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James Eisert, Julia Godwin, Kristy Overson, Kristin Smith, Destiny Tirrell

atin L Association

Table of Contents
Situation Analysis............................... 1 Threats.................................................. 2 Strenths................................................ 2 Weaknesses.......................................... 2 Opportunities...................................... 2 Goals and objectives........................... 3 Target Audiencs.................................. 3 Positioning........................................... 3 Key Messages....................................... 4 Reasearch Methods............................. 4 Challenges............................................ 5 Communicaiotn Vehicles.................. 6 Budget.................................................. 6 Time Chart.......................................... 7 Strategies and Tactics......................... 8 Evaluation Plan................................... 9 Advetising Plan................................... 9 Collateral Plan..................................... 9 Promotional Events Plan................. 10 Other Items To Consider................. 10 Direct Marketing Plan...................... 11 Contacts............................................ 12

Situation Analysis :
We chose to work with the Latino Association. The Latino Association is an association on the BYU Idaho campus. The association focuses on learning about the Latino culture. They have activities that focus on helping students learn more about the Latino culture. Most students on the BYU Idaho campus do not know about this society. Currently, the Latino Association does very little advertising. We want to inform students at BYU Idaho about this association. We want to promote the association to students on campus and increase membership. The Latino Association has around 100 members. We want to make sure that students know when and where the association meets. We also want to make sure their meetings are in locations that are easily accessible to students. The Latino Association has a presidency organized and they have started their own Facebook page. The Latino Association has a good start on their association and we hope to help them reach their goal of increasing membership.

Members do not always know where and when the association meetings take place Students have busy schedules and we need to explain why the assocition is worth their time The location for the meetings needs to be accessible to all students

Have an organized presidency Have 100 members Started a Facebook page

Dont update their Facebook page on a regular basis Their meetings are not on a set schedule or time Most of their members are Latino Dont advertise to students

Increase membership of the association Reach out to students to Latino and non-Latino students who attend BYUI Help the association advertise to students


Our Our main objective is to increase students knowledge about the Latino Association. The Latino Association currently has 100 members. We want the membership of the society to increase by 20% by the end of Spring Semester 2013. The association currently has about 100 members that attend regularly. We want to increase membership of the association by

20 students next semester and the association wants these members to be non-latino. We
picked 20% because this could be an obtainable goal for next semester. Our plan will focus on increasing membership of the association and we hope to create an outline that the association will be able to use for many semesters.

Internal audiences would be any students that may be taking the language. Giving the teachers a good incentive for having their students

join will be part of our strategy. Another internal audience is the 917 Hispanic/Latino Students who make up 5.83% of the student body. External Audiences are those who have served a mission or

Ideas may include Not your average society or something similar. But input from the Latino Society Director will shed more light on the groups events for this year. We will ask what is going to be different this year from last year. Focus may be an the activity that has the most visual punch and easy involvement for newcomers.

wish to know more about the Latin culture.

Keep your culture Relive your mission Enjoy Latin activities Learn about the culture Bring people together and make friends

We are going to conduct a survey to research for the Latino association. The survey will give us an idea of how we can reach out to the students and what the students want in a society. It will also help us understand the students knowledge of the association currently. This will help us achieve our goals of increasing membership by 20% because we will know how to promote to the students. We also will research other societies on campus to see what has helped them either succeed or fail at BYU Idaho.





Some obstacles we will run into during our campaign, is people not wanting to join or thinking it is a waste of their time. In our campaign, we want to include as many things that will interest the students about our association here on campus. Many people dont know about the association, which could be another challenge. Hopefully by the end of our PR campaign, we will have enough ideas that will promote the association and more people will be likely to join. Another challenge could be money. We want to make sure we stay on our budget so to avoid having to pay more money in the end.

Challenge #1

I dont have enough time to join the Latino Association. You dont have to give a specific amount of time out of your week to join the Latino Association, which is what is so great about it. If there is an event you want to attend, you can stay for as long as 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Challenge #2

I am not Hispanic/Latino so I cant join. We welcome all people in the Latino Association. Most of our members are Latino, but we also have people who served their missions in Latin countries or people who just enjoy the Latin culture as much as those who are originally from there.

Challenge #3
take care of the rest.

I dont have any money, so I cant join. The Latino Association is free to join. The activities the association puts on comes from the associations budget, not yours. All you have to do is show up and we will

Our message will be communicated through the scroll, school newsletter, school We will use all these avenues at the beginning of the semester and then drop down

activities calendar and posters & signs around the school. to being on the calendar as well as having some general flyers around the school as the semester progresses. The Association will continue to promote their activities at the Latin Night dancing on We also will have a facebook page to keep students up to date and to easily Friday nights. communicate with potential joiners.

Item Poster Poster Flyer

Estimated Cost Actual Cost

Development Printing Development $0 $50 $0 $20 $70


Flyer Printing Total

* Update Facebook Page every Wednesday. * Announcements made every Friday at Latin Dancing.
April 23rd - I-Night Booth April 22nd Have flyers placed around campus for opening social event. May 1st Make sure the scroll and BYU-I student e-mail have information to place on calendars about the Opening Social. May 11th - Opening Social May 15th Be sure Opening Social flyers are down. Replace them with Cross Roads Show off enouncement. May 22nd - Make sure the scroll and BYU-I student e-mail have information to place on calendars for Cross Roads Show off. *Goal have a scroll reporter write about event! May 29th Replace Cross Roads event flyers with second social flyers. Cross Roads Show Off Make sure the scroll and BYU-I student e-mail have information to place on calendars about the Second Social. June 7th Second Social Event June 10th - Be sure Second Social flyers are down. Replace them with third event flyer. June 19th - Make sure the scroll and BYU-I student e-mail have information to place on calendars about the Third Social. June 27th Third Social Event June 28th Take down third event social flyers and put up closing social flyers. July 3rd Make sure the scroll and BYU-I student e-mail have information to place on calendars about the Closing Social. July 12th Closing Social

Spring Semester 2013 (April 22-July 19)


RAISE AWARENESS I-NIGHT BOOTH I-NIGHT RAISE AWARENESS AD IN SCROLL WEEK OF EVENTS DETAILED AWARENESS ARTICLE IN SCROLL BEFORE 2ND EVENT GAIN NEW PARTICIPANTS SHOW OFF AT CROSSROADS BEFORE 2ND EVENT RETAIN CUSTOMER BASE FLYER LATINO DANCING EVERY EVENT RAISE AWARENESS BYU-I ONLINE WEEK OF EVENT RAISE AWARENESS POSTERS AROUND CAMPUS WEEK OF EVENT Since our goal is to recruit 20 more people of non-Latino origin this semester, most of our focus will be broad to reach as many people as possible. The article in the scroll and the Show off at the Crossroads events are taking place before the 2nd event mainly because during the first part of the semester, students are bombarded with events to go to. By the time the associations 2nd event comes around, we will have a chance to gain increased visual focus and dominate other events. This being said, we are not abandoning advertising at the beginning of the semester, just not firing all the guns. We are still acquiring a booth at I-Night and giving out flyers during the Latin Dancing event. At all the I-Night & Show off at the Crossroads promotion events, well informed spokespeople for the Latin Association should be very open a greet as many people as they can, get to know them, and then introduce them to someone else in the association. This way, they are getting information about the group from multiple sources and will less likely feel they are being pitched to. We will continue to flyer the Latin Dancing event which happens every Friday just before the Latino Association meets. This established practice should generate the standard customer base as it always has.

The best way to see if the Latin Society has met its goals is to survey people around campus, specifically Latin students. The survey would include questions such as if they have heard of the Latin Society, if they would want to join, and if they have attended, if it was worth it. This will let us know how interested the students were. Another way to meet the Latin Societys goals, it to benchmark. We want this society to be the best, so we need to research how other societies are doing on campus and possibly implement their


The first plan of action will be to remove the group from Facebook. This will enable all communication to flow through and be updated on the Facebook Page. The Association will continue to promote at the weekly Latin Dance on Friday evenings. Along with this flyers will be distributed two weeks prior to each event in all designated campus areas. One week after the event all flyers should be taken down. Two weeks prior to each event the Scroll and Student Updates E-mail should also be notified of the event to take place so the information is in the weekly e-mail and calendar.

new members.

The collateral plan is to get find key movers and shakers within the society that

will work to get a grass roots momentum hyping up the society. By getting all existing members aware and excited early about the society, more time can be focused on gaining


For I-Night, there will be a kiosk or table for two representatives to hand out promotional items such as flyers. If possible, there will also be snacks there of Latino origin to be handed out. The representatives should be the most outgoing people within the administration. The mix of knowledge and social interaction should draw new members.

Show off at the Crossroads

After every dance, there should be a mention about joining the Latino Association

with great emphasis on not having to be Latino in order to join. If possible, the dancers should be encouraged to interact with onlookers and gain more appeal.


contact information exchanged.

BYU-Idaho has a unique feature of both having 3 semesters and the possibility of stu-

dents getting up in the middle of their schooling to serve a mission. This makes it imperative that the leaders for I-Night, the Scroll, posters, and the schools website are all verified and new An increased emphasis on delegation of tasks by the leadership will help the society. As

students, life happens and the burden of tasks needs to be shared. Although none of the things we are proposing are too difficult or time consuming, The Facebook page should be checked every day to provide quick answer for possible For internal announcements, it is suggested not to use Social Media, but rather e-mail. participants who want to make plans or need more information about the association. Students may pick up on ideas in their infancy and take them a fact and spread ideas that the Latin Association have not yet finalized. To avoid this, it is suggested to simply use e-mail or a closed participation manager such as Wiggio online or Adobe Connect.



its benefits.

Our database will come from the director of the project of past participants. This will

allow us to come up with an e-mail plan to make sure the word is back out about the society and

Although a larger, e-mail directed at all non-members may create awareness, we also

risk desensitizing the public to the event and its potential interest. If we can create a bigger zing to every marketing campaign, the impact will lead to greater involvement.

I-Night booth Represenatives Administration April 23rd Liason Administration Ad in Scroll Design Media Student May 15th Liason Administration Story in Scroll Interviwee Administration May 29th Liason Administration Crossroads Coordinator Administration May 29th Liason Administration BYU-I Online Ad Design Media Student Week Before Events Liason Administration Posters Design Media Student Week Before Events Placement Volunteer

Action Items

Person Responsible

Due Date


Space Custodial setup Audio/visual support

Venue: Scheduling Office (208-496-3120) or

Security Ticketing and Ushering University Catering (direct order required) Connecting events to BYU-Idaho Calendar, if needed

Event Coordinator: will be assigned to you after youve contacted the Scheduling office.
Catering Entertainment Musicians Decorator Latin Dancing A booth at I-Night Latin Society Opening Social Table Tents Kiosks Cultural Night Booth in the MC banner


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