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Christina Hunt Career College Essay 1 May 2014 Career and College Research In the career assessment questionnaire

I was happy that my results matched up with my desire future career Many of my results were within the medical field !ut "urse #ractitioner and Registered "urse were the two careers that I chose to research a!out $he we!site offered much information a!out the %o! such as the description& wor' en(ironment& prerequisites& and similar %o! options $he required schooling was also listed and college searches were (ery helpful in order to narrow down my choices I gained a lot of information during this research a!out not only my career !ut also schooling options ) "urse #ractitioner is my first choice as a career field that I am interested in )ll of the information listed on the we!site I already 'new !ecause of pre(ious research and college and career planning I ha(e followed a "urse #ractitioner and their %o!s are fun and interesting& I would not mind doing something li'e that e(ery day I lo(e people and I want to help them and the human !ody and the organ systems and ma'e up is so interesting and I would lo(e to study it Registered "ursing is my second career choice& which is a stepping*stone !elow a nurse practitioner I would lo(e to !e a pediatrics R" or an emergency room R" !ecause I lo(e 'ids the most and I thin' they are so cute and sweet and it is important to 'eep children healthy at a young age to pa(e them to a healthy future and allow them to de(elop properly )n emergency room R" would !e interesting !ecause there would ne(er !e a dull moment at wor'& the %o! description is (ery intense and (ery !road considering you do not 'now what type of patient will !e coming in

$he difference !etween the two careers is the Registered "urse had a +achelors of ,cience -egree in nursing& while the "urse #ractitioner has a Masters -egree .ltimately the two careers are (ery similar !ut the "urse #ractitioner gets paid more& has higher education& and will do e(erything a Registered "urse does !ut slightly more of a challenge and responsi!ility ) master/s degree is a!out two years longer than a !achelor and if I ha(e !een in school for so long two more years is not much longer and the reward would !e so sweet $he Career0College study has furthered my 'nowledge and awareness a!out my schooling options and has also put my career 'nowledge a little more in depth It is (ery realistic to me that my future is so !right when I do studies li'e these !ecause I am no longer a little 'id and when people as' me the question 12hat do you want to !e when you grow up34 I can not only answer with assurance !ut I can also gi(e you a thought out structured plan of how I am going to o!tain that career and reached goals I ne(er thought possi!le

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