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Ashton M.

Email: Digital Portfolio: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ _____

Objective: Seeking a Visual Art eaching position beginning of the !"#$%!"#& aca'emic year. Education
University of Northern Iowa, Cedar a!!s, Iowa Bachelor of Arts: Art Education, Emphasis: Photography (PA: !.)#/$."" (aw)eye Co##unity Co!!e*e, +ater!oo, Iowa Iowa Coaching Authorization "ece#ber $%, &'$$

ebruary &,, &'$&

-eachin* E./erience
01$&th 2rade Art -eacher Au*ust &'$&1 3resent Charter Oak-Ute Community School District, Charter Oak, Iowa De*elope' the +%#! Art curriculum an' aligne' lessons with ,ational Art Stan'ar's.owa eaching Stan'ar's an' the .owa /ore !#st /entury Skills (auge' teaching effecti*eness an' stu'ent learning through formati*e an' summati*e assessments /ommunicate' weekly with parents on stu'ents beha*ior an' progress in class Submitte' stu'ent work to VA,S /ustom /ulture shoe 'esign contest- 0outh Art 1onth E2hibition at the Siou2 /ity Art /enter- an' 3ar*est /atalog Establishe' an annual art show to showcase +%#! stu'ent artwork .ntegrate' technology in the classroom through the 4%#! #:# program an' the use of Promethean boar' an' Acti*.nspire programs /ollaborate' weekly with staff to a''ress stu'ent an' school issues De*elope' an' implemente' cross curricular lessons in the classroom

4ubstitute -eachin*
/harter 5ak%6te /ommunity School 1aple Valley Anthon 5to /ommunity School 5'ebolt Arthur%7attle /reek .'a (ro*e /ommunity School Schleswig /ommunity School

4tudent -eachin*
(i*h 4choo! Art October1"ece#ber &'$$ Carroll Community High School, Carroll, Iowa .n'epen'ently taught fi*e lessons for fi*e weeks in Art #- Drawing- PhotographyPainting an' 1i2e' 1e'ia classes

Ashton M. Abbe-Page 2
1o'ifie' lesson ob8ecti*es- an' instruction to meet the nee's of 'i*erse learners /ollaborate' with a paraprofessional to pro*i'e in'i*i'ual an' successful learning for special e'ucation stu'ents 015th 2rade Art Au*ust1October &'$$ American Community School Athens, Athens, Greece .n'epen'ently taught fi*e instructional blocks per 'ay for three weeks an' assemble' an art gallery of stu'ent work from the lessons A'apte' lesson ob8ecti*es an' instruction to meet the nee's of E99 stu'ents Aligne' lessons to meet schools Visual Art Stan'ar's

3rofessiona! 2rowth
Inde/endent 3rofessiona! "eve!o/#ent Art E'ucators of .owa Annual /onference- !"")- !"#!- !"#: !#st /entury Skills for Arts E'ucation%3oste' by .owa AEA- !"#: he Art of E'ucation 5n%line /onference- !"#: 4choo! 4/onsored 3rofessiona! "eve!o/#ent Authentic .ntellectual ;ork A9./E raining .owa /ore /urriculum 1apper 7ullying an' Pre*ention

6e!ated E./erience
7arsity 7o!!eyba!! Coach a!! &'$8 Charter Oak-Ute Community School, Charter Oak, Iowa Planne' an' implemente' 'aily practices an' work outs to impro*e the athlete<s techni=ues- mechanics- fun'amentals- performance an' mental attitu'es /ommunicate' an' collaborate' with >unior 3igh an' >unior Varsity coaches to 'e*elop a successful program Analy?e' game situations an' 'eci'e' strategies to con'uct 'uring the Varsity matches .nitiate' an' instructe' the :%#!th (ra'e /5%6 Volleyball /amp 9unior (i*h 7o!!eyba!! Coach a!! &'$& Charter Oak-Ute Community School, Charter Oak, Iowa /on'ucte' 'aily practice where the athletes were e'ucate' on the fun'amentals of *olleyball Encourage' an' moti*ate' the athletes to 'o their best an' en8oy their e2perience "on**uan University of -echno!o*y En*!ish 4u##er Ca#/, 4u##er &'$' University of Northern Iowa Ca/stone 3ro*ra# Instructor of English, ! to year ol"s, DGU#, Dongguan, China Strengthene' stu'ents< oral- written- listening- an' rea'ing skills through *arious acti*ities E2perience' the /hinese culture an' establishe' an un'erstan'ing of /hinese history

Ca#/ 7e*a 4u##er &'':, &''; O$ernight Arts an" Crafts Cam% Counselor, &ayette, 'aine Ser*e' as counselor while implementing 'aily acti*ity plans in ceramics- 8ewelry making an' staine' glass /ounselor for campers from the ,ortheast area of the 6nite' States- South America an' /ana'a

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