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Book Club Expectations and Rubric

Come to class prepared ____/10

Bring your book, do your reading, complete your assignments! Participate in every meeting ____/10

Share your thoughts, listen to others, respond- converse! Stay on task ____/10

Stay focused on discussion of the novel during meetings. When your meeting is over, you should begin reading the next assigned section, or, your DEAR book. Be respectful ____/10

Listen respectfully, avoid disruptive behaviors, be appropriate in your words and behaviors.

Absences: If you are absent from school on the day of a book club, you need to see me the day you return to school for a brief meeting regarding the reading you did and the assignments you completed. Failure to schedule and attend such a meeting the day you return to school will result in a grade of zero for that book club meeting.

Calendar : Attached, you will find a calendar with the book club meetings marked. You need to work together with your group to come up with a reading schedule that will allow you to finish the book by the last scheduled book club meeting. Assignments: Each time your group meets, you will be expected to have completed the assigned reading as well as some assignments. For each meeting, I will expect you to have generated a claim about the section you read and selected three quotes (evidence) to support that claim. You will also be expected to write three thick questions about the section you have been assigned to read. All quotes should be selected from the reading assigned for that meeting. You will also be expected to look for and note any signposts in the reading. The group will keep a master copy of all signposts that have been found that will be turned in for a grade at the end of the book club. Final Assessment: On the Friday after we finish our book clubs, I will expect you to write an Open Ended Response about the book you read. This will count as your final assessment for the book.

Meeting 1- Planning: Tuesday February 11th Meeting 2Meeting 3Meeting 4Meeting 5Meeting 6Meeting 7Friday February 14th Tuesday February 18th Thursday February 20th Monday February 24th Wednesday February 26th Friday February 28th

Meeting 8- Wednesday March 5th Final Assessment: Friday March 7th

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