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A. REYES, Plaintiff -versusCivil Case No. Q-0210010 For: Legal Separation

RICARDO M. REYES, Defendant x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x


I, RICARDO M. REYES, of legal age, married, and living at 1! "verest #oad, $%&inle' (ill, )rg'. *asong *uti+, ,aguig Cit', *-ilippines, .efendant in t-is %ase, state under oat- as follo/s: PRELIMINARY STATEMENT ,-e person e0amining me is Atty. Ari t!t"# Mi$"%t /it- address at 1nit 2 Ne/ "ra Condo ,o/er 2 Central 3ve. Que4on Cit'. ,-e e0amination is 5eing -eld at t-e same address. I am ans/ering -is 6uestions full' %ons%ious t-at I do so under oat- and ma' fa%e %riminal lia5ilit' for false testimon' and per7ur'. PURPOSE& ,-is affidavit8testimon' of defendant RICARDO M. REYES is 5eing offered to spe%ifi%all' denies t-e material allegations in t-e %omplaint on t-is %ase and to prove t-at t-e defendant %ontinues to perform -is paternal o5ligations to t-e plaintiff and t-eir %-ildren. 1. Q. *lease state 'our name and ot-er personal %ir%umstan%es for t-e re%ord. 3. I am RICARDO M. REYES, of legal age, married, and living at 1! "verest #oad, $%&inle' (ill, )rg'. *asong *uti+, ,aguig Cit', *-ilippines. 2. ;. Q. 9-at is 'our relation to t-is %ase: 3. I am t-e defendant Sir. Q. 9-at is 'our relations-ip /it- t-e petitioner Loreta 3. #e'es: 3. S-e is m' /ife Sir.

2. Q. 9-en did 'ou marr' t-e petitioner: 3. <n =une 2>, 200! Sir. >. Q. 9-' did 'ou marr' -er: 3. I love -er sir. ?. Q. 1ntil /-en do 'ou intend to love -er: 3. 1ntil m' last 5reat-e Sir as I promised at our /edding. @. Q. (o/ man' %-ildren do 'ou -ave /it- 'our /ife in an': 3. 9e are 5lessed /it- t/o %-ildren Sir. !. Q. 9-at are t-eir names: 3. 3rnold and =ani%e $. #e'es Sir. A. Q. (o/ old are t-e': 3. 3rnold is turning > t-is =une and =ani%e is 2 'ears old Sir. 10. Q. 3s a fat-er -o/ do 'ou ta+e %are of 'our famil': 3. I /or+ -ard Sir to give t-e needs m' famil'. 11. Q. 9-ere do /or+: 3. I am /or+ing at t-e *asa' Cit' *oli%e .istri%t Sir. 12. Q. 9-at is 'our position at t-e *asa' Cit' *oli%e .istri%t: 3. I am a poli%e offi%er and presentl' assigned in t-e Investigating 1nit. 1;. Q. (o/ long -ave 'ou 5een in t-e servi%e as a poli%e offi%er: 3. I 5e%ame a poli%e on 3pril 2002 and I /as assigned at t-e investigation unit of *asa' Cit' on $ar%- 200!, a fe/ mont-s 5efore our /edding. 12. Q. 3t present /-at are t-e %ases t-at 'our team are investigating: 3. I Sir, toget-er /it- ot-er mem5ers of t-e Investigation 1nit are presentl' investigating %rimes involving illegal transa%tions of pro-i5ited drugs proliferating in t-e vi%init' of *asa' Cit' and ad7oining %ities. 1>. Q. 9-en t-is operation started: 3. <n <%to5er 201; Sir, /e -ave 5een %ondu%ting t-e operation for more t-an t-ree mont-s. 1?. Q. 9-at is t-e effe%t of t-is operation to 'ou and 'our relations-ip /it- 'our famil' if an': 3. ,-e operation is ver' dangerous. 9e are dealing /it- International .rug S'ndi%ates t-at are operating glo5all'. It re6uires us to invest more time t-an usual. )e%ause of t-is most of t-e time I %ame -ome late and tired. 1@. Q. 9-at time do 'ou %ome -ome /-ile t-is operation is ta+ing pla%e: 3. $ost of t-e time, past midnig-t Sir and sometimes I %anBt go -ome

5e%ause of urgent %ir%umstan%es t-at re6uire us to monitor our assets in ma+ing transa%tions /it- t-e suspe%ts. ,-e s'ndi%ate operate 22 -ours and /e -ave to 5e vigilant at all times to gat-er eviden%e or 5etter to %at%- t-em in t-e a%t. Last /ee+ /e 7ust raided t-eir manufa%turing la5 in )onifa%io Clo5al Cit', ,aguig. 1!. Q. (o/ do 'ou %ommuni%ate /it- 'our assets: 3. I %ommuni%ate /it- our assets and team mate via %all and t0t /it- a %ell p-one provided 5' t-e *asa' Cit' *oli%e .istri%t. 1A. Q. 9-at is t-e rea%tion of 'our /ife /-en s-e sees 'ou %ommuni%ate /it'our assets and team mate: 3. 3s mu%- as possi5le I donBt /ant m' /ife to -ear or see an' %onversation t-at is related to our investigation. I donBt /ant -er to get /orried. Considering also t-e danger t-at ma' %aused m' famil' if t-e' -ave an' information a5out our operation. 20. Q. (o/ do 'ou +eep it from 'our famil': 3. I go to t-e 5at-room or out of t-e -ouse 5efore I ans/er m' p-one. ,-en I put a pass/ord to t-e p-one /-i%- /as provided 5' t-e *N*. 21. Q. 9-at is t-e rea%tion of 'our /ife /-en 'ou do t-at: 3. S-e loo+s at me and /at%-es me, 5ut s-e never as+s an't-ing a5out it. I 5elieve s-e understand m' a%tions. 22. Q. 9-at is t-e rea%tion of 'our /ife /-en 'ou %ome -ome late or /-en 'ou %anBt go -ome: 3. S-e never %omplained of an't-ing. I t-oug-t s-e understand m' situation 5e%ause s-e +no/s ver' /ell t-e nature of m' /or+, until s-e filed t-is a%tion. 2;. Q. In relation to t-is %ase, /-o is #a%-el: 3. I donBt +no/ Sir. 22. Q. 9-at %an 'ou sa' a5out t-e allegation in t-e %omplaint t-at 'ou /ent to Sofitel on =anuar' 2>, 2012: 3. I did not go to Sofitel on t-e said date Sir. 2>. Q. 9-at a5out on ot-er date, is t-ere an' o%%asion t-at 'ou /ent to Sofitel: 3. None Sir, I prefer to rest at -ome t-an go to an' -otel. 2?. Q. 9-at a5out t-e allegation t-at 'ou /ent to Di%toria Court on .e%em5er 2>, 2012: 3. Ees sir I /ent to Di%toria Court on t-e said date /it- m' team mate S*<2 $arissa ). Car%ia and S*<; Carlos ,. Cru4 /-o /ent a-ead of us to avoid furt-er suspi%ion t-at /e are tailing t-e t/o suspe%ts /-o entered t-e said esta5lis-ment. 2@. Q. ,-en /-at -appened: 3. 9e lost sig-t of t-e suspe%ts Sir and /e are %onstrained to leave immediatel' and reported to t-e <ffi%e.

IN 'ITNESS 'HEREOF, I -ave -ereunto set m' -and t-is @t- da' of =anuar' 2012 in $a+ati Cit', *-ilippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND S'ORN to 5efore me t-is 2@ t- da' of =anuar' 2012 in $a+ati Cit', *-ilippines, affiant -aving e0-i5ited to me -er professional driverBs li%ense, 12;2>?, issued =anuar' 11, 2012, to e0pire =anuar' 11, 201>F -er Communit' ,a0 Certifi%ate num5ered 12;2>?, issued on =anuar' ?, 212 at Que4on Cit', *-ilippines.

Atty. N!t% Ri! Notar' *u5li% for $a+ati Cit' 1ntil .e%em5er ;1, 2012 Commission No. $-12;1 *,# No. 00002111F 180;81;F $a+ati Cit' Lifetime I)* No. 2;2>1?, $a+ati Cit', #oll No. ?>2;;2

.o%. No. GGGGGGGGG *age No. GGGGGGGGG )oo+ No. GGGGGGGGG Series of 2012 I, ARISTOTLE (ICLAT, of legal age, Filipino, /it- postal address 1nit 2 Ne/ "ra Condo ,o/er 2 Central 3ve. Que4on Cit' after 5eing dul' s/orn depose and sa': 2. I /as t-e one /-o %ondu%ted t-e e0amination of %omplainant RICARDO M. REYES at m' offi%e in City P"%)%, T. S!r%, Q*#)!+ CityF ;. I -ave fait-full' re%orded or %aused to 5e re%orded t-e 6uestions I as+ed and t-e %orresponding ans/er t-at t-e /itness gaveF 2. I nor an' ot-er person t-en present or assisting -er %oa%-ed t-e /itness regarding -er ans/ersF

IN 'ITNESS 'HEREOF, I -ave -ereunto set m' -and t-is GGGG da' of GGGG 2012 at GGGGGGGGGGG. ATTY. ARISTOTLE MICLAT 3ffiant SUBSCRIBED AND S'ORN to 5efore me t-is 2@ t- da' of =anuar' 2012 in $a+ati Cit', *-ilippines, affiant -aving e0-i5ited to me -er professional driverBs li%ense, 12;2>?, issued =anuar' 11, 20012, to e0pire =anuar' 11, 201>F -er Communit' ,a0 Certifi%ate num5ered 12;2>?, issued on =anuar' 0?, 2012 at Que4on Cit', *-ilippines.

Atty. N!t% Ri! Notar' *u5li% for $a+ati Cit' 1ntil .e%em5er ;1, 2012 Commission No. $-12;1 *,# No. 00002111F 180;81;F $a+ati Cit' Lifetime I)* No. 2;2>1?, $a+ati Cit', #oll No. ?>2;;2 *age No. GGGGGGGGG )oo+ No. GGGGGGGGG Series of 2012


RICARDO M. REYES, Defendant x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x


I, MARISSA B. GARCIA, of legal age, married, and living at 22 "verest #oad, $%&inle' (ill, )rg'. *asong *uti+, ,aguig Cit', *-ilippines, state under oat- as follo/s: PRELIMINARY STATEMENT ,-e person e0amining me is Atty. RAYMOND VALLEJO /it- address at 1nit 2 )aranga' (ol' Spirit, Common/ealt- 3ve. Que4on Cit'. ,-e e0amination is 5eing -eld at t-e same address. I am ans/ering -is 6uestions full' %ons%ious t-at I do so under oat- and ma' fa%e %riminal lia5ilit' for false testimon' and per7ur'. PURPOSE& ,-is affidavit8testimon' of MARISSA B. GARCIA is 5eing offered to prove t-at t-e defendant /ent to t-e Di%toria Court /it- -er in t-e performan%e of t-eir dut' as poli%e offi%er. 1. Q. *lease state 'our name and ot-er personal %ir%umstan%es for t-e re%ord. 3. I am MARISSA B. GARCIA, of legal age, married, and living at 22 "verest #oad, $%&inle' (ill, )rg'. *asong *uti+, *asa' Cit', *-ilippines. 2. Q. 9-ere do 'ou /or+ if an': 3. I am a poli%e offi%er and I am %urrentl' assigned at t-e Investigation 1nit of t-e *asa' Cit' *oli%e .istri%t Sir. ;. Q. 9-at is 'our relations-ip /it- #i%ardo $. #e'es t-e defendant in t-is %ase:

3. (e is m' partner in t-e Investigation 1nit of *asa' Cit' *oli%e .istri%t Sir. 2. Q. (o/ long -ave 'ou 5een /or+ing /it- t-e defendant: 3. $ore t-an Si0 mont-s Sir, sin%e I /as transferred -ere last =une 201;. >. Q. (o/ mu%- do 'ou +no/ t-e defendant: 3. 3ll I +no/ Sir is t-at /e are partners in t-e performan%e of our dut', and -e is diligent and responsi5le as a poli%e offi%er. ?. Q. 9-at are 'ou investigating /it- t-e respondent: 3. I toget-er /it- t-e defendant and ot-er mem5ers of t-e Investigation 1nit are presentl' investigating %rime involving illegal transa%tions of pro-i5ited drugs proliferating in t-e vi%init' of *asa' Cit' and ad7oining %ities. @. Q. (o/ do 'ou %ondu%t t-e investigation: 3. 9e -ave assets t-at deal /it- t-e suspe%t and give us %redi5le information t-at %an -elp us in our entrapment operation. 9e also %ondu%t surveillan%e on suspe%ts and follo/ t-em to +no/ t-eir routine and dealings /it- ot-er possi5le suspe%t. !. Q. (o/ do 'ou %ondu%t 'our surveillan%e: 3. 9e %arefull' /at%- and follo/ t-e suspe%ts and re%ord t-eir a%tivities to +no/ t-eir routine and %olle%t information a5out t-e suspe%t. A. Q. In relation to t-is %ase, /-ere are 'ou on .e%em5er >, 201;: 3. I am in t-e vi%init' of *asa' Cit' %ondu%ting surveillan%e operation toget-er /it- m' partner and S*< ; Carlos ,. Cru4. 9e are follo/ing t/o suspe%ts of selling pro-i5ited drugs. 10. Q. (o/ did t-e operation ta+e pla%e: 3. ,-e suspe%ts /ere spotted in "pifanio .elos Santos 3ve. and t-e assets informed us t-at t-e' /ill meet /it- a supplier. 11. Q. ,-en /-at -appened: 3. It seems t-at t-e' noti%ed our %ar /-i%- /as par+ed a5out fift' meters a/a' from t-em. ,-en t-e' move to/ard Di%toria Court and entered t-e said esta5lis-ment. 12. Q. ,-en /-at -appened: 3. 9e follo/ed t-em and /e also entered at Di%toria Court. 1;. Q. (o/ did 'ou entered Di%toria Court: 3. S*< ; Cru4 /ent first to avoid furt-er suspi%ion from t-e suspe%ts t-at t-e' are 5eing follo/ed and t-en I toget-er /it- t-e defendant follo/ed S*< ;. 12. Q. 9-at -appened inside Di%toria Court: 3. 9e lost sig-t of t-e suspe%ts. 1>. Q. 9-at time did 'ou entered Di%toria Court:

3. 35out 2 oB%lo%+ in t-e afternoon Sir. 1?. Q. (o/ long did 'ou sta' inside Di%toria Court: 3. =ust a5out 2-; minutes. 1@. Q. 9-' did 'ou immediatel' leave Di%toria Court: 3. 9e are for%ed to leave immediatel' 5efore our %over /ill 5e e0posed t-en /e reported to t-e offi%e. IN 'ITNESS 'HEREOF, I -ave -ereunto set m' -and t-is @t- da' of =anuar' 2012 in $a+ati Cit', *-ilippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND S'ORN to 5efore me t-is 2@ t- da' of =anuar' 2012 in $a+ati Cit', *-ilippines, affiant -aving e0-i5ited to me -er professional driverBs li%ense, 12;2>?, issued =anuar' 11, 2012, to e0pire =anuar' 11, 201>F -er Communit' ,a0 Certifi%ate num5ered 12;2>?, issued on =anuar' ?, 212 at Que4on Cit', *-ilippines.

Atty. N!t% Ri! Notar' *u5li% for $a+ati Cit' 1ntil .e%em5er ;1, 2012 Commission No. $-12;1 *,# No. 00002111F 180;81;F $a+ati Cit' Lifetime I)* No. 2;2>1?, $a+ati Cit', #oll No. ?>2;;2

.o%. No. GGGGGGGGG *age No. GGGGGGGGG )oo+ No. GGGGGGGGG Series of 2012

I, RAYMOND VALLEJO, of legal age, Filipino, /it- postal address 1nit 2 )aranga' (ol' Spirit, Common/ealt- 3ve. Que4on Cit' after 5eing dul' s/orn depose and sa': 2. I /as t-e one /-o %ondu%ted t-e e0amination of %omplainant MARISSA B. GARCIA at m' offi%e in City P"%)%, T. S!r%, Q*#)!+ CityF ;. I -ave fait-full' re%orded or %aused to 5e re%orded t-e 6uestions I as+ed and t-e %orresponding ans/er t-at t-e /itness gaveF 2. I nor an' ot-er person t-en present or assisting -er %oa%-ed t-e /itness regarding -er ans/ersF

IN 'ITNESS 'HEREOF, I -ave -ereunto set m' -and t-is GGGG da' of GGGG 2012 at GGGGGGGGGGG. ATTY. RAYMOND VALLEJO 3ffiant SUBSCRIBED AND S'ORN to 5efore me t-is 2@ t- da' of =anuar' 2012 in $a+ati Cit', *-ilippines, affiant -aving e0-i5ited to me -er professional driverBs li%ense, 12;2>?, issued =anuar' 11, 20012, to e0pire =anuar' 11, 201>F -er Communit' ,a0 Certifi%ate num5ered 12;2>?, issued on =anuar' 0?, 2012 at Que4on Cit', *-ilippines.

Atty. N!t% Ri! Notar' *u5li% for $a+ati Cit' 1ntil .e%em5er ;1, 2012 Commission No. $-12;1 *,# No. 00002111F 180;81;F $a+ati Cit' Lifetime I)* No. 2;2>1?, $a+ati Cit', #oll No. ?>2;;2 *age No. GGGGGGGGG )oo+ No. GGGGGGGGG Series of 2012


RICARDO M. REYES, Defendant x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x


I, CARLOS T. CRUZ, of legal age, married, and living at 22 "verest #oad, $%&inle' (ill, )rg'. "pifanio 3ve. *asa' Cit', *-ilippines, state under oat- as follo/s: PRELIMINARY STATEMENT ,-e person e0amining me is Atty. RAYMOND VALLEJO /it- address at 1nit 2 )aranga' (ol' Spirit, Common/ealt- 3ve. Que4on Cit'. ,-e e0amination is 5eing -eld at t-e same address. I am ans/ering -is 6uestions full' %ons%ious t-at I do so under oat- and ma' fa%e %riminal lia5ilit' for false testimon' and per7ur'. PURPOSE& ,-is affidavit8testimon' of CARLOS T. CRUZ is 5eing offered to prove t-at t-e defendant /ent to t-e Di%toria Court /it- S*< 2 $3#IS3 ). C3#CI3 -is partner toget-er /it- t-e affiant in t-e performan%e of -is dut' as poli%e offi%er. >. Q. *lease state 'our name and ot-er personal %ir%umstan%es for t-e re%ord. ). I CARLOS T. CRUZ, of legal age, married, and living at 22 "verest #oad, $%&inle' (ill, )rg'. "pifanio 3ve. *asa' Cit', *-ilippines. 2. Q. 9-ere do 'ou /or+ if an': 3. I am a poli%e offi%er and I am %urrentl' assigned at Investigation 1nit of t-e *asa' Cit' *oli%e .istri%t Sir.

;. Q. 9-at is 'our relations-ip /it- #i%ardo $. #e'es t-e defendant in t-is %ase: 3. (e is m' %olleague in t-e Investigation 1nit of *asa' Cit' *oli%e .istri%t Sir. 2. Q. (o/ long -ave 'ou 5een /or+ing /it- t-e defendant: 3. $ore t-an Five 'ears, I am t-e one /-o -elp -im to 5e serve as a poli%e in t-e *asa' Cit' *oli%e .istri%t. >. Q. (o/ mu%- do 'ou +no/ t-e defendant: 3. I +no/ -im ver' /ell, -is fat-er is a friend of mine. ?. Q. 9-at are 'ou investigating /it- t-e defendant: 3. I toget-er /it- t-e defendant and ot-er mem5ers of t-e Investigation 1nit are presentl' investigating %rime involving illegal transa%tions of pro-i5ited drugs proliferating in t-e vi%init' of *asa' Cit' and ad7oining %ities. @. Q. (o/ do 'ou %ondu%t t-e investigation: 3. 9e -ave assets t-at deal /it- t-e suspe%t and give us %redi5le information t-at %an -elp us in our entrapment operation. 9e also %ondu%t surveillan%e on suspe%ts and follo/ t-em to +no/ t-eir routine and dealings /it- ot-er possi5le suspe%t. !. Q. (o/ do 'ou %ondu%t 'our surveillan%e: 3. 9e %arefull' /at%- and follo/ t-e suspe%ts and re%ord t-eir a%tivities to +no/ t-eir routine and %olle%t information a5out t-e suspe%t. A. Q. In relation to t-is %ase, /-ere are 'ou on .e%em5er >, 201;: 3. I am in t-e vi%init' of *asa' Cit' %ondu%ting surveillan%e operation toget-er /it- t-e defendant and -is partner $arissa Car%ia. 9e are follo/ing t/o suspe%ts of selling pro-i5ited drugs. 10. Q. (o/ did t-e operation ta+e pla%e: 3. ,-e suspe%ts /ere spotted in "pifanio .elos Santos 3ve. and t-e assets informed us t-at t-e' /ill meet /it- a supplier. 11. Q. ,-en /-at -appened: 3. It seems t-at t-e' noti%ed our %ar /-i%- /as par+ed a5out fift' meters a/a' from t-em. ,-en t-e' move to/ard Di%toria Court and entered t-e said esta5lis-ment. 12. Q. ,-en /-at -appened: 3. 9e follo/ed t-em and /e also entered at Di%toria Court. 1;. Q. (o/ did 'ou entered Di%toria Court: 3. I /ent first to avoid furt-er suspi%ion from t-e suspe%ts t-at t-e' are 5eing follo/ed and t-en S*< 2 $arissa Car%ia toget-er /it- t-e defendant follo/ed me. 12. Q. 9-at -appened inside Di%toria Court:

3. 9e lost sig-t of t-e suspe%ts. 1>. Q. 9-at time did 'ou entered Di%toria Court: 3. 35out 2 oB%lo%+ in t-e afternoon Sir. 1?. Q. (o/ long did 'ou sta' inside Di%toria Court: 3. =ust a5out 2-; minutes. 1@. Q. 9-' did 'ou immediatel' leave Di%toria Court: 3. 9e are for%ed to leave immediatel' 5efore our %over /ill 5e e0posed t-en /e reported to t-e offi%e. IN 'ITNESS 'HEREOF, I -ave -ereunto set m' -and t-is @t- da' of =anuar' 2012 in $a+ati Cit', *-ilippines.


SUBSCRIBED AND S'ORN to 5efore me t-is 2@ t- da' of =anuar' 2012 in $a+ati Cit', *-ilippines, affiant -aving e0-i5ited to me -er professional driverBs li%ense, 12;2>?, issued =anuar' 11, 2012, to e0pire =anuar' 11, 201>F -er Communit' ,a0 Certifi%ate num5ered 12;2>?, issued on =anuar' ?, 212 at Que4on Cit', *-ilippines.

Atty. N!t% Ri! Notar' *u5li% for $a+ati Cit' 1ntil .e%em5er ;1, 2012 Commission No. $-12;1 *,# No. 00002111F 180;81;F $a+ati Cit' Lifetime I)* No. 2;2>1?, $a+ati Cit', #oll No. ?>2;;2

.o%. No. GGGGGGGGG *age No. GGGGGGGGG )oo+ No. GGGGGGGGG Series of 2012

I, RAYMOND VALLEJO, of legal age, Filipino, /it- postal address 1nit 2 )aranga' (ol' Spirit, Common/ealt- 3ve. Que4on Cit' after 5eing dul' s/orn depose and sa': ?. I /as t-e one /-o %ondu%ted t-e e0amination of %omplainant CARLOS T. CRUZ at m' offi%e in City P"%)%, T. S!r%, Q*#)!+ CityF @. I -ave fait-full' re%orded or %aused to 5e re%orded t-e 6uestions I as+ed and t-e %orresponding ans/er t-at t-e /itness gaveF !. I nor an' ot-er person t-en present or assisting -er %oa%-ed t-e /itness regarding -er ans/ersF

IN 'ITNESS 'HEREOF, I -ave -ereunto set m' -and t-is GGGG da' of GGGG 2012 at GGGGGGGGGGG. ATTY. RAYMOND VALEJJO 3ffiant SUBSCRIBED AND S'ORN to 5efore me t-is 2@ t- da' of =anuar' 2012 in $a+ati Cit', *-ilippines, affiant -aving e0-i5ited to me -er professional driverBs li%ense, 12;2>?, issued =anuar' 11, 20012, to e0pire =anuar' 11, 201>F -er Communit' ,a0 Certifi%ate num5ered 12;2>?, issued on =anuar' 0?, 2012 at Que4on Cit', *-ilippines.

Atty. N!t% Ri! Notar' *u5li% for $a+ati Cit' 1ntil .e%em5er ;1, 2012 Commission No. $-12;1 *,# No. 00002111F 180;81;F $a+ati Cit' Lifetime I)* No. 2;2>1?, $a+ati Cit', #oll No. ?>2;;2 *age No. GGGGGGGGG )oo+ No. GGGGGGGGG Series of 2012

*-ilippine National *oli%e *asa' Cit' *oli%e .istri%t <FFIC" <F ,(" ."*1,E C(I"F <F *<LIC" F<# 3.$INIS,#3,I<N H<.C<*3I

=anuar' 2@, 2012

,-is is to %ertif' t-at Mr. RICARDO M. REYES is a Senior *oli%e <ffi%er III and is %urrentl' assigned in t-e Investigation 1nit of t-e *asa' Cit' *oli%e .istri%t /-i%- is %reated for t-e purpose of investigating %rime involving illegal transa%tions of pro-i5ited drugs proliferating in t-e vi%init' of *asa' Cit' and ad7oining %ities. ,-is %ertifi%ate is 5eing issued at t-e re6uest of $r. #e'es for /-atever legal purpose it ma' serve.

*S1*,, ".C3# S. F"##3,"# <.C<*3

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