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What's in an IEP?

This Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is the paperwork that documents what was discussed and decided in the IEP meeting you attended with your student's teachers. It is a legally- inding document! meaning the school is responsi le to do what is written.

This is your copy "or home. Please keep it "or your records.

Here is an outline of what is in this IEP:

Who attended the meeting# page $$$$$$ Student strengths# page $$$$$$ A summary of the most recent special ed. testing # page $$$$$$$ eha!ior strategies: page$$$$$$$

How your student is doing now: page $$$$$$$$ Goals for the next year: pages $$$$$$$$ Special education ser!ices and how often: page $$$$$$$$ "esting accommodations: page $$$$$$$ %ther# $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ page $$$$$$$$

If you have any questions about what is written in your student's IEP, please do not hesitate to contact a staff member.

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