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August 532=

.ea thy Destinations 532= A""a achian *rai Cha enge

+! .e Can Do +t0 You Can *oo9

?o $ 2 +ssue E

Ne(t Check in and )ecture

*o"ic: +%"ortance o! Physica Acti,ity by -.P .ea th Coach Date: /ednesday0 August 1 *i%e: 2:33"%45:33"% /here: Con!erence 6oo% 275 Those of you who can make it to the lecture will earn 8 %i es.
For any lectures you miss throughout the summer challenge, you can view the PowerPoints on SHIP and complete the qui to o!tain 8 %i es9

If you think you/re too old or out of shape to hike the $ppalachian Trail, think again. 0arl 1ook is proof that it is still possi!le. 0arl, from Stephens &ity, #irginia, was 22 years old when he started hiking the trail and raised over 34,((( for the $merican Institute for &ancer 5esearch. It took him three summers to complete the whole trail from "eorgia to 6aine. 0arl had no previous hiking e.perience !efore starting his 7ourney. 8n top of that, he even hiked after a dou!le knee replacement surgery) His inspirational story can !e motivation to all of us whether we are e.pert athletes or 7ust starting an e.ercise regime. For the full story on 0arl 1ook and tips on planning a hiking trip, please visit9!lications:newsletter:;('<=winter=';(:hiking= the=appalachian=trail.html -ar Zook of Stephens &ity, #irginia, hiked sections of the trail in every state and rested !etween them. @This e.perience was one of the greatest chapters of my life)B he e.claimed.

*:P 8 PA6*+C+PAN*S:
;<"dated as o! 8#8#2=>

2$ ?a ery *ho%"son @ 252A %i es 5$ Benni!er Barde e'a @ 2535$8 %i es =$ Corine Centi e @ 225D %i es A$ Cene Aha t @ 8=3 %i es 8$ .ai uyante Astatke @ 828 %i es "ene and Hailuyante !oth are in the last half of the state of #irginia on the $ppalachian Trail. #alery, %ennifer, and &orine all have over ',((( miles) They have successfully hiked through "eorgia, Tennessee, *orth &arolina, and #irginia) They are over half way through the $ppalachian Trail at the end of week +,. -e applaud all of our active challenge participants for their hard work and healthy lifestyles. -e also encourage all of our participants to keep e.ercising, and to turn in tracking sheets)

/ays to get Fonus Gi es:

Send us "ictures of you hiking on the $ppalachian Trail) Turn in your Hnow Your Nu%bers card for >( !onus miles. ?nowing your num!ers helps you understand your health. Take charge !y making positive steps to !etter health. #isit the *utrition Ta!le outside the cafeteria to get the @?now Aour *um!ersB card. #isit your doctor/s office Cor call if you have had a physical in the past yearD for !lood screenings E Aou will have a final chance for physical screening CFP, weight, G !ody fat, waist circumference, F6ID on -ednesday, Septem!er ''.

Did you know? August 8 is: Sneak Zucchini onto Your Neighbors Porch Night? Check out site be ow to !ind out a about it
htt":##www$we cat$co%#august#sneak&so%e&'ucchini&onto&your&ne$ht%

August 532=

.ea thy Destinations 532= A""a achian *rai Cha enge

DonIt !ee De"ri,ed9

?o $ 2 +ssue E

Trying to eat healthier !ut missing those comfort foods like pi aH Ion/t make yourself feel deprived from these foods, 7ust find healthier options of them) Here is a great alternative to pi a that leaves you with all the pleasure !ut not the calories9

Cau i! ower Pi''a Crust

' medium head cau i! ower, chopped ' cup shredded part=skim %o''are a cheese ' large egg ':; teaspoon gar ic "owder ':; teaspoon dried oregano ':J teaspoon sa t Preheat the oven to J(( degrees F and line a large !aking sheet with parchment paper In a food processor, pulse the cauliflower until itKs in very small pieces. Transfer to a microwave=safe !owl and microwave until tender, a!out J minutes. Let the cauliflower cool for several minutes. -rap the cooled cauliflower in a kitchen towel and squee e out any e.cess liquid. In a medium !owl, com!ine the cauliflower, mo arella cheese, egg, garlic powder, oregano, and salt and stir to com!ine. Iivide the mi.ture into 2 equal parts and form each one into a !all. Press and flatten the !alls into circles or fun shapes, and place them onto the prepared !aking sheet. Fake the pi a crusts for '> minutes then flip them over and continue !aking until firm and light golden !rown, a!out '> minutes. Leave the oven on.

Picture taken from eating!

.o%e%ade *o%ato Sauce

Ingredients9 =':J cup 8live 8il =, Tomatoes, chopped =< 8nions, minced =; "reen Fell Peppers, minced =J "arlic &loves, minced =< ta!lespoons -hite -ine =Salt M Pepper to taste =8regano In a large saucepan, heat oil over medium heatN add tomatoes, onions, green !ell peppers, garlic, white wine and salt and pepper to taste. 6i. ingredients wellN cover and simmer for <( minutes. Serve.

8nce the crusts are complete top them with your favorite pi a toppings. Some great ideas are green peppers, spinach, mushrooms, !ell peppers, !eans or onions. Feel free to make your own com!inations to find the pi a that pleases you the most. This delicious pi a is a sneaky way to get e.tra veggies in your diet and acts as a great alternative to anyone with gluten sensitivities. 5ecipe Provided !y!log:;('<:(4:(2:fun=mini=pi as= veggies=cauliflower=crust

)ow Sodiu% *o%ato Sauce:

6arinara sauces and tomato sauces are !oth heavy in sodium. These sauces also hide sugar in their recipes. &hoosing options with low sodium values or simply making your own are !oth wonderful options to help you cut !ack on the sodium. There are many recipes online for making your own tomato sauce. 8ne is provided to the left.

5ecipe provided !y $

August 532=

.ea thy Destinations 532= A""a achian *rai Cha enge

.o d the Sa t9

?o $ 2 +ssue E

Sodium seems to have taken center stage in many of our diets !ut itKs time we cut !ack and let sodium have more of a !ackground role again. The Iietary "uidelines for $mericans recommends consuming less than ;,<(( mg of sodium each day and '>(( mg for anyone >' or older, which is most of the staff at Su!ur!an Hospital) 6ost $mericans consume e.cessive amounts of sodium. 0.cess sodium in our diets can have a negative effect on our health. Sodium can raise !lood pressure, lead to kidney disease and cause fluid retention in our !odies C6ayoD. However sodium does play an important role in our diets and helps regulate many systems in our !odies so simply taking a few steps to reduce our intake is all that is needed. 8ne great way to reduce our sodium intake is to simply take the salt shakers off of our ta!les. 6any foods contain sodium already so adding more !y dumping salt on them is not necessary. Instead it is a wiser choice to !oost food flavors with her!s and spices) 6any her!s and spices have !eneficial health properties so not only are you improving flavor !ut you are improving your health as well. $nother way to reduce your sodium intake is to read your food la!els. Sodium can hide in a variety of products. The main sources of sodium come from processed foods and fro en foods. &utting such foods from our diets completely is not feasi!le for most people, so making wiser choices like choosing the !rands with less sodium or choosing items la!eled as low sodium is the smarter decision. Fe careful !y la!els that read Kreduced sodiumK, these foods can still contain a whooping amount of sodiumN it 7ust means that it contains ;>G less sodium than the regular product C6ayoD. -atch out for the condiments you use. Iuring the summer time, it/s popular to have FFPs and load !urgers with ketchup and slather hot dogs in relish. Qse the advice from a!ove and read the la!els !efore topping your food with hidden sodium traps. 6ake smarter swaps like topping your !urger with fresh salsa and avocado or adding mustard to your hot dog. 8r !etter yet, skip the hot dog)
6ayo &linic Staff. Sodium9 How to tame your salt ha!it = 6ayo& 6ayo &linic. 5etrieved %uly ';, ;('<, from

-(ercise o! the /eek: .ot Yoga9

This is a type of yoga that is performed in hot and humid conditions. The idea !ehind it is that it keeps the temperature of your muscles up and improves fle.i!ility. It also can help release to.ins from your !ody and improve your immune system. There are many variations of hot yoga. Hot yoga is typically performed in a room that ranges from O( F to '(> F. Hot yoga may not !e for everyone due to the intense heat and humidity. If you choose to participate in hot yoga, follow your instructor/s directions, know your !ody/s limits, and stay hydrated)

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