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Statistics If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because that they do not realize how complicated

life is. History of Statistics Charles Darwin Francis Galton Biometrics arl !earson ". G. Gosset #t$ distribution% Fisher #main contender of . !earson% &. 'eyman ( !earson. . !earson) the father of mathematical statistics, the foundation of applied statistics. In order to support Darwin*s theory, he collected a lot of data as he belief that lar+e sample is more precise. Coefficient of correlation ". G. Gosset) ,mall sample Fisher) !oint (stimation- .ypothesis testin+. 'eyman) Interval (stimation (. !earson) /est of (ffectiveness. Galton) Coefficient and 0e+ression, financial supporter. Statement of Science !earson debated the empiricism. /he real science is the probability distribution- the mathematical functions that described the randomness what we could observe. Applications of Statistics. Background 1/he tea tasted different dependin+ upon whether the tea was poured into the mil2 or whether the mil2 was poured into the tea.3 Experimental Design /here are ei+ht cups of tea. .ow to divided it4 5se 1Combination3. 6 7 8 7 9 7 : diba+i ; 7 < 7 = 7 > /here are 8? ways of choosin+ a +roup of ; cups out of 6, but only one way is correct. It the test were repeated, the chance of choosin+ the ri+ht answer is >@8?. Possible Outcome "hat will be the freAuency distribution of !ossible Butcomes. Hypothesis 'ull .ypothesis) Cannot 0esearch .ypothesis) Can 0eCect) ,mall !robabilities should not happened in one random e7periments. It means

the lady can taste the different. Ga2 mun+2in probability 2ecil tapi bisa n+ebedain.

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