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Meal Plan Assignment

In this assignment you will be asked to design a one day food menu based on your personal needs (e.g. activity level). Refer to Canadas Food Guide to help you decide how many servings are needed for each food choice. Canadas Food Guide:

Description A) Your plan must be for your own personal needs please provide the following and take each of this into consideration for each food choice: 1) Daily caloric intake 2) Your activity level 3) Daily carbohydrate intake needed for your activity level 4) Daily protein intake needed for your activity level 5) Daily fat intake needed for your activity level B) The Plan must include: 1) breakfast, lunch, and dinner 2) Snacks 3) Fluids

C) For each of the foods you have chosen for your meal plan please provide the amount of each of the following then total everything for the day (see Chart): 1) Carbohydrate content 2) Fat contents 3) Protein content 4) Calories

Example Table
Food/Fluid Kcal Carbohydrates Protein (g) (g) Fat (g)

Total: Personal Daily Needs: D) After you have completed sections A-D you must justify why you chose each food and fluid and relate it back to your personal daily needs and activity level.

Meal Plan Rubric

Mastery (85-100) Personal Needs All needs are taken into consideration, displayed and are correct considering the description of the athlete (i.e. weight, activity level etc) Food choices are appropriate given the personal needs of the athlete. Follows Canadas Food guide. Proficient (70-85) most of the needs are taken into consideration and are almost all correct taking into consideration the description of the athlete Food choices are appropriate but dont consider the athletes personal needs. Mostly Follows Canadas Food Guide Carbohydrate content levels are provided for most foods and meet most of the personal needs of the athlete. Fat content levels are provided for most foods and meet most of the personal needs of the athlete. Protein content levels are provided for most foods and meet most of the personal needs of the athlete. Achieving (50-70) Some of the needs are missing or incorrect. The needs are not taking into account the description of the athlete. Some of the food choices are inappropriate or missing. Does not always follow Canadas Food Guide. Carbohydrate content levels are missing for some food choices and do not meet the needs of the athlete. Fat content levels are missing for some food choices and do not meet the needs of the athlete. Protein content levels are missing for some food choices and do not meet the needs of the athlete. Beginning (<50) There is not sufficient amount of information given There is not sufficient amount of information given There is not sufficient amount of information given There is not sufficient amount of information given There is not sufficient amount of information given

Food Choice

Carbohydrates Carbohydrate content levels are provided for each food choice and meet the personal needs of the athlete. Fat Fat content levels are provided for each food choice and meet the personal needs of the athlete. Protein content levels are provided for each food choice and meet the personal needs of the athlete.



Calorie levels are provided for each food choice and meet the personal needs of the athlete. Each food choice is justified and related to the personal daily needs and activity level of the athlete

Calorie levels are provided for most foods and meet most of the personal needs of the athlete. Most food choices are justified and are loosely related to the personal daily needs and activity level of the athlete

Calorie levels are missing for some food choices and do not meet the needs of the athlete.


Justification for some food choices are not given and are not related to the personal daily needs and activity level of the athlete

There is not sufficient amount of information given There is not sufficient amount of information given

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