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Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers Task 1 Contextual Factors Chart

This chart is designed to help you to understand that many factors affect teaching and learning. They include the community, classroom procedures, the students, and the physical environment in which you will be teaching. All this information will help you to determine teaching strategies and approaches that will support your students learning. In this chart, address each of the characteristics listed as they pertain to your teaching assignment. (You must attach this document as an artifact in response textbox . . .!

Source of Factor

Contextual and Environmental Factors Greenwood district 50 is a rural community with a population of approximately 58,872. The median household income $37, 32. !ccordin" to a 200 community sur#ey there are $%.7& of households with a female with children where no hus'and is present. 7,83% people in the population ha#e not attained a hi"h school diploma. %.$& of the population is unemployed. There are ,$5$ students enrolled in Greenwood (istrict 50. 58& of these students recei#e free lunch and 5& recei#e reduced lunch. )0& of students are !frican !merican, $2& are *ispanic, and )5& are +aucasian. There are 8%5 students la'eled as ,--. $2& of students ha#e an .,/. /er pupil expenditure is $8,37$. 0prin"field ,lementary school currently has 5%% students enrolled. %)& of these students recei#e free lunch and 5& recei#e reduced lunch. The student to teacher ratio is 23.7 to $. This elementary school recei#ed an a'solute ratin" of 1"ood.2 This ratin"

Urban, suburban, or rural; socioeconomic; census data on families

Enrollment, percent free and reduced lunch; graduation rate; ethnic breakdown; percent with IEP; percent ELL; per pupil expenditure

Enrollment, percent free and reduced lunch; achievement scores; ethnic breakdown; percent with IEP; percent ELL; recognitions;

teacher student ratio

means that the school performance exceeds the standards toward the 2020 0+ /erformance 3ision. $$.3& of students ha#e an .,/. 3 & of students are !frican !merican, $%& are *ispanic, and )$& are +aucasian. There are 2) students in this )th "rade class. There are 5 males and ) female !frican !merican students. There are 5 male and 7 female +aucasian students. There are 3 *ispanic females 'ut only two are la'eled as ,--. There are ) students who recei#e extended resource and one of those students recei#es speech ser#ices. 8 students in the class are currently on medication for !(*(. ) students are enrolled in Gifted and Talented ser#ices. 4urthermore, 3 students li#e in alternate homes5 foster homes and home for a'used women and children. 7 students li#e in po#erty. This class tends to prefer more acti#e lessons and cannot focus for lon" periods of time. This class is more #ocal durin" discussions 'ut they lac6 an a'ility to wor6 in "roups effecti#ely. There are a lot of 'eha#ior pro'lems in this class that affect the a'ility to plan for more interacti#e lessons. 4or instance, one of the students in the classroom has #iolent tendencies that need to 'e planned for when plannin" small7 "roup acti#ities. 8ne o#erall area of interest in this class is music. .f a lesson in#ol#es some form of music, they are typically more in#ol#ed and enthusiastic.

Classroom Demogra hics

Ethnicit!, language needs, gender, identified special needs including gifted, ph!sical needs, and cultural characteristics

!no"ledge of Students
Learning st!les, prior learning experiences, academic proficiencies, behavioral differences, and areas of interest

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