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Socially Just Service Learning Plan ITU Theme: Creating You: Finding Your Place in the World Group

Members: Amanda Peace, Kelly Seward, Tara Swenson 1. Focus on Social Justice - Students will partake in a community outreach by presenting informa tion on their careers to children at the foster home. Students will be making connections with children who are less fortunate, and will be providing the opportunity for these children to explore their own hopes and dreams for the future. 2. Evidence of Learning Intended Product or Outcome- Students will create a presentation that gives information and background about their chosen career. Students should create a pamphlet or flier of some sort with extra information and resources to provide to the children of the foster home. Students will chose one child from the foster home they felt they connected with and write a reflection about their experience. Students should consider how they may have influenced, inspired, or affected the future of this child. 3. Enduring Understanding Service Idea: Students will be taking their presentations to the foster home that the class connected with in the postcard activity. They will give their presentation to the foster children in hopes of providing information about future careers they may be interested in. Foster children may not have the appropriate resources to learn about a future career, the steps it takes to get there, or what the job looks like on a day to day basis. The students will be providing a service that supplies these children with this information and more. 4. Essential Questions How can you help to inspire the children of our future? How can you help to ensure all children have equal opportunities to follow their dreams? How can you share your knowledge with people who do not have the same resources as you? What questions do you think these children will have about their future job? How will your presentation preemptively answer these questions? 5. Content Areas & Standards Addressed 1. Common Core 10th Grade Standard: Speaking and Listening Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 910 topics, texts, and issues, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. 2. Common Core Algebra 1- Creating Equations Standard: Create equations that describe numbers or relationships: 2. Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships between quantities; graph equations on coordinate axes with labels and scales.

6. Stages of Service Learning Identify the day of activity, describe student activity, & describe assessment a. Investigation: Students will research types of presentations. Students will use the graphic organizer below and come up with three options for how they can present their career. b. Preparation & Planning: After choosing their means for presentation, students will begin the creation process. They will also plan out the logistical aspects such as: Where does my information go? What will I say? What resources will I need? Students will also create a flyer with important and key information from their presentation to give to their audience to take home.

c. Action: Students will gather all materials necessary for the mock job fair at the foster home. Each student will set up their own booths at the foster home with a sign informing children of their chosen career. Students will communicate with the children of the foster home, providing them with information about their chosen careers. All students should pass out fliers/pamphlets to children who are interested in the career. d. Reflection: Students will chose one child from the foster home they felt they connected with and write a reflection about their experience. Students should consider how they may have influenced, inspired, or affected the future of this child. e. Demonstration: Students will present their reflections to the class, sharing the knowledge and experiences they have gained from the mock job fair. They will discuss the communication they had with children at the foster home, and present new findings about their career. 7. What graphic organizers will you create to guide student learning? - Students will create a graphic organizer to decide what form of presentation is best for their project. The graphic organizer is listed below.

Graphic organizer to help students decide how they would like to present their career.

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