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Assignment 2 1.

0 Introduction Availability of technologically advanced web tools provides the opportunity for learners to learn creatively, collaboratively and at their own pace. In view with the social constructivist theory, learners are able to construct new knowledge and develop critical thinking skills through social interaction using the Web 2.0 tools that is available in the internet !ay, !agceci, " #etin , 2012$. #onnectivism, on the other hand, promotes learning through network created in the internet where such network creates a pipeline for the flow information among the network circle #lar% " !arber%, 201&$. 'earning networks and community of practice are e(amples of platforms for learners to stay connected and share ideas, knowledge, e(periences and etc with one another as such can be used to in managing tacit and e(plicit knowledge. Within organi)ations, such platforms have been introduced where staffs with common interest are able to socially interact with one another on professional basis. *owever, the platforms used in organi)ations are designed with the intention to achieve a common goal. *ow about those individual learners with a personal learning need+

It is recommended for learners with personal learning need to create their own learning environment that will meet their own personal goal 'oertscher " ,oechlin, 2011$. As we are aware, the availability of technology and Web 2.0 tools provides access to vast information that is readily available on the internet. It is indeed beneficial for learners who are en-uiring immediate information. *owever, not all information that is readily available will be relevant and reliable. Additionally, the vast information available has potential in causing cognitive load for some learners if not filtered appropriately. As for learners with personal learning goal, a

personal learning environment .'/$ will provide assistance to streamline individual0s learning needs.

2.0 'earning 1eed I, currently hold the 2ob position of a learning management system administrator for a higher learning institution and following are my main responsibilities in addition to other ad hoc tasks3 A$ /nsure new students obtain their learning management system I4s within the timeframe as per service level agreement$. !$ 5tudents have been assigned with the correct sub2ects and learning materials. #$ 'ecturers have been given the right access to upload and organi)e their teaching materials. 4$ /nsure daily complaints or issues are resolved within the time frame. /$ 6rain new 2oiners on the learning management system0s functionality. 6hese responsibilities have been clearly defined in my 2ob description which I do carry while administering our current learning management system, 7Inchone0. While managing this learning management system, there were no detailed documentation available and no information was available on the internet pertaining to this system. I was not able to keep myself abreast with the developments of the system and read reviews about the system. As such on8the82ob training was the only method of familiriasing myself with the system. Any en-uiries pertaining to the learning management system was directed to my manager or a senior learning management administrator who has been using the system for the last three years where knowledge on the system was ac-uired with the e(perience of handling the learning management system.

While maintaining the current learning management system, the higher learning institution has decided to use !lackboard learning management system to support teaching and learning for certain selected courses. I will be holding similar responsibilities as the learning management system administrator with the new system. Although I have attended the 76rain the 6rainer0 98 days programme, I felt there are more to learn about this learning management system as the features are more advanced compared to our current learning management system. After the 9 days training program, I became aware that the content development features, forum, 2ournal, chat room, discussion board, assessment marking schemes and other features of blackboard are more complicated and technologically advanced. It is not as straight forward as the current learning management system. A personali)ed learning environment on !lackboard will keep me abreast on the latest updates of this system that includes common problems and e(periences faced by using !lackboard.

With the establishment of my personal learning environment, I will be able to be a part of the learning network that e(ists within the internet. It will be beneficial as it allows me to access re-uired tacit and e(plicit information, discussions, materials and shared e(periences pertaining to !lackboard. Information obtained will be able to minimi)e the duplicated time and effort put in resolving issues, thus, creating an opportunity to work efficiently. Additionally, I would have the option to capture other discussions that take place on the learning management systems where I will be able to learn and use for my work. :or this assignment, the personal learning environment created will be used to access materials, discussions and e(periences on the new learning management system, !lackboard. It is also a platform to discuss and share common problems and issues on the system.

&.0 .ersonal 'earning /nvironment .'/$ .ersonal learning environment .'/$ is a personali)ed learning environment which learners learn through creating and managing a learning network and utili)ing available web tools to connect with people and resources 6u, ;ontes, <en, #han " !locher, 2012, p.1=$. .ersonal learning environment encourages learners to build a learning environment that meets their individual0s interest and learning goals. With personali)ed learning goals, these learners are guided by their own self determination to manage and constantly update their own personal learning environment with relevant resources and connections. 6here are various free web 2.0 tools that can be used in creating own personal learning environment such as blogs, wikis, facebook, wordpress, ning sites and etc. .ersonal learning environment becomes a platform to connect you to the learning environment with continuous flow of information.

With the availability of a variety web instruments and how learners are constantly accessing these instruments to enhance their knowledge, personal learning environment provides these learners the fle(ibility to organi)e these instruments under one platform. .ersonal learning environments do not bound learners under a formal and structured learning environment such as the virtual learning environments and community of practice Wilson, 200>$. 'oertscher " ,oechlin 2011$ further mentioned that personal learning environment creates a platform where learners are able to filter information that can be used to assist them with their learning. 5uch information is not obtained from materials and resources that are not only readily available in the internet but creates a link to the open network with connections to tacit knowledge such as forum and tweeter discussions and blogs.

Although there is no proven model or best approach in designing an effective personal learning environment, designing and maintaining such learning environment re-uires self8determination and self8regulation ?al2ataga " 'aanpere, 2010@ Wilson, 200>$ and not 2ust self8efficacy. !y setting individual0s personal goals, learners will be determined to manage their own personal learning environment to ensure these goals are achieved. With this, I would like to design my own personal learning goals and ob2ectives that will lead to the creation of my personal learning environment3 a$ ,now the current trends, updates and system upgrades in relation to !lackboard. b$ ,now the possible problems and issues that can be faced when using !lackboard. c$ Anderstand and share best practices in utili)ing !lackboard that will create work efficiency and effectiveness. d$ Anderstand the complete functionality of the !lackboard system to be able to take on new tasks, if any.

Although I have attended a five8day comprehensive training programme, my personal learning environment on !lackboard@ in line with cognitive learning theory@ will assist to increase my memory level pertaining to this system which I will be able to use such information when re-uired at work.

6here are sites that offer facilities to customi)e your own personal learning environment and they are known to provide the facility to build your own 7start page0. 75tart page0 acts as the collaborative tool that gives you the privilege to customi)e your own personal learning

environment with available resources and other web 2.0 tool to facilitate your own learning Wilson, 200>$. It creates an environment where learners are able to centrali)e their mode of accessing knowledge from the personal learning environment instead of entering the websites individually. /(amples of 7start page0 that are available in the internet are netvibes, pageflakes, protopage, symbaloo and etc. I have obtained access for 1etvibes, .ageflakes and .rotopage and am inclined to use 1etvibes because of its user friendly features. !esides, 1etvibes has the fle(ibility to easily move around the widgets within the dashboard. In order to personali)e my personal learning environment@ I would like to incorporate the following tools with the purpose of combining the modes of ac-uiring knowledge.

!y using 1etvibes, I am able to easily get connected with the learning network that is continuously filled with vast information that includes tacit and e(plicit knowledge. !elow is the link of my personal learning environment that I would like to share for public viewing.

;y personal learning environment comprises of the four following categories3 a$ !logs B Wordpress and Coogle blogs b$ 5ocial media tool B :acebook and 6witter c$ Dnline ?ideo B <outube d$ Websites B ! and

Wordpress and Coogle !logs Wordpress and Coogle blogs helps in searching relevant blogs where updates and e(periences on !lackboard are posted. 1etvibes provides an abstract of the Coogle blog in feed view form where subse-uently I will be able to view the whole article when website view is selected.

When option to 75how Website0 is selected, the below image is displayed.

/(amples of blog articles displayed pertaining to !lackboard are how to merge courses in !lackboard, flipping lectures and the !lackboard Eetention #enter, tackling common issues in !lackboard 'earn and etc. 5uch articles are beneficial to me as it provides relevant information that could be used in future when a problem arises. ;eanwhile when similar search is done using Wordpress blog, I came across an article that introduces me an additional feature of !lackboard 'earn, i.e. Fuestionmark .erception !lackboard #onnector which I was not aware of during the five days training. I am pleased to see the amount of postings that take place on Coogle !log and Wordpress !log on !lackboard 'earn.

:acebook and 6witter :acebook and 6witter are two web tools that socially connects people. .eople use :acebook to create pages and post and update status. 5imilarly for 6weet where learners are able to follow discussions that are relevant to their personal learning. When I conducted a search on !lackboard 'earn via :acebook and 6witter, little postings were seen at these two web tools. *owever when a search on /learning and 'earning ;anagement 5ytem was done, there seem to be an increase in the number of posting pertaining to this topic. Although, I am able to see such limitations through :acebook and 6witter, I am still inclined to use thse tools. 6his is because the discussions that take place on learning management systems as a whole will provide me better insights on where !lackboard stands among the e(isting learning management systems. 6herefore, I will still be maintaining these social search tools in my personal learning environment to obtain different kind of information from the network.

<outube 6his online video tool provides access to a variety of video postings on !lackboard for e(ample demonstrations on how to organise columns in the grade center, how to submit an assignment through !lackboard, how to use !lackboard through Android and mobile and other access to 7-uick hit discussion0 videos on !lackboard 'earn. It is definitely beneficial in enhancing my learning on !lackboard learning management system. <outube video is another learning tool to obtain tacit and e(plicit knowledge. I will be able to comment and view comments that have been posted by others. Additionally, videos will be able to cater for the different learning styles of each person. As for me, I would definitely prefer video and audio method of learning because too much te(t is sometimes overwhelming.

! and ! being the official site for !lackboard 'earn has been included in my personal learning environment where I will be able to obtain information on any updates, upgrades, tutorials and etc. officially from this site. Information that I obtain from this site pertaining to !lackboard will be reliable and relevant. 5imultaneously, I will use to search for reviews on any upgrades done on the system. 6he fle(ibility to access these sites from my 1etvibes dashboard makes learning more convenient, faster and less hassle. It saves time in terms of conducting information search from multiple webpages.

;y personal learning environment using 1etvibes

#onclusion .ersonal learning environments play the role in creating a learning network that will assist learner with their own personal learning needs. It provides the opportunity for learners to access the vast e(plicit and tacit information that is readily available in the internet. With this, I have created a personal learning environment that will assist my personal learning needs pertaining to the newly implemented learning management system, !lackboard. With my defined personal learning goals and ob2ectives, my personal learning environment will be able to assist me in achieving my learning needs. With the new system implemented in my organi)ation and with the 2ob responsibilities given to me to manage the systems, I was initially accessing various websites by opening many windows to enhance my understanding on the system. *owever, after understanding the concept of personal learning environment, I am able to access these websites

through one platform that can be improvised and customi)ed further according to my learning needs.

Eeferences !ay, /., !agceci, !. " #etin, !. 2012$.6he effects of social constructivist approach on the learners0 problem solving and metacognitive levels.Journal of Social Sciences, > 3$, &=&8 &=G. !urnett, 5. 2012$./(plicit to tacit 3 the role of e(plicit knowledge in technological innovation.Libri, H2, 1=9819H. #lar%, ; " !arber%, /. 201&$.'earning online 3 massive open online courses ;DD#s$, connectivism, and cultural psychology. Distance Education, &= 1$, 12G81&H. 4awes, ,. "Walker, W. B'. 200>$.:rom the e(plicit to the tacit 3 does hypnosis facilitate this knowledge e(change+Australian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, &H 2$, 1=G81H2. Iohnson, ;. "'iber, D. 200>$.6he personal learning environment and the human condition 3 from theory to teaching practice.Interacti e Learnin! En ironments, 1H 1$, &819. ,othari, A. E., !ickford, I. I., /dwards, 1., 4obbins, ;. I. ";eyer, ;. 2011$.Ancovering tacit knowledge 3 a pilot study to broaden the concept of knowledge in knowledge transition."#C Healt$ Ser ices %esearc$, 11 1&'$, 2810.

'oertscher, 4. ?. ",oechlin, #. 2011$..ersonal learning environments in the learning commons.(eac$er Librarian, &G 2$, 2&82H. 5everance, #., *arding, I. "Whyte, A. 200>$.6he coming functionality mash8up in personal learning environments.Interacti e Learnin! En ironments, 1H 1$, =J8H2. 6u, #.8*., ;ontes, '. 5., <en, #, 8I, #han, I, 8<, "!locher, ;. 2012$.6he Integration of .ersonal 'earning /nvironments " Dpen 1etwork 'earning /nvironments.(ec$(rends, 9H 3$, 1&81G. ?al2ataga, 6 "'aanpere, ;. 2010$.'earner control and personal learning environment3 a challenge for instructional design.Interacti e Learnin! En ironments, 1> 3$, 2JJ82G1. Wilson, 5. 200>$..atterns of personal learning environment.Interacti e Learnin! En ironments, 1H 1$, 1J8&=. Kouaghi, I. 2011$.6acit knowledge generation and inter8organi)ational memory development in a supply chain conte(t.Systematics) Cybernetics and Informatics, G *$, JJ8>=.

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