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Teknik Industri UPNVY

Pertemuan ke-1 Ir. Nur Indrianti, MT, D.Eng

Tujuan: Mahasiswa mengetahui what research is and how it is defined. No doubt about it: The more you research the better you do (Business Week, Innovation 1989, p. 177) In a frantic drive to keep up with foreign competition, US companies are trying their R&D labs more closely to business plans to speed up product development (Business Week, Innovation 1989, p.60)

the importance of research for business and industry how vital is to know to do good research

PENELITIAN Upaya yang sistematis dan teroganisir untuk menginvestigasi sebuah problem spesifik yang memerlukan penyelesaian Merupakan suatu rangkaian yang didesain dan diikuti dengan tujuan menemukan jawaban terhadap isu yang dihadapi. 1. To know where the problem areas are in the organization and to identify as clearly and specifically as possible the problems that need to be studied and rectified 2. a. To gather information, analyze data, and delineate the factors that are associated with the problem. b. By taking the necessary corrective action, the problem could be solved The entire process by which we attempt to solve problems is called research.

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Teknik Industri UPNVY

diligently, critically, objectively, and logically. The expected end result would be to discover new facts that will help us to deal with the problem situation.
tahu apa yang akan dicari dimana mencarinya bilamana sesuatu tersebut harus dicari Mampu membaca masalah Perlu nuansa pandang yang luas dan dinamis METODE ILMIAH (Davis, 1985) 4. Konseptual dan teoritis 1. Kritis, analitis 2. Logis 5. Empiris 3. Obyektif

The processes have to be carried out systematically,

PEMECAHAN SUATU MASALAH 1.Cara berpikir analitik Dasar-dasar pengetahuan umum ke persoalan khusus. Kesimpulan: deduktif 2.Cara berpikir sintetik Pengetahuan khusus Fakta-fakta unik Kesimpulan: induktif

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