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Prirodoslovno-matematiki fakultet, Split

Total Commander

Total Commander
trenutno aktivni direktorij Izvorni direktorij


trenutno neaktivni direktorij Odredini direktorij

Botuni za akcije nad direktorijima j i datotekama

Komandna li ij linija

Uvod u raunarstvo


Total Commander
Trenutni disk ureaj: moe se birati Zauzee i kapacitet disk ureaja


Adresa (putanja) trenutnog direktorija Informacije o imenu, ekstenziji, veliini, datumu kreiranja i atributima datoteka i direktorija se prikazuju, te se mogu sortirati po bilo kojem od navedenih svojstava

Prozor koji prikazuje sadraj trenutnog direktorija, odnosno njegove direktorije i datoteke

broj izabranih / ukupan broj datoteka i njihov kapacitet

Uvod u raunarstvo


Total Commander

1. Klikni na \ da bi doao u glavni (root) direktorij disk ureaja

Primijeti da se promijenila adresa trenutnog direktorija

9. Sada smo u na poetku diska (root direktorij) 4. Dvaput klikni na Accessories

2. Dvaput klikni na Program files da bi uao u taj direktorij

3. Dvaput klikni na Windows NT

5. Programi g imaju j ekstenziju j exe, ako dvaput klikne na wordpad.exe otvorit e se program WordPad 8. d 8 da bi se vratio ti na poetak disk ureaja klikni ovaj botun 6. Da bi se vratio u prethodni direktorij, dvaput klikni na .. direktorij 7. ili moe kliknuti ovaj botun

Uvod u raunarstvo


Total Commander
1. Doi u direktorij c:\temp

Kreiranje direktorija

2. Klik 2 Klikni i na b botun t ili pritisni F7 da bi kreirao direktorij

3. U 3 Unesi i naziv i direktorija i klikni OK ili pritisni Enter

4. U direktoriju c:\temp ce se stvoriti t iti di direktorij kt ij student

Uvod u raunarstvo


Total Commander
1. Stvori direktorij fakultet u c:\temp

2. klikni na direktorij student

3. Klikni na ovaj botun ili pritisni tipku F8

4. Klikni na Yes ili 4 pritisni tipku Enter Uvod u raunarstvo

5. Izbrisat e se 5 direktorij student 2010/11

Total Commander

1. U WordPad-u snimi datoteku student rtf u c:\temp direktorij i student.rtf zatvori WordPad

2. U direktoriju c:\temp ce se prikazati datoteka student.rtf

Uvod u raunarstvo


Total Commander kopiranje

1. Na desnoj strani izaberi direktorij c:\temp\fakultet

2. Na lijevoj strani izaberi datoteku student.rtf

3. Klikni na botun ili pritisni tipku F5

4. Potvrdi kopiranje s klikom na OK ili p pritisni tipku Enter 5. Datoteka student.rtf iz c:\temp e se kopirati u c:\temp\fakultet

Uvod u raunarstvo


Total Commander
Svaka datoteka se sastoji od naziva i ekstenzije (najee 3 slova), npr. diplomski.doc je datoteka s nazivom diplomski i ekstenzijom doc Filtriranje datoteka:

* - oznaava bilo koji niz znakova

? oznaava jedan znak
*t t *.txt ba*.* *k*.exe d t t k s ekstenzijom datoteke k t ij txt t t datoteke iji naziv poinje s ba datoteke koje imaju slovo k u nazivu i ekstenziju exe
Uvod u raunarstvo 2010/11

Total Commander selektiranje

Da bi izvrio brisanje, kopiranje ili prebacivanje vie datoteka i/ili direktorija odjednom mora ih izabrati (selektirati) na jedan od sljedeih naina Pomou tipki gore, dolje i tipke Insert izaberi ove d t t k u c:\ datoteke \ direktoriju di kt ij Da bi izabrao sve datoteke koje j imaju j ekstenziju j sys y pritisni tipku + na numerikoj tastaturi i unesi *.sys i pritisni Enter

Uvod u raunarstvo


Total Commander selektiranje

U c:\windows direktoriju izaberi sve datoteke koje poinju s slovom t (pomou + tipke unesi za filter t*.*) Izabrane datoteke kopiraj u c:\temp\fakultet direktorij i zatim ih izbrii tako da ih brije selektira pomou Insert tipke p

Uvod u raunarstvo


Total Commander
Pokreni Windows Commander


Izaberi Commands>>Search ili pritisni Alt Alt+F7 F7 Unesi u search for: nc.exe izaberi c:\ za search in: i klikni Start Search

Datoteka nc.exe se nalazi u c:\nc direktoriju

Uvod u raunarstvo


Total Commander
1. na c: disku stvori c:\zadaci direktorij


2. iz c:\windows direktorija kopiraj sve datoteke ija je ekstenzija poinje sa slovom L u direktorij c:\zadaci 3. u c:\zadaci stvori c:\zadaci\proba i prebaci (tipka F6) sve datoteke iz c:\zadaci u c:\zadaci proba 4. izbrii c:\zadaci

Uvod u raunarstvo


Prirodoslovno-matematiki fakultet, Split

Keyboard y Shortcuts

"F" keys y
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 Help Reread source window Li t fil List files Edit files Copy files Rename or move files Create directory Delete files Activate menu above source window (left or right) Activate left menu or deactivate menu

Uvod u raunarstvo


ALT+F1 ALT+F2 ALT+F3 ALT+F4 ALT+F5 ALT+SHIFT+F5 ALT+F7 ALT+F8 ALT+F9 ALT+F10 change left drive change right drive Use alternate (external or internal) viewer Exit Pack files Pack files Find Open the history list of the command line Unpack specified files Open a dialog box with the current directory tree

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SHIFT+F2 SHIFT+F3 SHIFT+F4 SHIFT+F5 SHIFT F10 SHIFT+F10 SHIFT+F6 Compare file lists List only file under cursor, when multiple files selected Create new text file and load into editor Copy files (with rename) in the same directory Sh Show context t t menu Rename files in the same directory

Uvod u raunarstvo


"NUM keys..." y
ALT+ ili ALT+ history list in NUM + NUM NUM * NUM / Go to previous/next dir of already visited dirs Open history y list of already y visited dirs ( (like the a WWW browser) expand selection shrink h i k selection l ti invert selection restore selection

Uvod u raunarstvo


CTRL+NUM deselect all ALT+NUM + select all files with the same extension B k Backspace Ch Change t to parent t directory di t (cd d) CTRL+ < Jump to the root directory CTRL+ CTRL Open directory / archive (also self extracting .EXE archives) CTRL+ ili Open directory / archive and display it in the target window window. If the cursor is not on a directory name name, the current directory is displayed instead.

Uvod u raunarstvo


CTRL+F1 CTRL+F2 CTRL F3 CTRL+F3 CTRL+F4 CTRL+F5 CTRL F5 CTRL+F6 CTRL+F7 CTRL+F8 CTRL+F9 p g program CTRL+F10 CTRL+F11 CTRL+F12 CTRL F12 File display 'brief' (only file names) File display 'full' (all file details) S t by Sort b name Sort by extension Sort by date/time Sort by size Unsorted Display directory tree Print file under cursor using the Show all files Show only programs Sh Show user defined d fi d files fil
Uvod u raunarstvo 2010/11


TAB Switch between left and right file list Letter Redirect to command line, cursor j jumps p to command line INSERT Select file or directory. SPACE Select file or directory (as INSERT). If SPACE is used on an unselected directory under the cursor, cursor the contents in this directory are counted and the size is shown in the "full" view instead of the string <DIR>. ENTER Ch Change di t directory / run program / run associated i t d program / execute command line if not empty. If the source directory shows the contents of an archive, further information on the packed file is given.

Uvod u raunarstvo


SHIFT ENTER SHIFT+ENTER 1 With ZIP files: use alternative choice of these (as chosen 1. in Packer config): (Treat archives like directories call associated program program, i i.e. e Winzip or Quinzip) 2. Inside an archive file: unpack the file under the cursor and treat it like an archive (zip in zip processing)

Uvod u raunarstvo


ALT+SHIFT+ENTER The contents of all directories in the current directory are counted counted. The sizes of the directories are then shown in the "full" view instead of the string <DIR> <DIR>. ALT+ENTER Show property sheet.

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CTRL+A Select all (since the 4.54 version) CTRL+B Directory y branch: Show contents of current dir and all subdirs in one list CTRL+D Open directory hotlist ('bookmarks') CTRL+F Connect to FTP server CTRL+SHIFT+F Disconnect from FTP server CTRL+I Switch to target directory CTRL+L Calculate occupied space (of the selected files) CTRL+M Change FTP transfer mode CTRL+N Ne FTP connection (enter URL or host address) New

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CTRL+P Copy current path to command line CTRL+Q Quick view panel instead of file window CTRL R CTRL+R R Reread d source di directory t CTRL+T Multi-Rename-Tool CTRL+U CTRL U Exchange directories CTRL+C (32-bit) Copy files to clipboard CTRL+X (32-bit) Cut files to clipboard CTRL+V (32-bit) Paste from clipboard to current dir. CTRL+Z (32-bit) Set / Edit a comment (version 5.50 and newer).

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