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Name: Diya Nag 1.

Leg Lifts Hold onto steady object Swing one leg out to side Swing leg back in front of other leg Repeat 10 times on either leg Importance: Leg lifts activate the gluteus and quad muscles as well as warm up the hip joint which are all used in walking and jogging.

Dynamic Warm-up for walking and Jogging

2. Butt Kicks Walk forward With each step, lift the heel of one foot up behind you so that it touches your backside Alternate legs Do 10 reps on each side

Importance: Butt Kicks activate the quads and warm up the knees, which are both used in walking and jogging.

3. Hacky Sack Lift your left leg up so that your knee is bent outwards to the left Touch the inside of your left foot with your right hand Try to not bend forwards Alternate sides, repeating ten times on each side Importance: The Hacky Sack activates your hamstrings which are used in walking and jogging.

4. Toy Soldier Walk forward Lift your right leg up with our knee straight Flex your right foot Keeping your leg straight, return it to the ground Alternate lifting your left and right legs Do 10 reps on each side Importance: The Toy Soldier activates the hamstring and gluteus muscles which are used in walking and jogging.

5. High Knees Walk forward Bending your knee, lift your right leg up to waist height and tapping your leg to your right hand (which should also be at waist height) Alternate lifting legs Do 10 reps on each side

Importance: This activates the gluteus and hamstring muscles which are used in walking and jogging.

6. Jump Squats Stand with your feet shoulder width apart Hold your hands on your hips Squat down and lower your hips until your quads are parallel to the ground Jump off the ground Land softly Repeat 6 times Importance: This activates the gluteus, quad, hamstring, and calf muscles which are all used in walking and jogging.

7. Jump Lunges Stand with one foot extended forward and one foot behind you Drop your hips down and jump into the air While in the air, switch legs so that your forward foot is now behind you. Land softly Repeat 6 times Importance: This activates the gluteus, quad, hamstring, and calf muscles, as well as warms up the hip joint which are all used in walking and jogging.

8. Hip Stretch Twist Start in push up position Bring right foot up to right hand, keeping your hips down and back flat Lift left hand, and twist hips so that left hand is extended towards the sky Return to push up position and repeat on other side Repeat 10 times Importance: This activates the core, upper, and middle back, as well as opens up the hip joint, which are all used to support the body while walking and jogging.

9. Knee to Chest Bending your knee, bring it up towards your chest. Grab knee with both hands and pull it closer towards your chest Hug your shin and hold for 5 seconds Alternate legs, while walking forward Repeat 10 times on each side Importance: This opens up the hip joint and stretches the hamstring which are both used for walking and jogging

10. Glute Bridge Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor Squeezing your gluteus muscles, raise your hips up Hold the position for 8 seconds Lower your hips back to the ground Repeat 8 times Importance: This activates the gluteus muscles which are used in walking and jogging.

Now youre all warmed up!!!

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