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Issue on North Korea

THW give Sanction to North Korea. The recent nuclear test conducted by North
Korea has outraged and frightened world leaders. The matter has been referred to
the UN Security Council and there is talk of a Chapter 7 of the UN Charter
Resolution that would authorize sanctions or even military action. North Korea has
dismissed the threat and talked of further tests. While there is little talk at the
moment of taking military action against North Korea, there is talk of further
economic sanctions. North Korea is already one of the poorest countries on the
planet, but also an increasingly more dangerous one. Should further sanctions be
imposed? Ask ourselves why such a sanction occurred? Simply because we disobey
the rules, in this case, why should we give sanction to North Korea is because North
Korea has violated the rules about nuclear weapon act, they didn’t even let
International Atomic Energy Agency/IAEA to do the further inspection. Their
Government even isolated its people from outside world. No country should even
feel the need to make nuclear weapons in the first place. but North Korea definitely
needs to break out of its box and share itself with the rest of the
world.......dictatorships are disastrous and just a really bad government system that
no country should have. The people in that country don't have any chance to be
heard, that's not fair to them. The world has their duty to give a sanction toward
their government! Lanjutkan..

Issue on Marijuana

This house legalizes marijuana in US. Maybe many of us wondered why such thing
like Marijuana should be legalized. Let me surprise you with my speech. Marijuana
decreases depression and anxiety. For the sake of medical treatment the approval
to legalize would help so many people and would greatly reduce medical costs
because people could grow it themselves. Cannabinoids, such as marijuana and
hashish, have been used to address pain, nausea, vomiting, seizures caused by
epilepsy, ischemic stroke, cerebral trauma, tumors, multiple sclerosis and a host of
other maladies. There are herbal cannabinoids, which come from the cannabis
plant, and the bodies of humans and animals produce endogenous cannabinoids.
Legalizing Marijuana would give greater access to the sick for curing their disease. It
is their right to have such a medical treatment also using marijuana. By legalizing
Marijuana also, these desperate people who don’t have a huge number of money
could grow the marijuana by themselves for cheaper medical treatment. Another
advantage is that the bad guys who used to sell marijuana would lose their job since
marijuana is legal. All the matters above work only if! I’m saying only if the system
of legalizing marijuana itself is not abused. Lanjutkan…

Issue about our election (Electoral threshold).

Ketentuan electoral threshold yang membatasi hak partai politik untuk ikut pemilu
mendatang mestinya tidak perlu. Selain membingungkan mekanisme pertanggungjawaban
partai kepada konstituen kalau partai harus ganti nama, kebijakan itu juga terbukti tidak
bisa menyederhanakan partai. Kalau ingin menyederhanakan sistem kepartaian, ada
banyak cara yang bisa dilakukan selain electoral threshold. Peneliti CSIS ini sependapat
dengan Pemerintah bahwa perlu ada pembatasan-pembatasan dalam berdemokrasi. Tetapi
ketentuan yang membatasi keikutsertaan orang dalam pemilu tidak perlu dilakukan.
“Electoral threshold menyebabkan parpol kehilangan jati dirinya,” kata Indra.

Sebab, partai yang tidak melewati batas 3 persen sebagaimana ditentukan pasal 9 ayat (1)
dan (2) UU No. 12 Tahun 2003 diharuskan mengganti nama dan tanda gambar.
Penggantian itu dinilai Indra sebagai pemaksaan dalam berdemokrasi. Keharusan
mengganti lambang, nama dan identitas partai bukan saja membingungkan konstituen,
tetapi juga menghabiskan sumber dana yang tidak sedikit. Electoral threshold dibutuhkan
untuk menyederhanakan partai politik. Dua pemilu terakhir membuktikan hanya sedikit
partai yang bisa mendudukkan wakilnya di Senayan. Partai yang wakilnya sedikit dalam
realitas kurang efektif memperjuangkan banyak hal di parlemen.

Kalau memang tujuannya untuk menyederhanakan partai, bisa digunakan model

parliamentary threshold yang dianut Jerman. Pada sistem ini, partai yang tidak mencapai
jumlah wakil tertentu, maka wakil partai tersebut tidak duduk di parlemen. Tetapi partainya
tetap bisa mengikuti pemilu mendatang tanpa harus mengganti identitas. Suatu partai
politik seharusnya bisa hidup lama, seratus, dua ratus tahun, bukan seperti sekarang ini
dimana kehidupan partai hanya untuk satu dua musim pemilu.

Penetapan prosentase 2 persen (1999) dan 3 persen (2004) electoral threshold. Apa dasar
pemikirannya? kenaikan prosentase itu seperti kenaikan harga BBM. Apalagi, yang
menentukan syarat minimal itu adalah partai-partai yang memang sudah memenuhinya.
Sebaliknya, mengabaikan keberadaan partai-partai kecil.

Korelasi antara electoral threshold dengan penyederhanaan partai juga mendapat kritik dari
hakim konstitusi H.A. Mukhtie Fadjar. Batas minimal perolehan suara baru dikenal dalam
dua pemilu terakhir. Pada 1999 ditentukan sebesar 2 persen, dan pemilu 2004 sebesar 3
persen. Ternyata, sepanjang dua kali pemilu tersebut jumlah partai yang ikut pemilu tetap

Staf Ahli Menteri Hukum dan HAM, Ramly Hutabarat, menegaskan bahwa aturan dan
besaran prosentase electoral threshold merupakan pilihan kebijakan (legal policy) yang tak
bisa diuji. “Kecuali pilihan itu dilakukan dengan sewenang-wenang,” ujarnya.

Menurut Ramly, electoral threshold tidak mengurangi hak warga negara untuk ikut
berpartisipasi dalam pemilu. Faktanya, pengurus partai masih bisa ikut pemilu walaupun
partainya tidak lolos batas minimal 3 persen suara. Apalagi, UU Pemilu masih
memungkinkan partai-partai itu bergabung membentuk koalisi atau mengganti identitas
agar bisa ikut pemilu lagi.

Whether this is right or wrong, try to find what electoral threshold is,
what the definition of democracy is and link it with your arguments.

Issue about Arctic Exploration??? Nyusul…

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