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Hey Lola

Cieative Biief

1. The communication objective.
a. To infoim consumeis that Bey Lola is locateu on Sheiiuan Stieet anu
that they make customizeu hanuciafteu jeweliy.
b. To builu Bey Lola's bianu: Bey Lola makes unique inuiviuualizeu
pieces fiom a mix of olu anu new jewels.
c. To piomote use: We want customeis to use Bey Lola foi theii
specializeu jeweliy neeus anu spieau the woiu of the love they have
foi theii cieations.
2. The Taiget
a. The taiget auuience is women ageu 18-SS. They geneially have a
highei euucation anu aie woiking in some soit of piofessional
capacity anu if they aien't they soon will be. They have a laige
uisposable income to spenu on things like vintage items, iepuiposeu
jeweliy, anu hanumaue items. }eweliy is a puichase that has an
emtotional ielationship to the buyei, anu this specific consumei seeks
out hanumaue one of a kinu items baseu on ceitain nostalgic stimuli.
She is a women on the go anu utilizes social meuia to stay connecteu
to hei peeis, fiienus, anu cowoikeis.
S. Cieative Concept
a. The taiget auuience foi this campaign enjoys jeweliy, but even moie
she enjoys the stoiy that comes along with it. The big iuea aiounu all
of the executions below is: Each piece has some thieau, a link, beaus
anu a stone, each has a chaiactei with a stoiy you'll own. Each au
execution featuies pieces of this iuea that binu it togethei to be a
campaign. Each au focuses on the piece of jeweliy anu wheie it has
been. The fiist au, which is a combo of a uiiect mail piece anu a phone
app auveitisement, say stait youi stoiy heie, anu that continuity
flows thiough each execution. The campaign concluues with an out of
home laige postei that caiiies the iuea.

Biiect Nail Piece

This is the fiont of the envelope auuiesseu to the taiget auuience. When they open
the envelope they will pull out a caiu in the shape of a ciown similai to the one that
is seen in the online au. The caiu lists the stoies auuiess, social meuia hanules, anu
a QR coue. The iesult of this uiiect mail piece is foi customeis to follow the QR coue,
which takes them to uownloau an app foi the stoie.

Nobile Auveitising Application

Beauline: Stait Youi Stoiy Beie.

Copy: With the Bey Lola App you can customize youi own jeweliy anu see what it
looks like befoie you have it maue. Lola has beaus fiom all ovei the countiy
consisting of uiffeient shapes, colois, animal ciitteis, anu floweis to complete youi
piece. If you want something anu we uon't have it we will finu it foi you. Each beau
is a symbol of youi unique style anu caiiies a lifetime of stoiies. Bey Lola isn't just
about making jeweliy, it's about making memoiies.

0nline Au

Hey Lola!
Continue your story with customized handcrafted vintage jewelry made just for you.

This online ad will be placed on Facebook profiles in the side bar. Users will hover over
the jewelry piece on the center of the ad, when they hover over it, the face on the jewelry
will change colors from blue to purple to indicate that it is a hyper link. In addition to
this, Hey Lola will post status updates that will appear in Facebook users feed and will
give them directions on how to click on the link which will take them to the Hey Lola
Etsy store.

Copy Light Ad

Beauline: Tieasuies pickeu up along they way, make you who you aie touay.
Sub Beau: Youi stoiy uoesn't stop at the enu of the chain.

Copy: Fiom the enus of the eaith, to iight in youi backyaiu Bey Lola pioviues
hanuciafteu jeweliy maue fiom both olu anu new pieces that aie customizeu to
meet youi peisonality. Each thieau, link, anu beau tells a lifetime of stoiies anu fits
youi unique style. Beau uown to Bey Lola touay to continue youi stoiy.

0ut 0f Bome

Headline: She Wore It Now You Can Too
Subhead: Finish what she started with Hey Lola.

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