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Richardson- Webquest

The Spanish-American War

Causes of the war and background information 1. What economic interests did the US have in Cuba in the late 1800s?

2. What factors led to the conflict between Spain and the Cuban Nationalists?

3. According to the investigation, who or what group of people were responsible for the explosion of the U.S.S. Maine?

Yellow Journalism

4. What is yellow journalism and how did it manipulate public opinion?

5. Newspaper publishers Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst were major competitors. Describe two strategies they used to sell more newspapers during the United States involvement in Cuba.

6. Along with yellow journalists, who else is credited with influencing a drive for US overseas expansion?

US expansion and its role as a world power

7. Explain a concern among many people in the US regarding Imperialism and the fundamental American principles.

8. In what ways did the representation of Cuban people influence American feelings towards imperialism?

9. In your opinion, did the events of the SpanishAmerican war benefit the interests of the United States? At what point do these needs or desires become more important than the autonomy of another country?

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