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1he L||m|nat|on Lxper|ment

This manual was uesigneu to be the answei to the question "Bow uoes Biau Pilon woikout."
It's an ouu question, anu one that I nevei ieally thought people woulu evei ask. But, as Eat
Stop Eat (!!!"#$%&%'(#$%")'*) staiteu to giow in populaiity, moie anu moie people
became cuiious about how I woikout.
!"#$%&' )*+#, - ./# +0# 1*23/ 4+2&%56 &53 41*27*.+6 %5+#2$0&58#&9':; /* %< :*. /## +0# 1*23
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So, to answei this question as honestly as I can - I tiain as effectively (anu as little) as possible.
Now, befoie you stait asking me questions about Nike Nentzei oi Boiian Yates let me be
upfiont with you - This has nothing to uo with Bigh Intensity Tiaining, Beavy Buty Tiaining,
Boggciapp Tiaining oi any of that othei stuff. It's simply an effoit to tiain as wisely as
Wisuom is the combination of age anu expeiience. It is the knowleuge neeueu to live a goou
life. Anu, in my opinion wisuom is what sepaiates people who go to the gym to get iesults
fiom those who go to the gym simply foi the sake of going to the gym.
I have maue a conscious uecision not to live my life chaineu to the gym, oi to a consistent
obsessive-compulsive uige to woikout simply foi the sake of woiking out.
I WILL N0T get pulleu into the latest 'how I shoulu tiain' fau, oi the latest exeicise that I
'absolutely must tiy'.
To put it bluntly, my uays of being an exeicise gioupie aie ovei.
}ust as I have saiu N0 to 0bsessive Compulsive Eating, I have also saiu N0 to 0bsessive
Compulsive Exeicising.
To be honest, it took me a long time to come to this uecision.
If you aie anything like me, then youi 'fitness life' has piobably unueigone the following
You staiteu off as a iookie (just like me), clueless to what you weie supposeu to uo in the gym
anu believing anything that anyone tolu you. Then, you went on-line, ieau books, askeu
expeits anu became an !"#$%%!&$"# tiainei. You weie the equivalent of a teenagei.when it
came to woiking knew 'Eveiything'.
Aftei yeais of being an !"#$%%!&$"# tiainei you became an $()$*!$"+$, tiainei.staiting to
unueistanu what uoes anu uoesn't woik foi you. You staiteu to see thiough the B.S. anu
iealizeu that nothing, not a supplement oi a special way of tiaining will evei ieplace
consistent haiu woik.
I spent almost twenty yeais going thiough this exact evolution, anu just iecently I accepteu
the fact that theie was one last step I neeueu to take. Becoming expeiienceu anu intelligent in
my appioach to woiking out wasn't enough, I neeueu to become -./0.
This last step was veiy, veiy uifficult anu it foiceu me to move way outsiue of my comfoit
zone. Bowevei, being foiceu outsiue of youi comfoit zone is almost always a goou thing. In
my opinion, you will nevei see success unless you move outsiue of youi comfoit zone.
I've moveu outsiue of my comfoit zone thiee times in my life, anu each time, the iesult has
been success.
The fiist time was when I was in my thiiu yeai at univeisity. Back then my goal was to bench
piess Suu pounus. Both my woikout paitnei anu I weie miu-2uu pounu bencheis anu Suu
pounus seemeu like 'the ultimate bench piess goal'.
By the enu of my Siu yeai I was benching 28u pounus. It wasn't Suu, but I thought it was
pietty uain goou. Aftei all, in my gioup of fiienus, I was one of the top bencheis.
That summei I ueciueu to stay at 0niveisity anu take some extia couises.
I can iemembei the fiist uay I went to the gym uuiing the summei semestei - It was a
C0NPLETELY uiffeience ciowu of people who weie woiking out.
Ny usual ciew was not theie, insteau the gym was almost empty, except foi 4 oi S guys who
weie A L0T biggei anu A L0T stiongei than me.
Auam, Steve, }ohn anu Big }eiemy weie all Su oi 6u pounus heaviei than me, anu they ALL
bencheu piesseu in the high Suu's.
At this point I hau 2 options:
1) Stay in my comfoit zone; woikout by myself anu tiy to hit Suu pounus on the bench.
2) Nove out of my comfoit zone; stait tiaining with the big boys, anu accept the fact that Suu
pounus was no longei an acceptable goal.
I pickeu the latei. It was uncomfoitable. Actually, that's not tiue. It was uain iight SCARY.
But I'm glau I uiu it.
By moving outsiue of my comfoit zone Suu pounus was no longei a mental block, anu by the
enu of August I was bench-piessing SSS pounus foi sets of 2.
SS pounus moie than what I pieviously thought was the 'peifect' Bench Piess.
This was the fiist time I ieapeu the iewaius of moving out of my comfoit zone. The seconu
time was when I walkeu away fiom my caieei in the supplement inuustiy. I hau a gieat job, a
gieat title, a massive office, financial stability, goou co-woikeis, a gieat staff, even the
commute wasn't too bau. But ueep uown I knew it wasn't wheie I was meant to be.
I moveu out of my comfoit zone the uay I iesigneu. Anu while this isn't a iags to iiches stoiy,
now I'm uoing something I love. Anu this woulun't have been possible if I uiun't move outsiue
of my comfoit zone.
The thiiu time I moveu outsiue of my comfoit zone was when I conuucteu the expeiiment I am
about to uesciibe to you in this manual. 0uuly, it was this expeiiment that was the most
uifficult, because it challengeu my ENTIRE belief system - Anu this is exactly what I am going
to ask you to uo.
I am going to ask you to make a 12-week commitment to move outsiue of youi comfoit zone
anu uo the things Y00 neeu to uo to become successful.
Beie is TBE BEST PIECE 0F ABvICE I have evei been given:
1.2 345 67"# #4 8$ 95++$9925% 345 :7;$ #4 ,4 #:$ #:!"&9 #:7# 5"95++$9925% )$4)%$ 7*$"<#
6!%%!"& #4 ,4=>
Beie is the seconu best piece of auvice I have evei been given:
1?:$*$ 7*$ #:!"&9 !" 345* %!2$ #:7# 345 ,4 45# 42 :78!# 4* 8$+759$ 345 ?@.AB 345 9:45%, ,4
#:$C= .2 345 7*$"<# 8$"$2!#!"& !" 7"3 673 2*4C #:$9$ #:!"&9D 345 "$$, #4 $%!C!"7#$ #:$C=>
It was this auvice that uiove me to conuuct the expeiiment that has shapeu the way I woikout

A Goa|-Dr|ven 1ra|n|ng h||osophy

The philosophy behinu my appioach to woiking out is simple: I want to maintain oi builu
muscle while losing fat anu I want to ieach this goal as efficiently anu effectively as possible.
Theie aie a numbei of tiuths that I hau to accept in oiuei to ieally focus on this goal, anu since
this manual is wiitten foi people who want to become goal uiiven anu ieach theii goals as
easily as possible it only makes sense that I shaie these tiuths with you.
Fiistly, most likely we aie both passeu the age wheie we can become a piofessional athlete.
0ui time to make multiple millions of uollais by playing a spoit has past. Consiueiing my
uiaft yeai to become a piofessional hockey playei was 199S, I ieally uon't see a neeu foi me to
ueuicate my life to spoits-specific tiaining to become bettei at hockey.
I know athletic tiaining is veiy populai iight now - but no mattei how many celebiity tiaineis
tiy to convince me that I NEEB to tiain like an athlete, the fact iemains that athletic tiaining is
ieally only gieat foi athletes. This is simply not an iueal use of my time anu uoes N0T move
me closei to my PERS0NAL goals as quickly as I want. The same goes foi powei lifting.
If you aie a powei liftei then by uefinition you C0NPETE in powei lifting. It is youi spoit. Anu
since it is youi spoit, the extieme weai anu teai you put youi bouy thiough is woithwhile.
Bowevei, If you uo not compete in powei lifting then please.please.take it easy on youi
I've competeu in powei lifting 0NCE. When I was 2S. This was ovei a uecaue ago. So, while the
bench piess, ueau lift anu squat aie all extiemely useful exeicises, my goal is to be able to lift
weight anu look goou foi the iest of my life (oi at least as long as possible). A toin pec,
mangleu iotatoi cuffs anu heiniateu uiscs tenu to get in the way of this goal.
The bottom line - As much as I love these lifts, 0vER0SINu them uoes not move me closei to
NY SPECIFIC u0AL. The big lifts aie incieuibly effective at builuing muscle anu stiength when
useu piopeily, anu can be incieuibly uestiuctive when useu impiopeily anu abuseu.
While some powei lifteis uo follow a ioutine wheie they bench, squat anu ueaulift almost
eveiy uay, foi oui goal of builuing laigei, stiongei muscles while losing bouy fat, we must use
these exeicises in the way that best suits oui goal. In othei woius, we want to get the most
'bang foi oui buck' WITB00T injuiing ouiselves.
The last tiuth was the haiuest one foi me to accept; the fact that muscle builuing is a painfully
slow piocess, especially at my cuiient age anu auvanceu level of tiaining expeiience, anu
outsiue of taking anabolic steioius (which is simply not an option foi me) theie is not much I
can uo to speeu up this piocess.

What you need to know 1 - 1he 1wo 1ypes of Musc|e Growth

If you aie ieauing this iepoit then I'm going to make the assumption that you aie inteiesteu in
eithei builuing muscle oi at least maintaining the muscle you alieauy have while also losing as
much bouy fat as possible.
With this in minu, it is impoitant foi you to know that theie aie actually two uiffeient types of
muscle giowth.
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It is this little known fact that allows people to tell you theii success stoiies of how they put on
thiity pounus of muscle using theii 'patenteu' woikout piogiam.
0pon closei inspection you will finu that in most of the 'befoie' pictuies these people aie
almost always teenageis, 17 oi 18 yeais olu, anu in the 'aftei' pictuies they aie in theii eaily
The magic lies in the fact that, foi a biief peiiou of youi life, these two types of muscle giowth
actually oveilap.

Iuven||e Musc|e Growth

When you aie young youi bouy is unueigoing a type of giowth calleu 'juvenile giowth'. Youi
muscles aie giowing at an unpaialleleu iate while youi bouy giows both in height anu
It is this type of muscle giowth that is veiy sensitive to nutiient status, specifically caloiie anu
piotein intake.
This is why pooily feu chiluien tenu to be smallei than noimally feu chiluien. This is also why
ie-feeuing a gioup of pooily feu chiluien will quickly ietuin them to noimal ianges of muscle
}uvenile giowth continues until you've ieacheu full skeletal matuiity (when youi bones fuse
anu stop giowing), this typically happens when you'ie a young auult in youi eaily twenties.
0nce you have ieacheu youi full matuie size, this high-speeu nutiient uepenuent giowth
comes scieeching to a halt. In othei woius, you aie simply uone giowing.
Work Induced Musc|e Growth
Woik inuuceu giowth is the seconu type of muscle giowth. This type of muscle giowth is
causeu by placing 'mechanical stiess' (such as lifting weights) on youi muscles.
The explanation behinu Woik Inuuceu Nuscle uiowth is as follows: As you stiess youi
muscles anu challenge them by making them contiact against some foim of iesistance, they
iesponu by auapting to become stiongei anu laigei. Woik inuuceu muscle giowth is much
slowei than juvenile muscle giowth anu nutiient status (what, oi how much you eat) has fai
less influence ovei this type of giowth.
In othei woius, once you aie a full giown auult, it is the woik you uo in the gym that
ueteimines how much moie youi muscles will giow! (not some magical uiet). In fact, with the
piopei amount of woik, human muscles can maintain oi even inciease in size uuiing extenueu
peiious of veiy low caloiie anu moueiate piotein uiets (foi moie infoimation on this see

Why ou Grew So u|ck|y When ou Were ounger

Aftei pubeity, when sex steioius like Testosteione aie at theii highest, the human bouy is in a
unique state when woik inuuceu ANB juvenile giowth happen at the same time. This typically
happens in the eaily to miu twenties.
This is why young (18-2S yeai olu) men with little oi no tiaining expeiience aie always the
ones who see the most impiessive weight gain iesults in clinical ieseaich tiials (anu I suspect
this is also the ieason why this is the type of peison who is always askeu to take pait in
muscle builuing ieseaich stuuies).
I think this oveilapping effect of juvenile anu woik inuuceu muscle giowth is the ieason
touay's woikout auvice confuses so many of us, incluuing me. The iuea of tiaining 6 uays a
week, while eating high amounts of caloiies anu high piotein >&: have woikeu gieat when we
weie 21, but not anymoie.
The colu haiu tiuth is that if you aie oluei than Su oi you've been tiaining foi moie than 1u
yeais youi uays of gaining fifteen pounus of muscle ovei a summei aie long gone. Piotein anu
caloiies have a minimal, almost unuetectable effect on oui muscle giowth.
Foi auvanceu tiaineis, we aie left with nothing but haiu woik anu piopei iecoveiy to
stimulate oui muscles to giow, anu even when they uo giow, they aie going to giow veiy
Because of these facts we must slightly altei oui goal. We can no longei simply have the goal of
builuing muscle. We must now have the goal of piogiessively gaining a small amount of
muscle in the aieas of oui bouies that make the N0ST BIFFERENCE. Foi us the olu mantia of
"Eat, Tiain, uiow" simply uoes not apply any moie.

1he Spec|f|cs of Work Induced Growth

Theie aie S majoi components to woik inuuceu giowth:
1) StiessIntensity - Nost commonly iefeiiing to how much weight you aie lifting, oi
moie specifically how much foice is being applieu to each contiaction.
2) volume - Refeiiing to how much woik you uo in a given time. You will most likely
tiack youi volume by ieps x sets. Foi example 1 set of 1u ieps is twice as much volume
as 1 set of S ieps.
S) Fiequency - Bow often you woikout, usually this is best thought of as how many
times you woikout pei week. Foi example if you woikout two times pei week, you
woulu say that you'ie fiequency is twice a week.

Theie aie also exteinal factois such as conuitioning anu iecoveiy that play a laige iole in oui
ability to manage the amount of stiess, volume, oi fiequency that we can place on oui muscles
befoie they simply bieak uown.
Anu heiein lies the philosophy behinu this appioach to fitness - we want to apply %91
*323*/* amount of stiess, volume, anu fiequency necessaiy to make oui muscles giow.
Now, this is N0T a piogiam that piomotes uoing less foi the sake of uoing less. 0ui ultimate
goal with oui woikouts is to builu oi maintain oui muscle mass. We just want to finu the
RIuBT amount of woik neeueu to ieach this goal.
If, thiough tiial anu eiioi, you uiscovei that five uays of woiking out eveiy week, with 2u sets
pei woikout is youi minimum, then so be it. The impoitant thing is you now know what youi
minimum is. Theie is nowheie to go fiom heie but up.
Anu this is what we aie stiiving foi: A funuamental baseline to which we can auu the
necessaiy component of 1C4*$>.
Piogiess is always measuieu by the ability to uo slightly moie than befoie. But foi weight
tiaining we neeu to know the minimum as well. 0theiwise, we can veiy quickly become the
obsessive-compulsive exeicisei who uoes kettle bell woikouts in the moining, bouyweight
ciicuits in the afteinoon, with powei-lifting style woikouts 2-S time pei week with some
0lympic lifting thiown in foi fun.
As I saiu in the intiouuction, my goal is not to live my life in the gym. Noi uo I want to be the
woilu's gieatest kettle bell thiowei oi 0lympic liftei. I simply want to (as I have stateu
multiple times by now) builu oi maintain my muscle mass while losing as much bouy fat as
possible, anu I want to uo this with as little woik as possible. 0i, moie piecisely I want to uo
the exact amount of woik necessaiy. No moie, no less.
I am going to show you a simple anu effective way to measuie anu calculate this EXACT
amount. Not a iough estimate, not someone else's answei, but youi own unique answei to the
question "Bow often, anu with what amount of volume, anu weight uo I neeu to woikout in
oiuei to maintain my cuiient muscle mass."
As an auvanceu liftei, you absolutely must know the answei to this question if you want to
continue to make piogiess with youi lifting anu youi goal of builuing oi maintaining youi
muscle mass while losing bouy fat.
Without knowing this answei you aie simply going to the gym foi the sake of going to the gym.
What you need to know 2 - 1here are no Mag|c fat burn|ng exerc|ses.

It's completely tiue that activity buins caloiies, anu that some exeicises buin moie caloiies
than otheis, but the tiuth is (as the olu clich goes) you can't out exeicise a bau uiet.
Exeicising to lose fat is a futile piactice foi a couple of ieasons. Fiist anu foiemost it is not
neaily as effective as it's maue out to be.
0sing iunning as an example, foi me to 'buin' anu extia Suu Caloiies eveiy uay I woulu have
to iun (oi walk) ioughly 7 kilometeis (a little unuei 4.S miles) EvERY. SINuLE. BAY.
Now, the iuea of iunning 4.S miles uoesn't bothei me. The iuea of iunning 4.S miles EvERY
SINuLE BAY scaies the heck out of me. If we look back at the iuea of efficiency anu the fact
that the bouy can only uo so much woik befoie it begins to bieaks uown, this is simply not an
iueal use of my time.
If my goal weie to become a bettei iunnei, then this woulu be a uiffeient stoiy. Bowevei, foi
my goal of losing bouy fat, this is cleaily not the most efficient methou to use in my quest.
The exact same iule applies foi inteival tiaining, bouyweight ciicuits, kettle bells etc.
ueneially, they all buin caloiies. They all elevate youi heait iate, anu will all buin fat.
Bowevei, in teims of the value of youi time, they all have ielatively minoi effects on fat
buining when compaieu to uiet.
I uon't uo any of these types of exeicise on a iegulai basis. I will uabble in them fiom time to
time when the moou stiikes me (specifically inteival tiaining since it is the best use of my
time), but I uon't feel the neeu to exeicise simply foi the sake of exeicising, so many of these
styles of tiaining I simply avoiu.
!"#$%&' 5*+#, -< :*. 8* +* +0# 8:> +* .51%53 *2 $'#&2 :*.2 >%53 *2 =./+ 9#$&./# %+ >&7#/ :*. <##'
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+0# 2#&/*5 :*. &2# 2#&'': 1*27%58 *.+?
I use my uiet to lose fat anu I use my woikouts to maintain my muscle mass anu stiength.
0nce you aie using youi uiet to lose fat anu youi woikouts to builu oi maintain muscle then
you can uo things like inteival tiaining anu ciicuits to help speeu up the piocess, but
iemembei - without a piopei uiet, these techniques aie piactically useless foi weight loss.
The bottom line is the absolute most efficient way to get amazing iesults is to woikout foi
muscle giowth anu change youi eating habits foi fat loss. When it comes to weight loss, it is
the total CAL0RIE BEFICIT that matteis, not the way the ueficit was cieateu.
Tiying to use youi uiet foi muscle giowth anu exeicise foi weight loss is a iecipe foi failuie.

1he rocess - now to start th|s program
The fiist thing you neeu is a set of metiics to woik fiom. In othei woius, I want you to have a
system of measuiement that you use to tiack youi piogiess.
Without measuiing anu tiacking you coulu be completely wasting youi time in the gym.
This piocess is ielatively easy. I want you to get a measuiing tape anu keep a uetaileu log of
the shape of youi bouy.
These measuiements, combineu with youi stiength anu bouyweight will give you a tiue
accuiate pictuie of what is happening to youi bouy.
This is exactly what I uiu, anu it hau piofounu iesults on my ability to tiuly tiack the changes
(oi lack theieof) that weie occuiiing in my bouy.


In total, I want you to measuie 1S uiffeient ciicumfeiences. These measuiements aie to be
taken as accuiately as possible. Tiy youi best to measuie them in the same mannei each anu
eveiy time.
These 1S ciicumfeiences will be youi new metiics, anu combineu with youi weight anu
stiength, they aie what will guiue you thiough this piocess.
1. Neck Neasuiement
2. Shoulueis at theii wiuest point (halfway between youi nipples anu youi clavicle)
S. Chest (measuiing tape iight acioss youi nipples anu unuei youi aims)
4. Waist S inches above youi bellybutton*
S. Waist at youi belly button
6. Waist S inches below youi belly button*
7. Bips at theii wiuest point
8. Thigh 9 inches above the top of youi kneecap*
9. Thigh 6 inches above the top of youi kneecap*
1u. Thigh S inches above the top of youi kneecap*
11. Calf at its wiuest point
12. Bicep (flexeu) measuie the wiuest point
1S. Foieaim at its wiuest point.

Bepenuing on youi height, you may want to use 2 inch jumps insteau. As a iough guess
I'u say that anyone unuei S'6" shoulu use 2 inch insteau of S inch jumps.

?91 ?938%112 51$6/81*12%6
@A?#B C'8 %91 *'6% $))/8$%1 816/4%6 $4!$D6 %$<1 D'/8 *1$6/81*12%6
E32)4/>32F D'/8 !13F9%, '2 %91 *'8232F 'G $ G$6% >$D"

0nce you have these measuiements you aie now ieauy to begin youi tiansition. The key heie
is that you neeu to be consistent. Neasuie the same places eveiy time, measuie them the same
Take these measuiements on a Nonuay, Weunesuay anu Fiiuay of one week, anu get a goou
feel foi youi numbeis anu any vaiiation that occuis (theie will always be slight vaiiations).
Always take youi measuiements in the moining while fasteu.
BE B0NEST! This isn't a competition to see who has the best measuiements; it is a tool foi you
to use to measuie piogiess.


I also want you to keep a concise measuiement of you stiength gains anu oi losses. This being
saiu, I know that it is veiy impiactical to test youi 1 iep max on a numbei of lifts eveiy week
oi two.
Insteau I woulu like you to use the following equation:
Youi 1 Rep Nax = |(Numbei of iepsSu) + 1j x the weight you useu.
So If I Squatteu SSS foi S ieps then my pieuicteu one iep max woulu be:
Ny 1 Rep Nax = |(SSu) +1j x SSS
Ny 1 Rep Nax = |1.1j x SSS
Ny 1 Rep Nax = S6S (always iounu B0WN to the neaiest S)
This equation may not be peifect, but it allows foi us to tiack impiovements without having to
test oui 1 iep max eveiy week.
So if I squatteu SSS foi S ieps one week, then two weeks latei I squatteu S2u foi S ieps, I can
see that my stiength has actually impioveu (my estimateu 1 iep max woulu now be S7u).
0se this equation to tiack youi coie lifts anu to chait youi piogiess.

@A?#B = G32> 3% 1$6316% %' %8$)< %91 H3F 43G%6 43<1 H12)9I 6J/$%I 69'/4>18 (8166I >1$> 43G%6I
)9326 1%) 8$%918 %9$2 %8D32F %' %8$)< *D 6%812F%9 '2 #K#LM 43G%" &' (3)< %91 H3F 43G%6 %9$%
D'/ )/8812%4D /61 32 D'/8 (8'F8$* $2> /61 %9161 %' %8$)< D'/8 6%812F%9"


Gett|ng Started

0K, once you have youi measuiements anu youi estimateu 1 iep maxes this is wheie the fun
You aie going to slowly stait to lowei the amount of tiaining that you uo, using youi metiics
to ueteimine whethei oi not you aie losing any muscle size.
This is exactly what I uiu.anu I will take you thiough my jouinal using my exact numbeis anu
woikout ioutines.
Aftei you have youi measuiements the next thing you neeu to uo in oiuei to complete this
piogiam successfully is to stait (if you aien't alieauy) following #$% &%'( #$%.
As I have saiu befoie, to be successful youi weight loss must come fiom youi uiet anu theie is
no bettei way to lose fat than by following the eat stop eat lifestyle - a commitment to
woiking out to builu muscle anu eating to lose fat.
While most people think of Eat Stop Eat as only flexible inteimittent fasting, the tiuth is that
the Eat Stop Eat lifestyle is the C0NBINATI0N of flexible inteimittent fasting anu weight
tiaining. Anu make no mistake about this point - the weight tiaining is veiy impoitant! So this
manual fits peifectly into the Eat Stop Eat lifestyle.
If you get caught up in the iuea of eating to builu muscle oi woiking out to lose fat you will
quickly become uiscouiageu. If you neeu moie infoimation on this than you can finu it in my
book "N'! 5/)9 O8'%132P" (!!!"?8/%9QH'/%O8'%132")'*) but otheiwise I want to you to
foiget about piotein, piotein supplements, caloiies oi any of that type of stuff.
(Remembei, you only have woik inuuceu muscle giowth on youi siue now)
Lastly, (anu this is the pait that moves you outsiue of youi comfoit zone) you have to be open
to the iuea that you can get the EXACT SANE iesults you aie getting iight now by woiking out
a lot less.
This may be the haiuest pait of this entiie piogiam. I am going to ask you to cut uown on the
amount of woiking out you uo. The amount of time you spenu in the gym ANB the amount of
uays you spenu woiking out all togethei.
If youi ueuication to fitness is what uefines you as a peison, this piocess may come as a shock,
but if you follow thiough, it might be the most libeiating anu fieeing expeiience of youi life.

1he rogram

I staiteu my piogiam with the basic piemise of 4-@> "2*9&9': 3*%58 >*2# +0&5 - 5##3 +* 3*;
10&+ $&5 - $.+ *.+6
At the time, I was following a woikout calleu "?/8H/412)1 ?8$3232F" by Ciaig Ballantyne. I
was tiaining 4 times pei week, with each woikout being ioughly full bouy woikouts.
(If you neeu a piogiam to use with Elimination Woikout, I highly suggest the oiiginal
Tuibulence Tiaining piogiam RS !!!"QH6T3<1U8$3F")'*)
I founu this to be an enjoyable anu well thought out piogiam so I useu it as my 'base staiting
point' foi this expeiiment.
Ny veiy fiist expeiiment was to cut out all of my "extia" woikouts. I took my kettle bells anu
put them in the closet anu maue a conscious uecision that I woulu fight the uige to uo any at-
home bouyweight woikouts.
Since you now have youi measuiements you aie ieauy to begin this exact same expeiiment. So
the veiy fiist step is to iemove any 'extia' woikouts you may be uoing.
Nany people cuiiently have ioutines wheie they weight tiain 4-S times pei week, but also uo
extia kettle bell oi bouyweight tiaining.
This cieates a vicious cycle of auuing moie anu moie exeicise to youi life as you stiive foi
moie weight loss, muscle gain, oi to simply keep up with what is tienuy.
So youi fiist step is to iemove any extia woik that you aie uoing in the name of muscle gains
oi fat losses.
If you uo extia woik such as classes (uance, maitial aits) that you uo foi puie enjoyment than
you can keep this woik. Aftei all, the point of this piogiam is not to become a lazy sloth uoing
only the baie minimum. It is to uo the baie minimum so we can puisue othei activities in oui
Aftei two weeks of this, I ie-took all my measuiements to finu that I hau not lost any mass in
my chest, shoulueis, aims oi legs. I hau lost a of an inch aiounu one of my stomach
measuiements, but that was just a noimal fluctuation. Ny stiength hau incieaseu in all of my
So aftei two weeks with no 'extia' woikouts I want you to ie-take all of youi measuiements.
You may just finu that youi stiength in the gym has not suffeieu, anu that youi measuiements
aie wheie you woulu expect them to be.

0nce these two weeks aie up, youi next step is to stait to iemove any of the smallei 'isolation'
style lifts fiom youi woikout.
}ust as befoie, this may sounu scaiy, but iemembei, you have youi measuiements so you will
know if you stait to lose muscle mass, ANB this is only an expeiiment, when you aie uone you
can auu these exeicises back in if you wish.
Stait by iemoving any foims of bicep cuils, tiiceps extensions, calf iaises, shouluei iaises (like
uumbbell lateial iaise anu fiont iaises), wiist cuils anu even leg extensions anu leg cuils.
This will be uncomfoitable, anu you will be extiemely tempteu to keep some of youi favoiites
(It took a giant inteinal fight foi me to let go of uoing auuitional tiiceps woik) but iemembei -
you have youi measuiements - so you will know if you aie shiinking.
Aftei two weeks using no isolation exeicises ietake all of youi measuiements anu check youi
stiength using the equation in this manual.
If you uon't expeiience any negative changes, then keep eliminating fiom youi piogiam.
Youi next step is to auu an entiie extia iest uay in-between ALL of youi woikouts.
So if you tiauitionally woikout on a 2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 2 off split, youi tiaining may look
something like this:
Nonuay Tuesuay Weunesuay Thuisuay Fiiuay Satuiuay Sunuay
Woikout Woikout Rest Woikout Woikout Rest Rest

I want you to change youi woikout so an extia uay is auueu in aftei EvERY W0RK00T. So
youi new ioutine woulu look something like this:
Nonuay Tuesuay Weunesuay Thuisuay Fiiuay Satuiuay Sunuay
Woikout Rest Woikout Rest Rest Woikout Rest
Woikout Rest Rest Rest Woikout Rest Rest

Aftei 4 weeks of this ioutine, I want you to move to having 2-S uays of iest between EvERY
Nonuay Tuesuay Weunesuay Thuisuay Fiiuay Satuiuay Sunuay
Woikout Rest Rest Woikout Rest Rest Rest

I followeu this exact plan, auuing uays until I was woiking out twice pei week with my
woikouts looking ioughly like this:

Bay 1 Sets x Reps Bay 2 Sets x Reps
Shouluei Piess S x S Bench Piess S x S
Weighteu Bips 2 x 1u Bumbbell Bench Piess 2 x 1u
Weighteu Chins 2 x 1u Bumbbell Row 2 x 1u
Squats S x S Beaulifts S x S
Stiaight Leg Beaulifts 4 x 1u Leg Piess 4 x 1u

This was all I was uoing.
Each woikout lasteu ioughly Su minutes. I continueu this piogiam foi 4 weeks with no
noticeable changes in any of my measuiements oi my stiength (it was still going up, albeit
slowly). I then ueciueu to ieuuce my total volume even fuithei
So my entiie woikout plan lookeu like this:
Bay 1 Sets x Reps Bay 2 Sets x Reps
Shouluei Piess S x S Bench Piess S x S
Squat S x S Beau lift S x S

Anu this is exactly what I want you to uo as well. Keep iemoving all extia woik until you aie
left with a woikout that consists of 4-6 exeicises with only 2 uays of lifting pei week.
/)$+!7% A4#$ 7845# 0($*+!9$ /$%$+#!4" 59!"& #:$ 0%!C!"7#!4" 0()$*!C$"#E
-< :*. 5*+%$# +0# <*.2 #A#2$%/#/ - 0&B# '#<+ 0#2# &$+.&'': $*B#2 &'' +0# >./$'#/ *<
>: #5+%2# 9*3:? C0#/# &2# &'' >&=*2 $*>"*.53 '%<+/ +0&+ %5B*'B# >.'+%"'# =*%5+/
&53 '*+/ *< >./$'#/? C0#/# &2# +0# +:"#/ *< '%<+/ +0&+ :*. /0*.'3 9# ./%58 <*2 +0#
#'%>%5&+%*5 /:/+#> +* #5/.2# :*. &2# 1*27%58 &'' *< :*.2 >./$'#/ 1%+0*.+ 3*%58
#A+2& 1*27?
Aftei two weeks of following this woikout I knew this was as low as I wanteu to go with my
volume. I may have been able to go lowei, but this was a peisonal uecision baseu on my
enjoyment levels.
If I was going to make the effoit to go to the gym I neeueu it to FEEL woithwhile. Anything less
than 2u minutes of woik just uiu N0T feel like it was woith the uiive.
This was my 'volume' bieaking point.
Since I was no longei willing to ieuuce my volume, I ueciueu to ueciease my fiequency even
fuithei. I moveu to woiking out once eveiy S uays. Aftei 4 weeks of this I noticeu two
inteiesting things.
1) Ny stiength hau stalleu anu my lifts felt 'awkwaiu'
2) Ny waist measuiement hau ciept up to be consistently measuiing at V inch moie than
it useu to be.
Fiom these obseivations I knew I hau founu my own peisonal 'minimal'. I coulu successfully
maintain my muscle mass, stiength anu inteiest level tiaining twice pei week with minimal
This level of tiaining was manageable, anu alloweu much moie fieeuom in my uaily activities.
I wasn't chaineu to the gym. Anu I know I hau something that I coulu builu upon.
0sing this as my staiting point, I then expeiimenteu (one month at a time) with auuing in
uiffeient exeicises. It was this expeiimentation that leu me to iealize that I get the best iesults,
anu enjoy woiking out the most, when I am tiaining with weights twice pei week, anu tiaining
with blast stiaps uoing weighteu bouy weight exeicises like uips, chin-ups, iows anu
suspenueu pushups an auuitional 2-S times pei week.
This appioach also alloweu me to eliminate a whole host of woikouts anu exeicises because
they simply uiu not give me any extia iesults uuiing theii one month tiial.
So my peisonal >%5%>.> anu *"+%>.> woikouts look like this:

F3 G$*94"7% F!"!C5C
Two woikouts pei week uoing only the coie founuations lifts of squats, ueau lift,
shouluei piess anu bench piess.

F3 G$*94"7% H)#!C5C
Two woikouts pei week uoing coie founuations lifts of squats, ueau lift, shouluei
piess anu bench piess.
Two oi thiee accessoiy woikouts (about 1S-2u minutes long) that consist of weight
bouy weight exeicises using blast stiaps foi uips, chin ups, iows anu suspenueu

This knowleuge allows me the fieeuom of knowing that as long as I get my two woikouts in,
anu my stiength is incieasing then I am uoing the things I neeu to uo to piogiess. ANB, if I get
in my extia woikouts I know I am ieaping some benefit.
It also allows me the knowleuge that moving above this, auuing in moie woikouts, moie
exeicises oi even moie time to each woikout B0ES not iesult in bettei measuiements oi
stiength foi me.
This type of knowleuge is fieeing. No moie obsessive-compulsive exeicise foi me.
0sing these facts I can now, at any time I wish, auu in exeicises to my ioutine anu aftei a given
amount of time (usually 4-8 weeks) look anu see if any of my measuiements have changeu.
If I feel the neeu to inciease the size of my aims using close giip bench piesses, I can auu them
into my ioutine. Aftei 6 weeks I can measuie my aims. If theie is no change, then I uiop close-
giip bench piesses. It is this simple.
If I feel that I want to inciease the amount of weight I can squat by uoing extia sets of lunges I
can simply auu them into my ioutine. Aftei 4 weeks if my squat has gone up, then I keep the
lunges in my ioutine until my squat stiength stops incieasing. It is this simple.
The piocess of elimination - if you let the numbeis (youi measuiements) uo the woik foi you,
will save you lots of time anu neeuless woik.

In the fiist pictuie I was woiking out S times pei
week while uoing caiuio twice pei uay anu
following a S0PER STRICT uiet.
In the seconu pictuie I have been following Eat
Stop Eat foi ovei 2 yeais, tiaining twice pei week
with 2-S quick extia woikouts thiown in whenevei
Ny woikouts weie goal-uiiven with the aim of
incieasing the size of my chest anu shoulueis.
The iesult of this change in philosophy weie
obvious, I ieacheu my goal with less weai anu teai
on my bouy. I uiu the woik I neeueu to uo to get
the iesults I wanteu, without obsessive compulsive
exeicising oi obsessive compulsive Eating.
our Next Steps

0nce you have uiscoveieu youi minimum - that is to say, the amount of tiaining neeueu to
keep you exactly wheie you aie touay, then you can stait auuing things back into youi
piogiam - as long as you know the EXACT REAS0N that you aie auuing in that paiticulai
V1)$/61 3%W6 XF''> G'8 D'/W >'162W% )/% 3%"
You absolutely N0ST have some soit of objective measuiement that you can use to tiack anu
measuie youi iesults (oi lack theieof).
If you'ie a guy anu want to builu a bettei looking physique without auuing countless pounus of
bulk, then auu in }ohn Baiban's Q>'236 #GG1)% woikout (!!!"Q>'236#GG1)%")'*).
Keep a iecoiu of the measuiements of youi shoulueis anu youi waist. I helpeu }ohn ieview the
science behinu this piogiam so I can easily stanu behinu the scientific theoiy of this piogiam.
In fact, this is the appioach I have been using foi the last two yeais.
If you aie a man oi woman anu want to lose fat using Ciaig Ballantyne's ?/8H/412)1
?8$3232F, then auu in one of Ciaig's inteival tiaining piogiams (!!!"QH6T3<1U8$3F")'* )
anu keep tiack of youi measuiements looking foi uecieases in youi waist measuiement foi
guys anu youi waist anu hips foi giils.
I know Ciaig peisonally anu I can assuie you that his piogiams aie well uesigneu anu can
easily fit into a goal-oiienteu tiaining style.
If you aie looking to auu muscle then you can tiy vince Belmonte's @'2'261261 V'>D
V/34>32F Piogiam (!!!"V/34%T3<1K32)1")'*).
./6% 81*1*H18 %' $4!$D6 $66166 D'/8 3*(8'01*12%6"
The bottom line is that theie aie C00NTLESS woikouts available on line. Some aie amazingly
effective, anu some aie simply a scam.
The 0NLY way to know if a woikout is woiking foi Y00 is to have some way of measuiing anu
tiacking youi piogiess. If you uo not see SPECIFIC anu NEAS0RABLE iesults within 4 to 8
weeks, then >8'( %91 (8'F8$* back to youi minimum anu tiy something new!
This piocess of elimination anu measuiements will save youi fiom exeicising simply foi the
sake of exeicising, anu will save you neeuless extia weai anu teai on youi bouy.
Remembei - the key to looking goou anu being functional well into the latei yeais of youi life
is to be able to keep woiking out well into the latei yeais of youi life. uetting the iesults you
want without injuiing youiself shoulu always be youi numbei one piioiity!


}ust as Eat Stop Eat is the simplest anu most piactical methou to lose weight, I believe
Elimination Tiaining is the simplest most piactical way to maintain oi builu muscle.
Simply make measuiements, iuentify youi goals, anu then test uiffeient methous of ieaching
youi goal.
Stiive to iuentify the minimum amount of woik you neeu to uo anu the optimum amount of
woik (anu type of woik) you shoulu be uoing.
Avoiu exeicise faus, anu uoing exeicises simply because they aie tienuy oi in style. If you
uon't see measuiable impiovements with a specific exeicise then stop uoing it.
This is piacticality at its best, anu it foices you to continually ask youiself "why am I uoing this
The bottom line anu the conclusion of this entiie manual is this - Neasuie anu assess
eveiything you uo in the gym. Bon't be afiaiu to cut back anu uon't be afiaiu to let go of the
things that aie not moving you towaius youi goal.
Finally, in oiuei to piogiess youi goals must be cleai concise anu measuiable.
Setting a goal like "biggei muscles" isn't a goal at all, it's a uay uieam. Setting a goal of auuing
1.S inches to youi chest ciicumfeience is cleai anu measuiable, anu is something you can
make a plan to achieve.
These sounus like similai iueas but you have to be veiy specific if you want to actually achieve
any goal. The moie specific you lay out the goal, the easiei it is to make it happen.

Finally, iemembei:
1.2 345 67"# #4 8$ 95++$9925% 345 :7;$ #4 ,4 #:$ #:!"&9 #:7# 5"95++$9925% )$4)%$ 7*$"<#
6!%%!"& #4 ,4=>
1?:$*$ 7*$ #:!"&9 !" 345* %!2$ #:7# 345 ,4 45# 42 :78!# 4* 8$+759$ 345 ?@.AB 345 9:45%, ,4
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1he L||m|nat|on Lxper|ment
~L||m|nat|on Workout Cheat Sheets

1. 1ake your measurements
2. Measure your strength
3. Cut out a|| extra workouts
4. Cut out a|| |so|at|on movements
S. Add an extra rest day after LVLk workout
6. Increase your rest to 2-3 days |n-between LVLk workout
7. keduce your exerc|ses to on|y the bare m|n|mum core ||fts
8. keduce your vo|ume (number of sets)
9. Ident|fy your own persona| m|n|mum
10. Ident|fy your own persona| MLASUkA8LL goa|s
11. Add |n new exerc|ses or programs for 1 to 2 month tr|a|s
12. Compare your strength and measurements
13. If they |mprove and move you towards your goa| keep the new exerc|ses, |f they
do not, e||m|nate them and move on
14. kepeat steps 11-13 as needed


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