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Half-term work: Matt Shacklady

1. Send me a digital copy of your presentation handout. I would like to email these to everyone at the end of half term. 2. omplete the work sheet you failed to do when I was away at !ton.

". Start pre-production for your recording coursework: #coustic version of $assenger %&et her 'o%. I have provided sheet music. (. )nce you%ve completed everything on the checklist *elow make a start on your ne+t presentation or carry on with 1#. Pre-production checklist: #lthough this is one of the easier tracks to record, good pre-production is essential in getting everything finished on schedule. #s I%ve provided you with the sheet music only *asic transcription is needed for parts that are missing from the score -'lockenspiel, Synth $ad etc.. /emem*er, it must have at least 8 tracks and be between 2-4 minutes. 1. 0ecide whether you will need to edit the structure of the track for it to *e under ( minutes. 2. 0ecide on the instruments you will use. ". 1hat order will you record the tracks in2 (. How will you record 3 0I each track, including microphone placement and positining. 0raw a small diagram for each. $ro4ect and guide track: 1. reate a &ogic pro4ect, set an appropriate tempo and mark up the different sections of the piece using the Marker tool. -If you don%t know how to use the marker tool find an online tutorial..

2. In the 5notes% section -top right., write when each instrument comes in and a *rief description of each section. ". Input the different instrumental parts on to individual MI0I tracks to create a guide track for the musicians. 6ry to include as many parts as possi*le including the vocal melody -this will take a while.. (. reate a simple drum loop or shaker pattern to replace the 5click% if needed.

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