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Practicum Learning Agreement NUR/590AB Version 2

University of Phoenix Material

Practicum Learning Agreement
Students Name Students Phone Number Name o* Practicum Site Nurse &n (all +ome +ealth Sandy Lon Ratner Faculty Beverly Jensen

%&P' (am)us 3 ! "31 #$#" Address, (ity, State, and -i) (ode o* Practicum Site &nline

1.$# (ornerstone Blvd, /aytona Beach, FL 30111 No practicum projects can occur in Tennessee. No Tennessee based RN MSN mentors

2entors Name and 3ducational (redentials 42inimum o* an RN 2SN re5uired6 2entors Job :itle

2entors Agency

Nurse on (all78nc9 /aytona Beach, Fl

Susan 2itchell, 2SN, RN 2entors Phone Number and 3mail 3 ! 1.!;# $ Susan2<nurseoncall*l9com

Patient (are (oordinator

Practicum Learning Agreement NUR/590AB Version 2

racticum !oa"# :o analy=e the )erce)tion and e>)erience in the role o* nurse educator at Flagler :echnical 8nstitute? Nurse &n (all ,8nc9 by

analy=ing the e**ectiveness on ho@ multigenerational @orA*orce such asB *aculty, RN, medical assistant?nursing students are educated in medical terminology, and by creating, im)lementing, and evaluating an education )lat*orm *or *aculty teaching these students to include the use o* online and classroom means *or teaching students medical terminology9

$omp"ete t%is co"umn &or 'ee( )ne * NUR/590A .earnin/ )bjecti,es

$omp"ete t%is co"umn &or 'ee( T+o * NUR/590A .earnin/ Strate/ies

$omp"ete t%is co"umn &or 'ee( T+o * NUR/590A 0,idence o& Accomp"is%ments
5a3 Submit annotated bib"io/rap%6 o& 55 peer re,ie+ed artic"es o& "iterature8 notations to be in journa"

$omp"ete Be&ore Midpoint Re,ie+ Midpoint Re,ie+ 1at 20 %ours o& racticum roject3
5a3 $omp"eted and documented on practicums se"&4 re&"ecti,e journa". .iterature re,ie+ and annotated bib"io/rap%6 comp"eted &or port&o"io and journa"8 submitted.

$omp"ete Be&ore -ou Start NUR/590B )utcome4 To Be $omp"eted rior to Startin/ NUR/590B
5a3 .iterature re,ie+ success&u"8 resu"ts o& 55 artic"es o& ,a"id (no+"ed/e and t%eoretica" e,idence app"6in/ to practicum project o& education.

5.0 Ana"67e t%e current situation o& t%e ,arious %6brid courses in educatin/ &acu"t6 &or t%e mu"ti/enerationa" +or(&orce 1ie# &acu"t68 RN8 medica" assistant/nursin/ students3 in medica" termino"o/6

5a $onduct a "iterature ana"6sis o& at "east 55 peer4re,ie+ed artic"es re"ated to %6brid course imp"ementation

5b3 $reate and administer needs assessment &or &acu"t6 on %6brid education re"ated to t%eir (no+"ed/e "e,e" o& medica" termino"o/6 re"atin/ to mu"ti/enerationa" +or( &orce.

5b3 Submit needs assessment resu"ts

5b3 $omp"eted8 re,ie+ed +it% mentor and educationa" department %ead on imp"ementation o& e,idence4based project to+ard education de,e"opment8 app"ied to &acu"t6 and documented on re&"ecti,e se"&4 journa"8 submitted to port&o"io.

5b3 Needs assessments8 e,a"uated +it% mentor and department %ead8 bot% a/ree artic"es add to e,idence based t%eor6 and critica" nursin/ "eaders%ip de,e"opment8 inc"udin/ mu"ticu"tura" de&icits o& medica" /computer termino"o/6 in a mu"ti/enerationa" +or(&orce. Resu"ts demonstrated course

Practicum Learning Agreement NUR/590AB Version 2

need and appropriate. Summar6 in +ord &ormat submitted to 0)A &i"e.

5c3 Ana"67e "iterature and success&u" medica" termino"o/6 %6brid courses

5c3 Summar6 o& notes identi&6in/ needs and %o+ to &aci"itate addressin/ issues and concerns

5c3 $omp"eted and documented on re&"ecti,e journa"8 port&o"io8 and submitted.

5c3 Summar6 +it% mentor con&irms needs assessment and addressin/ &acu"t6 concerns.

Practicum Learning Agreement NUR/590AB Version 2

.earnin/ )bjecti,es

.earnin/ Strate/ies

0,idence o& Accomp"is%ments

2a .esson p"an +it% "earnin/ outcomes8 content8 teac%in//"earnin/ strate/ies8 and re&erences

Midpoint Re,ie+ 1at 20 %ours o& racticum roject3

2a $omp"eted and ready to submit on practicums self-reflective journal and applied to portfolio "iterature re,ie+ and annotated bib"io/rap%6

)utcome4 To Be $omp"eted rior to Startin/ NUR/590B

2a3 Success&u" meetin/ +it% mentor and "esson p"an appro,ed &or imp"ementation submitted in +ord &ormat to 0)A &i"e.

2.0 9e,e"op a %6brid medica" termino"o/6 course &or a &acu"t6 o& t%e mu"ti/enerationa" +or(&orce and a precourse pro/ram &or &acu"t6 to assist in usin/ %6brid en,ironment.

2a3 9esi/n "esson p"an &or presentin/ %6brid course curricu"um to &acu"t6 inc"udin/ "earnin/ outcomes8 content8 teac%in//"earnin/ strate/ies8 and re&erences

2b 9esi/n a pre and posttest to measure educators pre course and post course base"ine in&ormation

2b $op6 o& pre and post test

2b $omp"eted and prepared &or %and out8 annotated on practicums se"&4re&"ecti,e journa"8 and to port&o"io

2b3 Re,ie+ o& pre/post testin/ materia" re&"ected e,idence4obtainin/ in&ormation &or t%eoretica" practice. ;nitiated to &acu"t68 cop6 to 0)A &i"e +ord &ormat.

2c 9esi/n e,a"uation too" &or &acu"t6 presentin/ in&ormation and course didactic.

2c $op6 o& e,a"uation too"

2c 9esi/n comp"eted and re,ie+ed +it% mentor as &acu"t6 e,a"uation prep too"8 documented on practicums se"&4re&"ecti,e journa"

2c3 Re,ie+ +it% education section appro,ed &or imp"ementation in course &or &acu"t6 use. $op6 to 0)A &i"e +ord &ormat.

2d 9e,e"op o+er oint presentation +it% at "east 20 content s"ides and detai"ed spea(er notes on %o+ to educate medica" term. :6brid course

2d o+er oint +it% spea(er notes

2d $omp"eted ppt. and demonstrated to mentor &or re,ie+ documented on practicums se"&4re&"ecti,e journa"

2c Re,ie+ed +it% mentor and appro,ed &or e,a"uation under e,idence based4 practice resu"t8 submitted to port&o"io 0)A &i"e

Practicum Learning Agreement NUR/590AB Version 2

Practicum Learning Agreement NUR/590AB Version 2

.earnin/ )bjecti,es

.earnin/ Strate/ies

0,idence o& Accomp"is%ments 2a3 cop6 o& &"6er

Midpoint Re,ie+ 1at 20 %ours o& racticum roject3

2a3 $omp"eted8 read6 to submit in port&o"io8 documented on practicum se"&4re&"ecti,e journa"

)utcome4 To Be $omp"eted rior to Startin/ NUR/590B

2a3Success&u" re,ie+ and appro,a" o& precourse &"6er8 ;denti&6in/ c"ass content submitted to port&o"io8 0)A &i"e

2.0 ;nitiate a %6brid medica" termino"o/6 course &or t%e &acu"t6 o& t%e mu"ti/enerationa" +or(&orce.

2a3 $reate/issue &"6er to announce date/time /"ocation o& educationa" sessions on &acu"t6 precourse pro/rams on medica" term in %6brid en,ironment. 2b3 proctor and administer pretest be&ore pro/ram be/ins1+or(s%op3

2b3 resu"t pretest

2b3 $omp"eted8 read6 to submit in port&o"io8 and documented on practicum se"&4re&"ecti,e journa"

2b3 Success&u""6 submitted in +ord &ormat to 0)A &i"e a&ter re,ie+ o& content +it% educationa" sta&&/mentor8 resu"ts re,ie+ and demonstrate current concerns in understandin/ terms and %6brid courses.

2c3 pro,ide and present pro/ram "esson p"ans ,ia o+er oint +it% spea(er notes or %andout

2c3 Submit summar6 o& process &or imp"ementin/ education session describin/ e,ents and "earnin/.

2c3 $omp"eted summar68 read6 to submit in port&o"io8 and documented on practicum se"&4re&"ecti,e journa"8 presentation in&ormation +it% mentor and education sta&& abo,e and be6ond &acu"t6 present. and summar6

2c3 Success&u""6 submitted in +ord &ormat8 "esson p"an and ppt. to 0)A &i"e and port&o"io a&ter mentor and educationa" sta&& a/reed course added e,idence4based practica" t%eor6 and use o& critica" t%in(in/ s(i""s and assessment &or project.

Practicum Learning Agreement NUR/590AB Version 2

.earnin/ )bjecti,es

.earnin/ Strate/ies

0,idence o& Accomp"is%ments

<a3 Summar6 o& resu"ts to compare

Midpoint Re,ie+ 1at 20 %ours o& racticum roject3

<a3 $omp"eted8 e,a"uation o& post testin/ &or e&&ecti,eness8 read6 to submit in port&o"io8 and documented on practicum se"&4re&"ecti,e journa"

)utcome4 To Be $omp"eted rior to Startin/ NUR/590B

<a3 Success&u"8 resu"ts o& course and does current "earnin/ e&&ecti,eness durin/ pro/ram8 +it% mentor and educationa" sta&& recommendations &or adjustments as needed to &uture p"anned pro/rams

<.0 0,a"uate resu"ts o& course education pro/ram &or %6brid medica" termino"o/6 course o& t%e mu"ti/enerationa" +or(&orce.

<a3 $ompare and contrast pre and post testin/ to determine current "earnin/ e&&ecti,eness durin/ pro/ram8 +it% recommendations &or adjustments to &uture pro/rams <b3 $o""ect in&ormation data to determine &acu"t6 e&&ecti,eness in prepro/ram course &or %6brid courses &rom e,a"uation/=uestions

<b3 cop6 o& =uestionnaire/e,a"uation

<b3 $omp"eted e,idence4 based practice (no+"ed/e data co""ected and re,ie+ed +it% mentor and demonstratin/ bot% resu"t pre and post testin/ resu"ts o& tota" project and &uture educationa" de,e"opment documented on t%e se"&4 re&"ecti,e journa".

<b3. Success&u" re,ie+ o& e,a"uation post course8 mentor a/rees (no+"ed/e app"ies to practicum project &or purposes o& education.

<c3 0,a"uate a"" "earnin/ b6 +ritin/ at "east a t%ree pa/e detai"ed re&"ecti,e ana"6sis in t%e practicum port&o"io t%at describes stren/t%s and opportunities &or impro,ement in &u"&i""in/ educator ro"e.

<c3 cop6 o& re&"ecti,e ana"6sis o& project e>perience.

<c3 $omp"eted8 read6 to submit in port&o"io +ord document8 and documented on practicum se"&4re&"ecti,e journa"8 re,ie+ tota" summar6 annotated.

<c3 Mentor re,ie+ o& project resu"t and e,a"uation8 Success&u""6 submitted in +ord &ormat8 a"" documentation to 0)A &i"e/port&o"io o& practicum project +it% summar6 o& stren/t%s and areas o& impro,ement to inc"ude re/u"ar p"aned courses as ne+ &acu"t6 enterin/ or/ani7ation.

Practicum Learning Agreement NUR/590AB Version 2

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