloo" o Christ. All this I (laim in the name an" a!thority o the *or" Jes!s Christ. A2EN3

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