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Madronich Joshua Madronich Mr. Hawkins American Government P1 2/24/14 Are we slicing the Pie Correctl !

"n the earl da o# our nation$ our #ounding #athers created a constitution in order to %rovide #or the greater good o# all Americans$ in this constitution we have a %ream&le which

states certain %oints in which it will %rovide #or the %eo%le in this nation$ toda we have a #ederal &udget o# '(.) trillion *+oc ,-. "n that &udget we have three di##erent categor o# how the mone is s%ent. ,ig /ive$ Middle /ive$ and 0ittle Gu s. Are we slicing the Pie Correctl ! 1his is the 2uestion one must ask toda $ understanding the %ream&le and what it states o# how we should slice the %ie. Based on each of the three categories, the U.S. government should rethink how it is spending and make some changes in order to get back to the core of what the founding fathers wrote in the constitution years ago. The largest category we have is the Big Five, here we see how too much is being spent on these programs. 1he largest #und o# /ederal government3s s%ending is Medicare and Medicaid$ it3s great that the #ederal government is #unding a %rogram that hel%s those who do not have a lot o# mone and need health care$ &ut do we reall need to s%end ')44 &illion on it *+oc C-! 5# the (.) trillion$ ')44 &illion is going towards %eo%le #or health care. 1here are man %rograms that hel% the elderl and disa&led6 a lot o# mone &eing s%ent on those %eo%le. 7o i# the 87 government were to cut 49 o# #unding #rom Medicare and Medicaid$ '42.24 &illion$ *+oc C- this would allow that amount o# mone to &e s%end on other %rograms to hel% &ene#it societ $ like education and :eterans3 &ene#its. 1his is onl a small amount to take awa #rom that$ &ut one can see that other %rograms like 7ocial 7ecurit $ 7a#et net Programs$ and :eterans3 &ene#its and services hel% those is a similar wa . Also this nation was &ased on ca%italism$ giving the %eo%le the chance to o%en and own %rivate com%anies$ so even more


mone is &eing #unded to Medicare and Medicaid then is &eing shown not the gra%h in *+oc ,-. ;hen Pro#essor 7chick sa s <the #ederal government is what it s%ends.= *+oc A- this statement is sa ing that what the 87 government s%ends its mone on is what the values o# the countr are. )29 *+oc A- o# the #ederal &udget i# &eing s%ent on health care and social securit and de#ense and sa#et net %rograms #or the Poor and >lderl . ,ased on this$ the 87 is &ased on hel%ing %eo%le$ %roviding #or the need o# the %o%ulation$ which is great$ &ut is that how the nation was reall created! Peo%le came to America to have the #reedom to run &usiness$ own land$ start a com%an . Private investments and ca%italism is what this countr was &ased on. 1he #ederal Government should take awa #rom sa#et net %rograms a&out 29 *+oc ,$ C- 11.? &illion$ &ecause o# the #acts a&ove. ,ut still allowing enough #or those in real need$ who are @ust having a &ad da . +uring the Great +e%ression this wa o# running the government was used to &ring the nation out o# the +e%ression$ it is now time to move awa #rom that wa o# running the government and #ocus on what the constitution reall states$ and get &ack to how the nation was run &e#ore the Great +e%ression ha%%ened. !ow we have a lot of money to place into different categories to help the country slice the pie correctly. The "iddle #uys $%oc %& has education' this is a ma(or group that needs to be increased, in order for this nation to succeed. Having an educated %o%ulation means #or having a &etter o## econom and countr $ allowing those educated %eo%le to take the %ream&le and determine how to slice the pie. Adding '21.124 &illion to education *which is 2.49 o# the #unds taken awa #rom Medicare and Medicaid- would e2ual ')A.124 &illion to &e s%ent on education$ which would %romote the general wel#are #or the %eo%le o# this nation$ & allowing the #ederal government to s%end more mone on the outh o# this nation and hel% create a much &etter %u&lic education s stem. 1hat leaves '(2.B24 &illion *the other 2.49 #rom Medicare and Medicaid$ and the and the 29 #rom the cut in sa#et net %rograms-. *+oc +shows that the amount o# :eterans ,ene#its and 7ervices is at '1(C &illion. "t is ver im%ortant #or Americans to honor those men and women who chose to risk their lives to de#end our nation$

Madronich and those who are a##ected negativel 6 &ecause o# that deserve &ene#its. , allocating '21.124

&illion to this %rogram would make the grand total &e at ' 141.124 &illion. 1his would give those with disa&ilities and medical %ro&lems a &etter chance to recover and overcome that issue$ and i# the chose to$ even re@oin and continue to de#end the #reedom o# the American %eo%le. "n *+oc A- a 2uestion is %ro%osed6 how might a &udget send a signal to a nationDs enemies! "# a nation saw @ust how &ig the national &udget was then the might want to attack and take some o# our mone $ s%ending more mone #or veterans$ would allow them to 2uickl get &ack on their #eet and hel% de#end us #rom #oreign invaders. )ne can see the bigger effect on how the country will benefit by allocating more money to different programs, and lastly we have the *ittle #uys. 1hese are the ones who do not have that much #ederal #unding$ &ecause the #ederal government @ust does not think that the should &e s%ending that much mone on these %rograms$ again the 2uestion is raised$ are we slicing the pie correctly? 1he remaining '11.? &illion *which was 29 taken awa #rom sa#et net %rograms #or %oor and elderl - should &e allocated to other %rograms to correctl answer the 2uestion. 1hose #unds should &e given to General 7cience and 7%ace *EA7A- onl '(1 &illion is &eing s%ent on EA7A *+oc >-$ & adding '11.? &illion to this %rogram would allow #or '42.? &illion to &e s%ent on this #und. 1he &ig 2uestion is that America$ as a nation should not s%end an more mone on s%ace eF%loration. +uring the 7%ace Gace$ +ohn F. ,ennedy strongl &elieved that we needed to eF%lore s%ace6 our countr was in a race &etween Gussia$ to see who could get a man on the moon #irst. 1he &ene#its to this com%etition are *+oc A-. allowing the scienti#ic technolog to increase$ which would onl &ene#it our nation in the long run. >ncourage and #oster %ride in the 8nited 7tates o# America #or each and ever American. 1o all the haters that sa we do not have the mone to s%end on this %rogram$ the 87 was in de&t when Gonald Geagan strongl &elieves$ and #ought to create EA7A$ and we are in de&t now. 1he #ederal government could #und the %rogram then$ wh not now. *+oc A- states the 2uestion <the federal government is what it spends. 7o & s%ending mone on a %rogram like this would

Madronich onl %rove man o# the %oints &eing made in the 87 constitution. insure domestic 1ran2uilit $ %roving @ust how %ower#ul that 8nited 7tates o# America reall is and how it could use that %ower and knowledge to %revent events$ such as 7ha 3s Ge&ellion in 1B)? and 1B)B. Provide #or the common de#ence$ & allow the creation o# such great and advance technolog $ could &e used to give the 87 a stronger national de#ense which is needed #or the countr to survive. Promoting the general ;el#are o# America$ allowing more @o&s and %roviding a stronger econom that we could use to trade with other nations who are also involved in s%ace. Giving

those who dream to one da re%resent their countr $ the 8nited 7tates o# America$ @ust like Eeil Armstrong stating <5ne small ste% #or manH 5ne giant lea% #or mankind.= 5# going to s%ace and discovering man $ man more things #or mankind. 0astl 7ecuring the ,lessing o# 0i&ert to ourselves and our Posterit $ mainl our %osterit $ ever %erson in the world have certain rights that cannot &e taken awa #rom them$ inaliena&le rights$ which would allow #or Americans to stud and eF%lore s%ace$ acting out their %ursuit o# ha%%iness. Are we slicing the pie correctly? 1hat is the 2uestion one must ask when determining whether or not the #ederal &udget re#lects the %ream&le o# the constitution$ as written in this %a%er$ the %ie is not sliced correctl and changes need to &e made in order to ensure the success o# slicing the pie correctly. ;hen and i# those changes are made then our countr is sure to thrive$ @ust as the #ounding #ather had dreamed #or our nation to continue to grow to &e the strongest nation in the world.

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