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Fade In: EXT.

IRISH LANDSCAPE The lush green fields, mountains and hills of Ireland strech out as far as the eye can see. An old fashioned castle made of stone is in the middle of a valley. The Irish folk music is drifting through the air from an open window in the castle along with multiple voices from viligers and soldiers. Fade into one of the edges of the valley. A young man walks in from the side wearing a plad kilt and other old Irish clothes. He is carrying a letter and a worried expression. He is in his twenties and handsome, with chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes. He has a muscular build and distinct jawline. Strong and tall he walks effortlessly down the well worn path. He has light injuries such as bloody scratches along his uncovered arms and he looks worn, as if he had not had the chance to sleep in days. GEAROID (mumbling to himself) "I have to tell Aneurin about the letter, he will know what to do. Will he? Oh, I do not know. I have to tell him though, maybe someone will know." Gearoid walks at a rapid pace towards the castle. His breath coming in short puffs. He looks like he might be sick, and he holds his stomach as if to reassure himself when he stops at the gates that loom above him, at least ten feet tall. GEAROID (CONT'D) (shouting up to the guards) "Open the gates, it is I, Gearoid son of Lorcan and Roisin!" GUARD (rushing to greet him) "Welcome home, you have had a long trip, I shall have the gates opened for you. Wait. Open the gates Garbhan!" The gates open with flawless precision, noislessly and elegantly. Gearoid takes a deep breath to steady himself. INT. CASTLE HALLWAY Gearoid walks through the entrance and a guard joins him, struggling to keep up with the fast pace. The guard is tall, skinny, and clumsy, with red hair and green eyes and lengthy

2. features. He wore a similar plad kilt and a sash that matches his kilt. He has a sharp, and a distinct widdows peak. The hallway is multiple people to fit, but the stone walls slightly uncomfortable. GUARD "Where would you like to go Sir Gearoid?" GEAROID "I need to speak with Sir Aneurin." GUARD "But sir, he is not accepting visitors at this time!" GEAROID "He will make an exception for me. Tell him I have returned and that I have urgent matters to discuss with him." GUARD (Quietly) "Yes, sir." The guard and Gearoid keep walking at a rapid pace towards the King's headquarters in the castle. When they reach the looming, polished, dark wodden door, which has the King's innitials branded upon it along with many other intricate shamrock designs,the guard knocks. GUARD (CONT'D) (tentively while leaning towards the door) "Please excuse this interruption, Sir Aeurin, it is Sir Gearoid, he has just returned and has most urgent matters for you." ANEURIN (sighing sadly and then sais unenthusiastically) "Yes, if he must, come in, the door is open. Thank you. The guard opens the door for Gearoid, the King's room awaits him. He bites his lip as he walks forward to hand over the news. The thought ran shivers down his back and he broke out in a cold sweat. He had no idea how the king would recieve blouse with a jutting nose, wide enough for make it cold and

3. the news, surely he would be troubled at the least, but would he know what to do? The entire Kingdom was at stake. INT. KING'S ROOM Gearoid swallows and takes breath as he walk into the King's room. It is decorated with mounds of everything expensive, from furniture and trinkets handmade in Ireland to delicatly made embellishments from the other side of the world. GEAROID (shakily) "Sir, I have some troubling news. As you know I have just returned from a long journy and along the way I have recieved a most troubling letter from The United Kingdom, Europe is planning to take over our islands and a ghost from our past has been spotted again, the one in particular that is very dangerous,the Banshee, you have surely heard of her tale." ANEURIN (paniced, but trying to keep it controlled) "What! Europe, planning to take our islands over? Why? What do we have that they do not? Oh, and the Banshee has really been spotted? What did she do again? I feel like I should know this. I have been so frightfully busy that I have forgotten so manny things that I have learned." GEAROID "Yes, I fear she has been spotted, as for what she does, she is a fairy or ghost woman who wails when someone is about to die, sometimes she is sean washing the bloodstained clothes or armor of those destined to die. The soldier that spotted her reported to his kingdom, he died later that day. That is all the proof that they have, but it is enough for me to believe them." ANEURIN "Yes, we shall have a meeting with our soldiers and our sirs, it (MORE)

4. ANEURIN (CONT'D) shall be held at six o'clock in the afternoon in the balroom, you must go and alert everyone who is to attend, I will think more upon the matter, the majority's decision will be important." GEAROID "Yes, sir, right away, I hope I have not disturbed you to the point where you can get no rest, we will need your expertise at the meeting, try to recover, if you can." INT. CASTLE HALLWAY Gearoid walks out of the room briskly feeling more worried than before, if the king had not known what to do, than who would? He is accompaied by the guard who doesn't say anything because of his heavy breathing. GEAROID "You must go to the soldier's compound and tell them to come to a meeting at six o'clock in the afternoon in the ballroom, I will find the sirs and alert them. I will also take care of the other arrangments." GUARD "Yes sir." Both people walk in different directions at a hurried pace, this was not a lot of time to set up a meeting. Both were breathing hard and both wore dutiful expressions. Camera follows guard. INT. SOLDIER'S COMPOUND Guard walks in to the compound. It is made of stone, like everything else in the castle and the beds are all neatly made. The soldiers are either outside or in the middle of the compound sharpening weapons and polishing them. GUARD "Attention soldiers, there will be a meeting at six o'clock in the afternoon in the ballroom, you are all expected to be there, alert any soldiers that are not here at the moment and tidy up before you (MORE)

5. GUARD (CONT'D) all leave. Thank you, and kindest regards from the king." The soldiers all give a chorused grumble of understanding and get back to training and sharpening weapons. They all humm and Irish folk song and every move sends a ripple through their muscular bodies. GUARD (CONT'D) (Dissaprovingly) "Soldiers, I will never understand them, they are brash and have time for nothing other than their swords and their strength." EXT. INSIDE THE CASTLE GROUNDS The guard walks outside thinking intensly and muttering to himself occationally. He isn't paying any attention to where he is going, and when he turns to the entrance back into the castle, he runs into the corner of a wall and gets a bloody nose and a black eye. His lengthy features condensing in pain. He looks around franically to see if anybody had been paying any attention to this spectical. When he notices that nobody is looking, he quickly walks to the door that will lead him to the inside of the castle. INT. CASTLE HALLWAY The guard walks into the hallway with his eye twitching, swaying side to side as he tries to make his way to the infirmary. INT. SIRS AREA OF THE CASTLE Gearoid walks briskly through the hallways stopping at a door to his right. He takes a shallow breath, the most sirs would be here. The archive and library, one of the largest rooms in the castle, and the one with the most information. The big wooden door loomes several feet above him. INT. ARCHIVE AND LIBRARY Grearod enters the room quietly, looking around to see who is there.

6. GEAROID (clears his throat to get everybody who is in close proximity's attention and then says in a loud whisper so as not to disturb the others) "Excuse my interruption, but there will be a meeting at six o'clock in the afternoon in the ballroom, and all sirs are requested to be there, King's orders, if you could all spread the word amoungst yourselves that would be appreciated. Thank you, and see you tonight." The sirs all agree and set off to tell the others. Gearoid looks rather pleased. He walks toward the door with a sense of importance. INT. CASTLE HALLWAY Gearoid steps out of the archive and library and turns nearly running into a guard. The guard is short, with red hair and coffee eyes, he is new, shy, and unexperienced. Both faces are contorted with shock. GUARD (apologetic and timid) "Oh, I am very sorry my sir, I was off to find you, to tell you that the guard you were going to meet up had some injuiries while out delivering a message to the soldiers and is now in the infirmary." GEAROID (thoughtfull) "Mm, yes thank you, sorry as well, by the way. I wonder how he has injured himself. I will check on how he is doing. Was that all?" GUARD "Yes sir." GEAROID "Thank you, then, I must be going now, I have a lot of things to do before I have got to go to ... I am very busy, excuse me." Gearoid walks past the guard quickly mumbling to himself

7. that this was a big setback and that he would have done a much better job, and that he was very foolish to almost have told the servant about the meeting, for the entire castle did not have to know, it would just frighten everybody. INT. INFIRMARY Gearoid storms into the infirmary to find the guard and someone he had never seen before talking. Gearoid's handsome features are condensed with anger. GEAROID (staring the guard down) "What kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into this time? How hard is it to deliver a message to the soldiers without having them give you a black eye and a bloody nose?" GUARD (slightly offended) "I have a name you know, Gearoid. Alroy, remember? I cannot believe you think I am so un-levelheaded. The soldiers did not give these to me, I did. I ran into the wall." GEAROID (looking incrediculous for a minute) "You ran into the wall? That is even worse! Your nose has stopped bleading at least. I will go tell the King that we have alerted everybody and that they will attend the meeting. I will also help setting up. I expect you to be at the meeting, so put something more presentable on." ALROY (looking annoyed) "Yes, sir." Gearoid walks out briskly while Alroy huffs that he is levelheaded and that it wasn't that bad. INT. BALLROOM Gearoid and servants gather in the massive ballroom with a grand chandelier hanging in the center and the silver walls sparkling coldly.

8. SERVANT "We will need the large table and all the china that you can muster. It all has to match. You, you can pick out the napkins and set them all up. Everybody get to work. Make this place shine and make it ready for the gathering." There was a general agreement in the ballroom and everybody went to clean and sort. They all new that this was going to be important. Half an hour later the room was shining and the table was being carried into the ballroom by two burly men who had offered to help. As soon as the table had been put down in the right spot, which had taken a couple of tries, everybody immediatly started setting it, josteling the two men and anybody who wasn't moving. When everything was finished, it looked stunning, nothing like a war council was about take place there. It was starting in fifteen minutes. ANEURIN (serious and concerned) "I have recieved some troubling news. Our borders are going to be attacked soon by Europe and the Banshee has been sighted again. We must have some kind of strategy. We cannot let Europe trample our forces, but we cannot risk loosing all of our forces to the Banshee, and if there is a war, she will surely be there. What shall we do?" Everybody in the room turns to the person closest to them and discusses what would happen if they went to war and what would happen if they didn't. SOLDIER "Either way our kingdom would fall, so would it not make more sense to go down fighting? We even have the chance that the Banshee will not show up. If we do not fight we are going to look like cowards." ANEURIN (considering the idea) "True. We will have a vote, we either fight or stay. All in favor of fighting raise your hand...Mmm, all in favor of staying...Yes, well the majority wishes to fight. (MORE)

9. ANEURIN (CONT'D) Prepare for battle. We shall leave in a week. I shall lead you into battle for better or for worse." All the people in the room start filing out the door and the servants rush in to return the room to its original state. EXT. !STABLES There was a serious buzz in the stables, soldiers, servants, and blacksmiths everywhere cleaning the horses, preparing them for battle and making sure that theirs horse shoes were in order. The noise was almost unbearable. Most of the horses were gray or brown, there were a few white horses that belonged to the sirs, and one black horse. That was Aneurin's horse. Blacksmiths working on the soldiers armor, while some servants and soldiers were polishing it. The small windows let them see a little bit of what was going on behind them. More preperations were going on throughout the castle. It would go on like this for days. SOLDIER (talking to another soldier and his horse) "Do you actually think the Banshee will come? I doubt it. I think it was just some myth to get us scared out of our buzzums so we would not go to battle. Everybody hates the Banshee, so it would be the perfect thing, but that is a load of rubbish." EXT. IRISH LANDSCAPE The hills rolled out for as long as the eye could see. Rain was pounding down on the green grass, the dirt staring to turn into mud. A woman was floating above the grass staring ahead without seeing. She had long, flowing, wavy silver hair, red eyes that were unblinking, a pale green compexion and a white armor-style dress. Silver shimmered around her, her red lips unsmiling, her red cheeks unmoving, a single tear was fomed on her face. She let out a single horrible piercing scream and drifted forward, her hair flowing behind her, leaving a trail of silver mist wherever she went. EXT. OUTSIDE OF THE CASTLE There was an air of fear and excitement as the men assembled their horses and dressed them in armor, polishing swords and helemts and talking all the while. The horses snorted repeatedly letting out a burst of steam that drifted through

10. the air. There was folk music coming from a pub that was handing out provisions and some extra beer. SOLDIER (to another soldier) "Are you ready?" OTHER SOLDIER "I have no idea, I cannot feel or think right now, so I assume that I am nervous." SOLDIER (laughing nervously) "That is not reassuring in the least." OTHER SOLDIER "I guess not, but again, what would be?" SOLDIER "I do not know, I cannot think. I guess I am nervous too." OTHER SOLDIER (laughing) "Who is not?" SOLDIER "I have no idea. I am pretty sure that everybody is nervous." The horses were starting to become restless and pounding their hooves on the wet ground, spraying dirt everywhere. The soldiers, Gearoid and Aneurin were ready to start riding. They had made a plan to split up into multiple groups and defend their castle in a circle, they had also built defenses such as trenches and wooden and rose fences that reached far beyond the castle. They would ensure that the castle could not be attacked and that the ladies and everyday people and the sirs who had decided to stay would not get hurt. The soldiers and sirs swung themselves on their horses and started galloping to meet the European armies. They would meet their allies from the United Kingdom soon. EXT. IRISH LANDSCAPE The banshee floated above a mountain covered in mist looking down on an army on horses. She smiled her creepy smile and let out a scream, flashed purple and then dissapeared

11. leaving a purple shadow of herself on the mountain. The army reacted by falling into complete chaos. EXT. IRISH LANDSCAPE The army of the Irish Kingdom and the army of the United Kingdom were meeting at the edge of another valley when they heard the faraway scream of the banshee. They fell into chaos and tried to find the sorce of the scream. They heard another army far away, also falling into a complete state of confusion. ANEURIN (pale and frightened, but trying to hide it for the sake of the other soldiers) "Who do you think the banshees scream was meant for Gearoid? Our army or the European army?" GEAROID (also pale and shaky) "You know I am going to hope that that was for the European army, but I do not know. Maybe she wants them off her territory because they are intruding, maybe she wants us gone because we have been here too long." ANEURIN "Yes, maybe, either way I will hope too, but now we must go into battle, the other army is coming and we must face them head on." Aneurin assembled his troops and managed to calm them down. ANEURIN (CONT'D) (raising his voice so that everybody can hear him and raising his sword) "The other army is coming, we do not know who the scream was for, but we shall go into battle and fight a brave war against those trying to invade our land, if we die, we shall die like true soldiers. Charge!" A cheering went up from the army as they urged their hoses forward, the pounding ringing through the air, a haunted feeling still in the air.

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