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Kindergarten Singing: Term 1

Overview and Rationale:

Through this singing program, students will develop a repertoire of fifteen songs. When learning these songs students will learn about rhythm, keeping in time, singing a note and singing in parts. These singing sessions will also be a time for students to practice being an audience, listening to a presenter and taking part in large group activities; all of which will help prepare them for their participation in whole school assemblies in Week 9.

Outcomes and Indicators

MUES1.1 Participates in simple speech, singing, playing and moving activities, demonstrating an awareness of musical concepts. -performs simple speech rhymes and songs maintaining a sense of beat and rhythm based on nursery rhymes, childrens games and playground chants - moves to music maintaining a constant beat - explores simple aspects of musical concepts (eg loud, soft, fast, slow) in their singing, playing and moving activities. MUES1.4 Listens to and responds to music. - identifies simple musical features of the music they perform and listen to, eg the speed of the music, when a section repeats, similarities and differences, how loud the music is, what instruments are playing - listens to music and responds by moving to the beat, doing simple actions when different sections are played, eg clapping on the chorus, walking on the verse - responds to music through movement, eg faster movements when tempo increases, small movements to represent soft sounds, large movements to represent loud sounds.

Week Learning Experience

4 My Names Joe. Chant with rhythmic actions My Highland Goat Call and response with actions The Elephant Song Louise (Server) Song with actions If youre happy and you know it Song with audience suggestions and actions Castle Cove School song Song My Names Joe Chant with rhythmic actions My Highland Goat Call and response with actions You are my sunshine (Sing CD) Song Old McDonalds Farm Song with audience suggestions Castle Cove School song Song My Highland Goat Call and response with actions You are my sunshine Song Ive got the whole world in my hands (Sing CD 2008 track 24) Song The Elephant Song Louise Song with actions


National Anthem Song Castle Cove School song Song

Castle Cove School song Song Alice the Camel Song with actions Ive got the whole world in my hands (Sing CD 2008 track 24) Song If youre happy and you know it Song with audience suggested actions Teddybears picnic Song National Anthem Song Castle Cove School Song Song The Elephant Song (Louise) Song with actions Do Re Mi Song with actions You are my sunshine Song Alice the Camel Song with actions National Anthem Song Castle Cove School song Song Do Your Ears Hang Low? Song with actions Row, Row, Row your boat as a round Song in different parts Ive got the whole world, in my hands Song Teddy bears Picnic Song National Anthem Song Castle Cove School song Song Teddy Bears Picnic Song Do your ears hang low? Song with actions Old McDonald Song with audience suggestions Do Re Mi Song with actions My Highland Goat Song with actions National Anthem Song Castle Cove School Song Song If youre happy and you know it Song with audience suggestions Down Town Song Do Re Mi Song with actions Alice the Camel Song with actions Free Song Choice National Anthem Song




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