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EXAMINATION OF THE ELBOW INTRODUCE LOOK Look from the front for carrying angle & from the

he side for a flexion deformity. - Scars, rashes, muscle wasting, psoriasis and swelling such as over the olecranon.

FEEL Use back of the hand to check for temperature across the joint & forearm. - Hold forearm with elbow flexed to 90 deg & palpate the elbow.

- Is there swelling does, palpate the radial head; synovitis is usually felt as a fullness between the olecranon & lateral epicondyle. - Palpate the medial & lateral epicondyles for epicondylitis, & over the olecranon for tenderness & evidence of bursitis.

MOVE Does the elbow fully flex & extend? - Assess both sides & compare, both actively & passively. - Assess pronation & supination, both actively & passively. - Check for crepitus.

FUNCTION - Cozens Tennis Elbow Test

- Reverse Cozens Test for Medial Epicondylitis

- Resisted middle finger extension Test +VE = Pain around elbow, = Radial Tunnel Syndrome

- Tinels Sign

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