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Elizabeth Walko Professor Reilly ELL Vocabulary Reflection

I loved working with Jack in class on Wednesday. I thought it was really helpful to be able to experience how we will have to interact and explain vocabulary words to our students. My word that I thought Jack might know was outcome. He was not sure such what the word meant or how to use it in a sentence. Therefore I had to prompt him. It was really interesting to see what he would be able to connect it to in order to understand the word better, and in the end he was able to better understand the word when I connected it to a hockey game. He was able to understand that when the Sharks beat the Penguins 3-1 that the Sharks winning was the outcome of the game. Lastly when Jack used outcome in a sentence he connected it to boat rides because that is something else he enjoys. One of the hardest parts about explaining the word was trying to not give him the answer. Another obstacle I faced was that at first Jack would try and use outcome as a verb, and it was hard for me to explain that it was not an action, even though what he associated the word to (the Sharks winning a game) was an action. But overall I thought the exercise went very well and was a lot of fun to actually work with the kids in class.

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