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Christopher Armstead Amber Lemiere English 101 Winter 2014 Freedom The Statue of Liberty is a large statue of a oman

holding a boo! and a tor"h# She has "hanged throughout time# The statue is not e$en the same "olor as it as hen it as shipped o$er from Fran"e# For some time the statue as used as a lighthouse# Fort Wood and the statue ere not al ays a monument and later on Ellis %sland be"ame part of the monument too# &any different people ha$e had the opportunity to loo! after the statue ith some troubles "oming along ith it# %t has had "ountless reno$ations some small and others ma'or# Throughout history the statue has "hanged in many different ays# E$en though a lot of things ha$e "hanged o$er the years the meaning is still apparent she offers freedom# When the statue first "ame o$er from Fran"e it as originally a dull "opper "olor# Around 1(00 a green patina "aused by o)idation of the "opper s!in started spreading all o$er the statue# %n 1(0* it as "ompletely "o$ered in green patina "alled +$erdigris,# -Ale)ander. Fearing "orrosion "ongress authori/ed 0*21200 for repairs and to paint the statue inside and out#-Wi!ipedia. There as a huge publi" protest against painting the outside of the statue# The protest or!ed be"ause the statue as only painted on the inside# The Army Corps of Engineers studied the patina for any negati$e effe"ts but found

out that the o)idation a"tually prote"ted the s!in# They said +it softened the outlines of the Statue and made it beautiful#, The Corps installed an ele$ator from the base to the top of the pedestal#-Wi!ipedia. For a period of time the statue as used as a lighthouse# 3o e$er1 hen the tor"h as illuminated on the dedi"ation it produ"ed $ery little light# A "eremony as held on 4"tober 221 122*# 5resident 6ro$er Cle$eland presided o$er the e$ent# A estimated million people at"hed the e$ent# 5resident Cle$eland said +stream of light shall pier"e the dar!ness of ignoran"e and man7s oppression until Liberty enlightens the orld,-Wi!ipedia.# The World "alled it +more li!e a glo orm than a bea"on#8

Suggestions ere made to impro$e the lighting but most pro$ed to be too e)pensi$e# The 9nited States Lighthouse :oard too! o$er the Statue of Liberty in 122; ith the intentions to install better lighting to enhan"e the tor"hes effe"t#-Ale)ander. <espite the efforts the light as still barely $isible during the night# :artholdi returned to the 9nited States some time later and made some suggestions to help ith the lighting but they ere ineffe"ti$e at least on the outside of the statue# 3e did su""essfully impro$e the lighting ithin the statue allo ing $isitors to better appre"iate the design of the statue# %n 1(011 5resident Theodore =oose$elt1 ordered the statue>s transfer to the War <epartment1 as it had pro$ed useless as a lighthouse-?aiser.# The story of the Statue of Liberty and the island it resides on has been one of "hange# The statue as put on a pedestal inside a "ourtyard of the star@shaped alls of Fort Wood# Fort Wood as "ompleted for the War of 1212#-Wi!ipedia. The lighthouse board had responsibility for the operation of the statue until 1(01-Wi!ipedia.# After 1(01 the "are of the statue as pla"ed in the hands of the War department# A 5residential

5ro"lamation de"lared Fort Wood and the Statue a Aational monument on 4"tober 1Bth 1(24-?aiser.# The boundary of the monument ent to the outer edge of Fort Wood# %n 1(CC1 the Aational &onument as transferred to the Aational 5ar! Ser$i"e-?aiser.# 4n September ;1 1(C;1 'urisdi"tion as set to all of :edloe7s %sland and in 1(B*1 the island7s name as "hanged to Liberty %sland-?aiser.# 4n &ay 111 1(*B1 Ellis %sland as also transferred to the Aational 5ar! Ser$i"e and be"ame part of the Statue of Liberty Aational &onument-?aiser.# The Statue of Liberty has been reno$ated "ountless times# %t as e)amined by the Fren"h and Ameri"an engineers as part of its planning for the hundredth year anni$ersary# Around the late 1(00>s the statue as in need of a ma'or restoration# A study re$ealed that the right arm as improperly atta"hed to the main stru"ture# Strong inds ere ma!ing it s ay and it as at ris! of stru"tural failure# The head had also been installed off "enter hi"h as "ausing a ray to ear a hole in the right arm hen the statue# The metal stru"ture inside to hold the stru"ture together as "orroded and some e)terior plates ere redone# The "orrosion had been apparent as early as the C0>s but mu"h of it as hidden by the layers of painted "oated on o$er the years# %n 1(241 the statue as "losed for reno$ation-?aiser.# S"affolding as built to blo"! the $ie of the statue# LiDuid nitrogen as used to remo$e paint that had been applied to the interior#T o layers of "oal tar remained hi"h as used to pre$ent "orrosion and plug lea!s# They used ba!ing soda to remo$e the tar ithout damaging the "opper# The or!ers found an asbestos substan"e that :artholdi used to try and pre$ent "orrosion# The or!ers used prote"ti$e gear also "alled moon suits ith self@"ontained breathing de$i"es hi"h !ind of loo! li!e astronout suits# Large holes in the s!in ere repaired and ne "opper as added here needed# The

:ells Labs supplied a repla"ement s!in and in e)"hange the laboratory as gi$en old "opper s!in for testing-?aiser.# The tor"h lea!ed se$erly and as repla"ed ith an e)a"t repli"a of :artholdi7s unaltered tor"h# They "onsidered 'ust repla"ing the hole arm and shoulder but the Aational 5ar!s and Ser$i"es insisted they be repaired instead of repla"ed# The entire inside iron stru"ture as repla"ed ith Lo @"arbon "orrosion resistant stainless steel bars made of FerraliumE An alloy that bends and returns to its original shape-?aiser.# To pre$ent ongoing "orrosion the ray ma!ing "onta"t ith the arm as mo$ed se$eral degrees# The lighting as repla"ed ith metal@halide lamps that sent beams of light in parti"ular dire"tions to sho off "ertain details of the pedestal-?aiser.# The doors ere remodeled to "reate a ide opening frame ith monumental bron/e doors ith the idea of a symboli" meaning-Wi!ipedia.# A modern handi"ap ele$ator as installed going to the arm and an emergen"y ele$ator as also installed-?aiser.# Liberty Enlightening the World as she as first !no n# Ao she is "alled Lady Liberty1 Statue of Liberty1 E$erybody7s 6al1 Ameri"a7s Freedom1 Ameri"a7s 6reat Lady1 Aunt Liberty1 :atholdi7s <aughter1 6iant 6oddess1 6rande <ame1 6reen 6oddess1 The Lady 3igher 9p1 Lady of the 3arbor1 Lady on a 5edestal1 Lady ith a Tor"h1 &other of E)iles1 &other of Freedom1 Saint Liberty1 and the Spirit of Ameri"an %ndependen"e#-Fren"h@at@a@ tou"h#"om. The &onument has had "ountless reno$ations as you ha$e read# %t has been ta!en apart and put ba"! together# %t has "hanged "olor and the people ho are burdened to ta!e "are of it ha$e "ome and gone throughout the years# The only thing that has stayed "onstant sin"e its 'ourney to the 9S is the lasting effe"t it has on immigrants "oming into Ameri"a and the meaning it has stood for# 4ne immigrant ho arri$ed from 6ree"e

re"alled1 % sa the Statue of Liberty# And % said to myself1 8Lady1 you>re su"h a beautifulF Gou opened your arms and you get all the foreigners here# 6i$e me a "han"e to pro$e that % am orth it1 to do something1 to be someone in Ameri"a#8 And al ays that statue as on my mind# E$en though a lot of things ha$e "hanged o$er the years the meaning is still apparent she offers freedom#- ordpress#"om.

Wor!s Cited Caitlind Ale)ander# 14 Fun Fa"ts About the Statue of Liberty# E Learning%sland#"om1 <e"ember 21 2011# Annie ?aiser# The Story of the Statue of Liberty# E Cherry La!e 5ublishing1 <e"ember 1C1 201C# en# i!ipedia#orgH i!iHStatueIofILiberty en# i!ipedia#orgH i!iHTheIStatueIofILibertyI-film. httpEHH #fren"h@at@a@tou"h#"omHStatueIofILibertyHstatueIofIliberty#htm

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