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Automatic Data Master Server user manual

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All the specification s of th e products men tioned h ere are subjected to the real objects. ZKS oftware d oes n ot u ndertake that the real produ cts are consistent w ith th e in formation. ZKS oftware does n ot un dertake any dispu te caused b y the disag reement of actu al techn ical p arameter an d this in form ation . Besid es, ZKis n ot resp onsib le to notice inad vance.

1. ADM S installationandun installation 1.1 In stallation 1.2 Un installation 2. Log inADMS 2.1 ADMS m an agemen t 2.2 S ystemlog in& logout 2.3Lan guage selection 2.4 P assword m od ification 3. Use of ADM S 3.1 qu ick use 3.2 Device m anagem en t 3.2.1 D evice mainten ance an d managem ent 3.2.2 D evice op erationlog 3.2.3 Real-tim e record m onitor 3.3 Data maintenance 3.3.1 D epartm en t manag em ent 3.3.2 Person nel m anagem en t 3.3.3 Attendance record 3.4 systemlog 3.4.1 D evice uploading d ata log 3.4.2 S erver com man d log 3.4.3 Adm in istrator op erationlog 3.4.4 M aintenance b y system administrator App end ix App end ix 1 H owto con nect term in al unit to n etwork App end ix 2 Com monop eration 1 1 5 6 6 7 8 8 10 10 10 10 16 16 17 17 19 22 24 24 25 27 28 32 32 34






1.1 Installation
1. Pu t in stallation CD in to CD d river, an d the installation program w ill runautom atically. Notice: This specification may not accord with the actual content in CD. Installation programin CD prevails. 2. Select lang uag e, and click OK to continu e.

3. Before in stallation, other runn ing programs are su ggested to b e stop ped , inorder to avoid collision, then click next 4. Please read softw are user licence agreem en t, an d select I accep t, then click next 5. Select in stallation path, an d d efau lt p ath is sugg ested . Click next . Notice: The nam e of installation directory cannot be Chinese. 1


6. Specify sh ortcuts p osition, an d click next. 7. After installation con figuration , click installation to start installation.


8. After installation, icon (AD MS managem ent) w ill ap pear on th e bottom righ t corner of desktop .

And sh ortcu t icon for AD MS system login will b e ad ded on th e d esktop.

9. After in stallation, open w in dows firewall to ad d 80 port (n amed W W W ), as the followin g operations: Click startconfigurationcontrol panel to open window s firewall, an d select exception .


S elect add port (as sh ow n below ), inpu t name (w ww ) and p ort numb er (80), select TCP an d then click OK to comp lete th e op eration.

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1.2 Uninstallation
If you wont use th is softw are an y longer, an d want to delete it, you can execute the followin g operations: 1. Exit AD MS p rog ram . 2. En ter start -- control panel -- add/delete program, click ADM S to d elete it.

3. Click YES to u nin stall un til it is comp lete.

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2. Login ADMS
2.1 ADMS management
1. Method to openAD MS m an agemen t interface 1) Enter start program ADMS data service system , click service manager to op en m an agemen t interface. 2) S tart th is p rog ram w hen W in dows system g ets started . Doubly click on th e bottom right corn er to get

managem ent in terface.

2. Set ADMSport Inpu t port nu mber of AD MS. (Please verify that th is port isnt sh ield ed b y fire protectionwall or an ti-virus software. 3. Start AD MS service W henservice is inth e state of Stopp ed, click S tart. 6

iclock server V1.0 4. ADM S service p ause W henservice state is in Runn in g, click S top. 5. Restart ADMSservice W henservice is inRunn ing, click Restart.

2.2 System login & logout

Systemlogin 1. Enter loginin terface 1) Click sh ortcu t on th ed esktopto en ter login in terface. 2) Enter start program ADMS data service system , clickopen hom epage to enter loginin terface.

2. Inp ut correct system u ser an dp assword, click login . Systems in itial value: user: admin 7

iclock server V1.0 passw ord : ad min 3. Hom ep age

S ystemlogou t Click log out on th e top righ t corn er to log out this system , then retu rnto the login interface.

2.3 Language selection

Click the d rop -d ow n box on the top righ t corner to select langu ag e (sim ple Chinese & English).

2.4 Password modification

Function introduction: Modify the passw ordof the current user.

iclock server V1.0 Operating steps: 1. Click mod ify p assw ord on th e top righ t corn er to en ter th e interface.

2. Firstly, inpu t you r old p assw ord once, and then in put your n ew p assword tw ice, click m odify m yp assw ord, after verification, th e m odificationwill be comp lete. 3. The new password com es into efficiency after th e system g ets log out an d login again.

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3. Use of ADMS
3.1 Quick use
S tep s recom men dedby system : S tep1: addtermin al un it. S tep 2: ad dp ersonn el data, or d ow nload personnel d ata from term in al unit. S tep3: Carry ou tm anagem en t of d ep artmen t andperson nel. S tep4: Down loadandexam in e recordfrom term inal u nit.

3.2 Device management

3.2.1 Device maintenance and management Function introduction: M anage ad ding, deletion, qu ery an d m odification of th e en rolled device inthe system. Transmit data to the d evices onlin e and control th emrem otely. Operating steps: 1. Click d evice m an agemen td evice m ain tenance an d

m anagem en t to enter the m aintenance pag e.


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2. Add, modify, query and delete th e enrolled inform ation in th e d evice. 1)adddevice (1) Click ad donthe top left to en ter th ep age.

(2) In put sp ecific in form ation of the device 11

iclock server V1.0 Serial num ber: en ter d evices m enu : system in form ation device inform ationserial nu mber. Recen t on lin e time: the time recorded b y system automatically, not ab le to be ed ited Transm ittingtim e: the tim e when the d evice starts to check and tran smit n ewdata to th e server Refresh interval tim e: h ow often w ill the device checks an d transm its n ewdata to the server? Transm itting m arker of sign -in record : th e time stamp to sh ow the recen t sig n-in record tran smitted from d evice to server Transm itting m arker of user d ata: th e time stamp to sh ow th e recent user d ata tran smittedfromdevice to server D evice name: inp ut a n ame for m an agemen t con ven ience. D ep artmen t: set the d evices departm ent. Click new added departm ent page. to enter th e

City: It is th e city where the d evice is. The d evice can display the local w eath er in leisure. Au tomatic b ackup : Autom atic backup of the enrolled d ata to other devices canbe set. Notice: It is necessary to fill in serial num ber and devices name. (3)After comp leting inform ation in put, click su bmit, and then the d evice is ad dedto th ed evice list. Notice: W hen transmitting time, refresh interval and so on are set, the server will comm unicate with the device and


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transmit the setting to the device. 2)modify device (1)Click serial n umb er on som e device in the d evice list to enter the mod ificationpage. (2)Click sub mit after mod ification. 3)qu ery device (1)Inp ut query con dition in the qu ery w in dow, click qu ery. for fu zzy

Query fields: serial numb er anddevice n am e (2)Fuzzy q uery is su pported b y th is system. For examp le, inpu t 3, serial n umb er and device n am e con tain ing 3 w ill b e displayed. (3)After q uery, the d evice accordin gw ith the cond ition will b e displayed in th e list. Click cancel query cond ition, all th e devices will be displayedagain. 4)delete device (1)Select th e d ata to be d eleted, click d elete in d eal w ith selected d atato delete the selecteddevice in formation. (2)Click delete allto delete all the enrolled device in formation. 5) usingdevice p ause (1)Select the device to m ake it p au se. (2)Click pause in deal with selected data, the state colum n w ill show p ause. 6) recover usingdevice (1)Select the using d evice to b e recoveredinthe op tion column. (2)Click recover use in d eal w ith selected data, th e state 13

iclock server V1.0 colum nw ill show"offlin e/normal". 3. Mon itor th e en rolled d evice S elect state mon itor on the bottom of the hom epage. Th e d evice state can be refreshedintime for conven ien t operation. In put refresh ed interval time. For examp le, inp ut 30, then th e p age can b e refresh ed every 30 secon ds, an d the devices online/offline state can be displayed. 4. Operation onon line device S elect the device to be operated, an d click corresp ond ingbutton in the d ropdownlist to comp lete th e operation.

Up date firm ware: u pd ate th e firmw are of th e selected d evice. Notice: Dont update the devices firmw are at will. If you 14

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need to update the firm ware, please contact ZKSoftw are technician. S elect the device to be operated and click th e corresp on din g bu ttonto comp lete th e operation. Backu p of en rolled d ata: m ake backu p of the selected inform ation of the device to other devices. Tran smit d ata again : Transm it all the data (personn els in form ation and attend ance record) selected on th e d evice to th e server. Tran smit recordagain : Transm it th e attend ance record selected on the d evice to the server. Check andupd ate: U pdate th ed evices inform ation. Restart: Restart th e selected d evice. Check and transm it th e d ata im med iately: force th e recorder to ch eck w hether there is n ew data or n ot. If th ere is n ew d ata, up loadit to th e server. Clear data: Clear all th ed ata on th ed evice, inclu din g personn els inform ation andattend ance record. Clear record : Clear the attendance recordonthe selected device. S et p ow er-off: S et tim e for the selected d evices power-off automatically. Recover th e p ersonn els d ata on the device: transm it th e user inform ation and fingerprin t saved in server to th e tim e & attend ance recorder, m ainly to recover the user in form ation or fin gerprint which is d eleted, lost or d amaged b y accid ent or du rin g m ain tenance.


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W hen server and device are in comm unication,

please dont do other operations. 5. Ch eck and m aintainth ed ata oncorresponding d evice. Click corresp ond ing letter on data main ten ance to en ter the d ata m ain tenance interface.

Letters mean ing : L: attend ance record E: enrolled personn el onthis d evice U : upload d ata log C: give com man d log R: monitor real-tim e record F: file m an agemen t 3.2.2 Device operation log Function: Recordall online devices op erationan d time at present. Operating steps: 1. Click d evice man ag ementd evice op eration log to en ter qu ery p age. 2. System w ill d isp lay the record ob tained at the real-time on th e screen.


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3.2.3 Real-tim e record monitor Function: M onitor sign -in /sign -out record on th e d evices onlin e currently at th e real time. Operating steps: 1. Click device m anagem en treal-tim e record mon itor or click letter R indata mainten ance columnto en ter monitor page, 2. Systemwill d isplay th e record obtain edonthe screen.


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3.3 Data maintenance

3.3.1 Department m anagement Function: Estab lish companys organ ization fram e to man ag e p ersonn el ingroups anddepartm ents. Operating steps: 1. Click d ata mainten ancedep artment manag em ent to en ter d epartm en t manag em ent page.

2. Ad d, edit, q uery anddelete d ep artmen t. 1) Adddep artment 18

iclock server V1.0 (1)Click add onth e topleft to enter the pag e.

(2)Inp ut dep artment nam e and superior d ep artmen t. (3)Click sub mit, thena d ep artmen t is add ed. 2) Ed it dep artment (1)Click departm ent n ame in d ep artmen t list to edit its inform ation. (2)Inp ut dep artment nam e and superior d ep artmen t. (3)Click sub mit to complete the ed ition. 3)qu ery departm ent (1)Inp ut qu ery con dition in the qu ery w ind ow, click qu ery. for fu zzy

Query fields: d ep artmen tn ame (2)After q uery, th e dep artment accord ingwith cond ition will b e displayedinthe list. Click cancel query con dition, th en all th e dep artments w ill b e disp layedag ain. 4) Check andman ag e departm ent personn el Click p ersonn el incheck list to en ter th em an agemen tp age. 5) delete department (1)Select th e d ata to be d eleted, click d elete in d eal w ith selected d atato delete the dep artment in formation. (2)Click delete all to d elete all th ed epartm en ts in formation 19

iclock server V1.0 3.3.2 Personnel management Function: M anage p erson nels files. Operating steps: 1. Click d ata mainten ancepersonnel manag em ent to en ter p ersonn el man ag ement p ag e.

2. Ad d, edit, q uery anddelete p erson nel. 1) ad dp ersonn el (1)Click add onth e topleft to enter the pag e.


iclock server V1.0 (2) In put personnels in form ation . Notice: Attendance No. and department are m ust. Other item s can be input according to need. (3)Click sub mit to complete add ing. 2) ed it personnel (1)Click a persons attend ance N o. in th e personnel list to edit h is in formation. (2)Inp ut his in form ation (3)Click sub mit to complete edition. 3) qu ery p ersonn el (1)Inp ut q uery condition in qu ery w ind ow, click qu ery. for fu zzy

Query fields: attend ance No., name, office ph on e, and m ob ile ph on e (2)After qu ery, the personn el accordin g with cond ition will b e displayed in th e list. Click cancel q uery cond ition, andall th e person nel w ill b ed isp layed again. 4) Check p erson nels atten dance record Click p ersonn el incheck list to en ter th eq uery p ag e. 5) delete personnel (1)Select th ed ata to b e deleted, and click delete in deal w ith selected d atato delete the person. (2)Click delete all to d elete all th e added personn el. 3. Export p ersonn el's in form ation Export the person nels in formation d isp layed in curren t list an d save it in local d isk. 21

iclock server V1.0 (1)Click export. (2)Select exp ort format.

Click subm it to select ch eckin g or savingth is file to local d isk. 4. Other operations P erson nel transm ission : Transm it the selected personn els the selected inform ation to the specified d evice. Temp orary personn el transm ission :

Tran sm it

p ersonn els inform ation to the specified d evice temp orarily.

Delete p ersonn el: D elete th e selected p erson nel from the specified d evice. P erson nel leave: P ersonn els leave: use this function to delete th e p ersonn els d ata after his leave. Tran sfer person nel data: Transfer personn els data to the n ew d evice: tran smit the selected personnels inform ation to th e n ew d evice. 22

iclock server V1.0 Adjust personnel departm ent: Ad just p ersonn els departm ents: adju st th e selected p ersonn els d epartm en ts.

3.3.3 Attendance record Function: Check personnels attend ance record and export th e record to local d isk. Operating steps: 1. Ch eck attend ance record 1) Click data m aintenanceatten dance recordto en ter th ep age.

If there are many personnels record s, the systemwill p ag in ate 23

iclock server V1.0 the records. Record check can be done throug h click on p ag e nu mber or usingfilter (refer to appendix 2 for filter op eration ). Notice: The data log uploaded from device is added by system automatically, so this button is grey. 2. Export attend ance record (1) Click export. (2)Select exp ort format.

Click sub mit to select ch ecking or saving th is record to local d isk. 3. Ad d attend ance record Th e ad min istrator can addatten dance record h ere. (1) Click ad d bu tton.


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(2) Fill in various in formation accord ing to requ irements, then press subm itbu tton to subm it it. Notice: Personnel, time, state and verification mode are m ust.

3.4 system log

3.4.1 Device uploading data log Function introduction: Check th e log of device u pload ing data to server. Operating steps: 1. Click system device u pload ingdata log to enter ch eck p age.


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If there are many personnels record s, the systemwill p ag in ate th e records. Record ch eck can b ed on e through click on p age nu mber or usingfilter (refer to appendix 2 for filter op eration ). Notice: The data log uploaded from device is added by system automatically, so this button is grey. 2. Query log (1)Inp ut qu ery cond ition in the query w ind ow, then click fuzzy query. for

Query fields: data, ob ject. (2)After query, the record accord ing w ith condition w ill b e displayed in th e list. Click cancel q uery cond ition, andall th e record sw ill b ed isp layed ag ain. 3. D elete log 26

iclock server V1.0 (1)Select th ed ata to b e deleted, and click delete in deal w ith selected d atato delete the log. (2)Click delete all to d elete all th e logs. 4. Export log (1) click exp ort. (2)select exp ort format.

Click subm it to select ch eckin g or savingth is logto local d isk. 3.4.2 Server com mand log Function introduction: Check th e log of device u pload ing data to server. Operating steps: 1. Click system---server giving comm andlog to enter the pag e.


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If there are many personnels record s, the systemwill p ag in ate th e records. Record ch eck can b ed on e through click on p age nu mber or usingfilter (refer to appendix 2 for filter op eration ). Notice: The data log uploaded from device is added by system automatically, so this button is grey. 2. Query log (1)Inp ut qu ery cond ition in the query w ind ow, then click fuzzy query. for

Query fields: com man d content. (2)After query, the record accord ing w ith condition w ill b e displayed in th e list. Click cancel q uery cond ition, andall th e record sw ill b ed isp layed ag ain. 28

iclock server V1.0 3. D elete log (1)Select th ed ata to b e deleted, and click delete in deal w ith selected d atato delete the log. (2)Click delete all to d elete all th e logs. 4. Export log (1)Click export (2)Select exp ort format

(3)Click sub mit to select checking or savin g th e log to local d isk. 3.4.3 Administrator operation log Function: ch eck systemoperationandmainten ance logs. Operating steps: Click system adm inistrator op erationlog to ch eck th ep age.


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If there are many personnels record s, the systemwill p ag in ate th e records. Record ch eck can b ed on e through click on p age nu mber or usingfilter (refer to appendix 2 for filter op eration ). Notice: Administrators operation log cannot be added or deleted (added by system automatically), so these tw o buttons are grey. 3.4.4 Maintenance by systemadministrator Function introduction: In ord er to ensu re system's secu rity an d preven tu nau th orized user to modify the data, new adm inistrators can b e ad dedan dd istrib uted corresp ond ingprivileg es. Operating steps: 1. G rou pm ain tenance 1). Click systemlog g rou p to enter the page. 30

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2). Add, an d delete group. (1)Addgroup Click add on the top left of the pag e to en ter the page an d inpu t groupname.

Notice: Name is m ust. The groups all privileges can be set in the following privilege box. (2) Delete all: Click d elete all , and thenclick OK. Inth is way, all d ata w ill b ed eleted.


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Or select th ed ata to b ed eleted, and click delete indeal w ith selected d atato delete the data. 2. user main ten ance: click system log user to en ter m ain tenance p age.

3. Ad d, edit and d elete p ersonn el 1) ad d user andad min istrator (1) Click add on th e top rig ht of the p age, enter add user p age andin put user in formation.


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Notice: U ser nam e, password and password verification are m ust. Other item s can be input according to need. In addition, select set group, w hose privilege is the sam e with that of the user. If other privilege is to be set, then groups privilege should be set first, and then select the group. (2) Select super u ser state to en ter add sup er user page, an d inp ut adm in istrators in formation.

Notice: U ser nam e, password and password verification are m ust. Other item s can be input according to need. Super user has the most privilege. Therefore, there is no need to set group. 2) ed it user or adm inistrator (1) Click adm in istrators user n ame in p ersonn el list to ed it his inform ation. (2) In put ad min istrators in formation. (3) After in formation inpu t is com plete, click su bmit to fin ish edition. 33

iclock server V1.0 3) delete user or administrator (1) S elect th ed ata to b ed eleted, and click delete indeal w ith selected d atato delete the data. (2) Click delete all to d elete all ad dedad min istrator. Notice: Systemdefault administrator cannot be deleted.


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Appendix 1 How to connect terminal unit to network
1. Requirement of term inal unit AD MSs fu nctionis to ch oose and configu re d evice. Th erefore, it n eed sd evices firmw are su pport. Tip : If you n eed this function, p lease con su lt ZKS oftwares techn icianor con tact bu sin ess representative. 2. Parameters of terminal unit 1)enter d evices men u setting comm un ication setting to fin d W EB server IP W eb p ort P roxy N server

P roxy server add ress th e follow ingitems: W EB server IP : IP address of ADMS W eb p ort: P ort used b y ADM S P roxy server: W hether use Proxy server or not. P roxy server add ress: IP address of Proxy server S erver port: Proxy servers p ort 3. Set device parameters according to different network environment. 1) W hen AD MS and term in al u nit are inthe sam e network segm en t 35

iclock server V1.0 of the sam e LAN, W EB server IP andW eb port needs to be set. For example: IP add ress of ADMS is,and devices IP address is S ettin g : it is OK to set W EB S erver IP as,and W eb port as the set p ort in ADMS m anagem en t(refer to 2.1 ADM S man ag ement). 2) W henADM S an d terminal unit are inthe sam e LAN but d ifferen t n etwork segment, W EB S erver IP, W eb port , gatew ay an d su bnet m ask n eed to b e set. 3)W hen ADM S and termin al u nit are n ot in th e sam e LAN , ADM S mu st possess a pu blic n etwork IP to ensu re termin al un its access to server, an d W EB Server IP & W ebport need to b e set. For examp le: ADMS IP is, and terminal unit is in some LAN, with IP address S ettin g : it is OK to set W EB S erver IP as, and W eb port ad th e set port in ADM Sm anagem en t (refer to 2.1 ADM S man ag ement).


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Appendix 2 Common operation

Filter Function introduction: For use's ch eck con ven ience, d isp lay th e in formationinthe list of the curren t page after filtration accordin g to th e sp ecifiedcon dition. Operating steps: 1. select d isplay column On device main ten ance and m an agemen t in terface, the m achines d isp lay colu mn can b e selected accordin g to you rn eed s. M ove cursor to every field of column, and the field colum nw ill d isp lay , click to g et th e follow ingin form ation :

Ord er: ord er all mach in es in ascend ing order, d escend ing order or n o order. Field : Inclu din g serial n umb er, device nam e, state, transm ittin g time, refresh in terval tim e, recent online time, firmw are version, device n am e, u ser count, fin gerprint cou nt, record count, data mainten ance and dep artment, select th e field , 37

iclock server V1.0 and it will be displayedinthe column. 2. Lay ou t filter Click beh indfilter to lay out the filter. The following is th e filter lay-out of p erson nel manag em ent in terface.

3. Select filtration condition Click som e cond ition, and then the record s accordin g with this condition w ill be displayed on the p age. For examp le, click d epartm en t, andth e follow ingpag e will app ear:


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