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Service, Sage 11-11:50 am Social Impact paper 2 Page # 7 Topic Definition

Culture: Definition: a. The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. b. These patterns, traits, and products considered as the expression of a particular period, class, community, or population: ( 1. Symbols: Nonmaterial culture that people attach meaning to that they use to communicate-Include Gestures, language, values, norms, sanctions, folkways and mores. (From the text book Essentials of Sociology) 2. Technology: A groups material things, it is a tool and requires skill to operate it. From the text book Essentials of Sociology 3. Norms: is a group-held belief about how members should behave in a given context( 4. Roles: is a set of rights, duties, expectations, norms and behaviours that a person has to face and fulfill. The model is based on the observation that people behave in a predictable way, and that an individuals behavior is context specific, based on social position and other factors. The theatre is a metaphor often used to describe role theory( 5. Values: emphasize values which their members broadly share. One can often identify the values of a society by noting which people receive honor or respect ( ) 6. Ideologies: Is a set of shared beliefs within a group, such as a nation or social class. This body of beliefs influence the way individuals think, act, and view the world.( Groups: a. Primary group- The group that you live with generally give you love support and acceptance. You cannot be replaced-( Notes from class) b. Secondary groups: They have unlimited membership, people can be replaced in this group. When the goal is met the group is done-(Notes from class)

1) Hierarchy: Leadership and Rank of Members- (Notes from class) 2) Main Goal: (secondary goal would be the reason they are together):

Service, Sage 11-11:50 am Social Impact paper 2 Page # 7

Primary group (family) goal: Support, guide, look out for each other, Hierarchy in this primary group- could be the biggest to smallest or like our family Dad, Mom, Avery, Ethan, Isaac, Owen, and Maya. (Notes from class) 3) Punishments: a) Secondary: Job- may be fired for not following the rules. Kims carpool set the punishments for not following the rules. SET and hard to change! (Notes from class) b) Primary: Taking away privileges, for not loading the dishes you need to load the dishes that collected on the counter. Flexible based on situation. (Notes from class) 1. Division of Labor: Rules: Secondary groups: Each person does their skill set, contributing to the combined goal. You know what your job is in the group. (Notes from class) a. Primary groups: Families- dividing the tasks. How is that divided? Maybe older kids are assigned more difficult tasks, younger easier. Steve pays the bills, earns the living, I cook and shop for meals/household. Gender based? (My notes from class) b. Secondary groups: Each person does their skill set, contributing to the combined goal. You know what your job is in the group. (FROM NOTES IN CLASS) 2. Argot: Jargon/slang, informal specialized vocabulary from a particular field of study, hobby, job, sport, etc. (My notes from class) a. Secondary: universal sign for. from mom retreat. While working at LEA we used STD, TX, PRN b. Primary: Controls: anything that shapes a behavior a. Direct- You do this on purpose to control behaviors: Positive or negative: Praise, reward, consequences. The goal is that your actions will be changed based on the Direct Controls. (Notes from class) b. Indirect- Trying to shape your conscious: Do not have a specific goal, but a global control. Global impact, not focused on one behavior. Sequence of events that involves human intervention. (Notes from class) 1) Internal: Internal means of control, such as an individual's own sense of right and wrong, decrease the likelihood that one will deviate from social norms. ( 2)

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3) External: external sanctions, which can be either positive (rewards) or negative (punishment). These sanctions come from either formal or informal control. ( Deviance: away from the norm, brake away from the norm. Not always a bad thing, example. Getting off of the freeway (Notes from Class) a. Folkways- The rules we already know about walk on the right side of the road. Not written down, taught by where you are raised. (Notes from class) b. Morays- are strict norms that control moral and ethical behavior. Mores are norms based on definitions of right and wrong. Unlike folkways, mores are Morally significant. People feel strongly about them and violating them typically results in disapproval. Speed limit written laws. ( 1. Two different components of Deviant behavior 1) Individual based: a. something genetics about you, b. Brain injury will affect behaviors c. Psychological challenge: a) Something is wrong Labeling b) You must be doing this as a choice *Klinefelter's syndrome- chromosomal condition that affects male physical and cognitive development. ( * Dyslexia- being told they are dumb, stupid so I must be! Some may act out with aggressive behavior caused by the reaction to the label a group gives a person. *Reactive attachment (I ADDED THIS ONE)- Add-ons boosters to Deviant behaviors and acting out. Amygdala kicks in, some are very sensitive. Notes from class 2) Society: a) Labeling: You are what society tells you are based on what you do, how you look. Deviant is decided based on where you are opposed to the norm. Depending on the MASS of the culture views that behaviorNotes From Class b) Society shifted the norm: Deviant is decided based on where you are opposed to the norm. Depending on the MASS of the culture views a behavior- Notes from Class

Service, Sage 11-11:50 am Social Impact paper 2 Page # 7

Work cited page Farlex. (n.d.). Culture. Retrieved from Straker, D. (n.d.). Changing minds. Retrieved from Wikipedia. ( 2014, February 13). wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. ( 2014, March 03). Role theory. Retrieved from Ideology Examples. (n.d.). Retrieved March 11th, 2014, from Genetics home reference. (2013, 01). Retrieved from Henslin, J. M. (2009). Essentials of sociology:down to earth approach. (10th ed.). Pearson Inc. Boundless. (n.d.). Social control theory. Retrieved from Boundless. (n.d.). External control . Retrieved from Crossman, A. (n.d.). Norms: Folkways, mores, taboos, and laws. Retrieved from

Service, Sage 11-11:50 am Social Impact paper 2 Page # 7


Culture, symbols, technology, norms, roles, values, ideologies that have had an impact on my life that I am able to recognize and evaluate. Sharing my lifes experiences in each of these areas will help me become more aware of who I am. The assignment has also offered me an opportunity to explore my groups, hierarchy, main goal, rules, punishments, division of labor and argot. While looking at both of my primary and secondary groups. As I explore these experiences from there is also an opportunity to examine controls from both internal and external that affect me daily. Lastly exploring the subject of deviance and the experiences that I knowingly expressed external and internal limits outside the rules. Keywords: impact, social, insightful, events, shaped, impacted, behaviors, explain, experiences, who are you

Service, Sage 11-11:50 am Social Impact paper 2 Page # 7

Things dont change. You change your way of looking, thats all. Carlos Castaneda

I grew up in Arizona under the hot summer sun. I was influenced and shaped by multiple groups of people and cultures. I was taught by watching. I learned to take my shoes off before entering the home of my friend from Laos. I learned about the endearing quality of argots as my best friends mom refered to me as Mja. Maybe she didnt know my name (or believe it was my name) because she never called me Sage. As a child, my first family was small, yet powerful. It was just my Mom and I. My mother relied on social groups to support me as I was growing up. Often, I was alone while navigating the social experiences that lay before me. I became an observer until I understood the rules and hierarchy of the groups. My mothers circumstances took her away from me a great deal of my young life. Whether it was the pressure to support us or her own emotional exhaustion, I was alone a lot. This was our social norm and the roles we had that governed our little family. I felt a responsibility even as a young child to be aware of my moms moods and needs. I understood my role in our culture was to be independent and out of the way. I was taught to search out the farthest table away from other people in restaurants, not by my moms words, but by the way she carried herself and her physical gestures. She was not perfect, and certainly not the traditional nomination for mother of the year. She was perfect at using generous doses of deviant behaviors and allowing me to experience pain and rejection. Yet, without these experiences I may have never understood the healing power of empathy that comes from complete forgiveness.

Service, Sage 11-11:50 am Social Impact paper 2 Page # 7

My mom knew she wasnt perfect and she had no desire to change. She chose to live an authentic, yet deviant life, which had very little resemblance to her own childhood. However, my mom is a marvelous example of charity. Her value of other people and cultures beamed from her. She reached out to people in social classes who were discriminated against and often tossed aside by the norm of society. Her job with the Efnep program was to work in poverty infused ghettos where welfare moms lived. Side by side with these women, my mom taught them to cook using the government food boxes. These women had really strong groups that connected them through their circumstance. Many of my greatest memories surround going with my mom out to these impoverished areas. I would gather the little babies out into a court yard to play, and I was in heaven. I remember feeling very comfortable among people who didnt look or talk like me. This was because of my Mothers values. She was able to teach me without words. Many of the women who have helped shape me were strong and a top the hierarchy in their homes. Yet, I always knew they would not be in my life for long, so I soaked up what they were willing to give. Another example of a powerful hierarchy in my life was my mothers sister. My Aunt Vicki had everything I thought was important for a family. From my exposure to television, I thought my aunts family was as normal as it gets. They had a dad who went to work and a mom who was at home taking care of the children. My aunt had all of that, and she could even bake cakes. Even though my mom and her sister grew up in the same house, their adult life experiences were completely different.

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My aunts culture had its own set of norms and roles that were hard for me to follow. One norm was during the day, the kids were to leave their mom alone. If an issue came up, they fought it out or soon gave up the issue because their mom was not getting involved. Being an only child who was accustomed to engaging and controlling adults in my home community, I disregarded this norm and followed my aunt around chatting at her. This was deviant to her folkways norm. It wasnt a written rule, yet her children understood and I never followed it. The consequences my aunt used for this behavior would change depending on her mood. Often it resulted in her completely avoiding me. As I reflect back on these experiences, I remember she tried to use symbols like sighing and outwardly ignoring me. I completely disregarded these messages. Now, I can see that I was trying to establish relationships and value in what should have been my primary social group. Sad, and eye opening for me. As an attempt to create connections, I searched out ways to help people in my community. I would wander into apartments where the door was open. This was a social norm I learned the hard way. I knew if the door was shut I needed to knock, but if I could see someone cleaning through an open door, I would jump right in to help. After a few times of being scolded within this secondary group, which was a few of the apartment moms who looked after me, I learned my lesson. Even to this day, when someone says come in its hard for me to just walk in. In another attempt to forge relationships, I would carry our broken broom around the apartment complex so I could sweep walk ways.

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The craziest plan I ever came up with was at the age of ten when I placed handwritten flyers on every apartment door offering free babysitting. That was a busy summer but I loved it! Most of the families were in a similar situation as my mom and I needed to belong, so it was a mutual connection. Reflecting back over those years it makes me sad for that little me. I was so desperate for connections and belonging. My life experiences have laid the ground work for who I am becoming. Yet, that groundwork only created a base. I have put in a lot of hard work relearning bad skills that I gained from my childhood culture. Throughout my life, I have experienced situations that involved controls. Some have influenced me for good and some for bad. For example, I know that my mom was doing her best as a mother, yet much of her response to her life came as a result of external experiences she may have felt controlled her situation. Things like being single, poor, and lack of skills to get ahead. In addition, much of her reaction to this seeming lack of control came from her struggles internally. Whether it was depression or her own relationships and experiences growing up, I believe she was unable to see a way to change. But, she has changed and was able to set wonderful examples for me like going back to college at the age of 40 and receiving a masters degree. We have traded roles many times over the years. I have often needed to step out of the daughter role in order to show my mom a better way. Her main goal has always been share experiences with other mothers who belong to the culture of motherhood. She taught me to do my very best and leave the rest to God.

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