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V $ Reading #8 #5- Advice #7 $V%%- The &t'r( $%%- The ,irds $V%- The &tar %-*r've-ent. Pr'-'ti'n 2'nversati'n.

2'--"nicati'n 5"idance. Teaching. &"ccess #2- The Past #1- The Present # - The !"t"re $%- The )hi* %%%- The &hi* $$%$- The )'-an /isc'rd. Ph0sical Activit0 &l'3 +'ve-ent A 3'-an #6 #4- Obstacles ## $$$%%- The +''n $$$%- The &"n $$V- The Ring Pr'1essi'nal &"ccess. !a-e )ealth. 4"c(. 2'n1idence 2'ntract. Agree-ent

#1- The Past relates t' the 1ight itsel1. as 3ell as the disc'rd bet3een 0'" and hi#2- The Present is sh'3ing the dela0 in 0'" getting 0'"r -'ne0 # - The !"t"re sh'3s a 3'-an. s'-e'ne 3h' 3ill a**ear ver0 s''n. -a0be a girl1riend6 #4- Obstacles in 0'"r *ath are a lac( '1 3ealth and l"c(. b"t als' c'n1idence- d'n7t 3'rr0 t'' hard8 #5- Advice given t' 0'" is t' c'ntin"e t' (ee* '*en c'--"nicati'n 3ith hi#6 9 7- )ith the +''n and the &tar den'ting s"ccess. career. 1a-e. h'n'rs it l''(s li(e a *r'-ising '"tc'-e. h'3ever 3ith the &tar7s e-*hasis 'n g"idance and teaching 0'" -a0 be learning a less'n in this *r'cess 0'" sh'"ld *a0 attenti'n t' #8 9 #- %n 'ther sit"ati'ns the &t'r( and Ring *airing -ight *'int t' a *re-arital *regnanc0. b"t let7s l''( at the s0-b'lis-: The &t'r( re*resents *regnanc0 and childbirth. b"t als' changes. -'ve-ent. i-*r've-ent. and *r'-'ti'ns: The Ring re*resents -arriage. "ni'n. *artnershi*s. agree-ents. c'ntracts. and c'nnecti'n: 2.1. ; An arg"-ent and sl'3 -'ve-ent lead t' a 3'-an7s hel* 5.1.4; Tal(ing 'nl0 g't 0'" stagnati'n. cr"shing 0'"r c'n1idence 8.1.#; 2hange c'-es sl'3l0. b"t 3ill res"lt in an agree-ent 6.1.7; The rec'gniti'n 1'r 0'"r 3'r( is ta(ing -'re ti-e than ideal. b"t 0'" 3ill s"cceed and learn 1r'- -ista(es 8.2.6; %-*r've-ent in /isc'rd 3ill lead t' &"ccess 7. .#; <'" 3ill 1ind g"idance in a 3'-an 3h' 3ill aid 0'" in an agree-ent=c'ntract 8.5.7; The sit"ati'n 3ill i-*r've 3ith '*en c'--"nicati'n leading t' s"ccess 6.4.#; <'"r career 3ill *r's*er 3ith a *r'*er c'ntract 6.5. ; <'"r s"ccess is ver0 de*endent 'n c'--"nicati'n. a 3'-an 3ill hel* 0'" 7.2.4; /'n7t re*eat the sa-e -ista(es. have c'n1idence 0'" 3ill s"cceed 8. .4; A 3'-an 3ill get things -'ving. %-*r've-ent 3ill bring '*ti-is#.5.2; A g''d c'ntract. n't a verbal 'ne. are (e0s t' av'iding disc'rd

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