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Samuel Levinson First Letter of Inquiry

March 1, 2012 Mr. David Willis Editorial Offices Werner Publishing Corporation, 12121 Wilshire lvd., !uite 1200, "os #ngeles, C# $002%&11'( )*10+ ,20&1%00 Dear Mr. Willis. a/ 0riting to 1ou to e2press /1 interest in creating an article for the engaging Digital Photo /aga3ine. #s photograph1 techni4ues beco/e /ore advanced, 0ith 5oll10ood6s increased reliance on green screen technolog1, . believe that readers 0ould be interested in learning ho0 to create green screen effects for their photographs. 7herefore, . 0ould li8e to 0rite an article e2plaining so/e of the basics in achieving a green screen effect. # photograph 0ith a digital bac8ground via green screen /a1 be used for various purposes, including professional advertise/ents. 7he stor1 . a/ proposing 0ould detail the essentials of creating a green screen effect for photograph1. One of the 8e1 factors in lighting a green screen involves having the lights positioned appropriatel1 near the screen. Without the proper lighting, a green screen /a1 not be useful in creating digital effects. . 0ould /a8e suggestions on the proper lighting, as 0ell as offer insight into the /aterial to use for the screen itself. One could use soft0are and photograph1 to create pro/otional posters to advertise a product, or to pro/ote an event. # co/pan1 /a1 increase potential custo/ers, b1 generating /ore interest for a product if the1 use a green screen effect in their advertising. .ndividuals or co/panies that are unsure of a bac8ground to use for their i/age can digitall1 insert a bac8ground using green screen technolog1. 7his 0ould allo0 for /an1 possibilities. # sub9ect /a1 be placed virtuall1 an10here 0ith green screen technolog1. . have e2peri/ented e2tensivel1 0ith green screen technolog1. .t has allo0ed /e to insert bac8grounds digitall1, increasing the appeal of a sub9ect. .t 0ould be an honor to have the opportunit1 to create an article e2plaining this effect for Digital Photo /aga3ine. . have enclosed a sta/ped, self&addressed envelope so that 1ou /a1 contact /e. . loo8 for0ard to 0or8ing 0ith Digital Photo /aga3ine, as . believe it 0ould be a re0arding e2perience.

!incerel1, !a/uel "evinson

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