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Dhabya Saeed Salma Albraiki Aisha Abdulla Ayesha Ahmed

Floods are formed when big waves are rolled on normally dry places, caused by a combination of heavy rainfall causing river or oceans to over flow their edge, Floods generally develop over a period of days and can happen at any time of the year, not just in the winter.

Flooding can be very dangerous, floods can make people drown and die, and can destroy a lot of peoples homes, as well as communication links when telephone lines are damaged.

Natural Causes
1. Excessive rains
2. Overflowing of rivers, lagoons, lakes,etc.

Human Causes
Bad agricultural practice.
Bad infrastructure.

Urban increase.

Not all floods are alike, some floods develop slowly, some times it takes over a period of days, but flash floods develops quickly, sometimes in just a few minutes.

How do floods happen? Floods happen when large amount of rain or snow melt and causes rivers to raise above their levels. Floods are one of the most dangerous force in nature.

Benefits of Floods
Floods can also bring many benefits such as recharging ground water, making soil more fertile and increase nutrients in some soils .

Climate change is related to flooding. When the climate is changing many frozen places start to melt so, sea level will raise and lots of islands will drown and other cities will have strong floods.

Types of floods

River Floods This is the most common type of

flooding it happens when rivers cannot carry all the extra water that falls as rain or melting snow comes.

Coastal Floods The coastal floods are caused

when the storm wind pushes the water up and creates high waves.

Flash Flash floods isFloods a quick flood

caused by a sudden cloudburst or thunder storm.

happen in a relatively short period of time and can inundate an area with several feet of water.

Urban Urban floods are floods that floods

Ponding floods Ponding is a type of flooding that can

happen in relatively flat areas. Rain water falling in an area is normally stored in the ground, in canals or lakes, or is drained away, or pumped out.

Human-made flooding We build dams on rivers to store

water for water supply and irrigation ,but in few rare causes dams designed for these jobs have collapsed ,causing deadly flood .

Tsunami Flooding
Tsunamis are usually caused by undersea earthquakes .if an earthquake caused the ocean floor to rise or full suddenly .

Flood site project.flood types .retrieved march 3,2013, from flood site: Fema.( 2013, feb 02).retrieved march 3, 2013 , from ready : Project shum .natural disaster-flood. retrieved march3, 2013 , from natural disaster : Law ting pong secondary school.(n.a ).types of floods. retrieved march 4, 2013 , from oracle think quest:

Kid cyber .(2009, June ).floods.retrieved march 4, 2013 , from planet earth:

Girish sharma.(n.a ).an essay / article on flood and its prevention .retrieved march 7, 2013 , from :

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