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I. Directions: Read the following statements carefully and write the answer that best corresponds to them on the spaces provided before each number. (10 pts)

1. These are any device, which can be used to make the learning experience more concentrate, more realistic and more dynamic. 2. This process of learning includes motivation, classification, and stimulation. 3. Cite the source of this definition of audio-visual aids: Audio-visual aids are anything by means of which learning process may be encouraged or carried on through the sense of hearing or sense of sight. 4. Who came up with the observation that the overuse of words can result in serious problem, chiefly, the problem of verbalism and forgetting? 5. What important value of audio-visual aids is No. 4 referring to? 6. The use of audio-visual aids enables the teacher to follow the maxims of teaching like concrete to abstract, known to unknown, and learning by doing". What is another word for the term maxim? 7. There are many inaccessible objects and phenomena. For example it is not possible for the pupils living in India to see the Eskimo to climb the Mount Everest. Which important value is this statement referring to? 8. These images are formed when we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell as our experiences are direct, concrete, and more or less permanent. 9. There are many inaccessible objects and phenomena. There are innumerable such things to which it is not all such cases, these aids help us. 10. What is the highest percent of retention which is attributed to what the students say as they do a thing?

II. Essay: Elucidate on the following statement. (5 pts) I hear, I forget. I see, I remember. I do, I understand.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

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