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u-EN111 B Rhetoiic II

1 p.m. NWF, Nohlei 2u4

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N, Nai 24 !"#$: Finish Rushkoff, %&'(&#) '& +" %&'(&#))"$
,'-./: 0sing anu citing souices
W, Nai 26 !"#$: Caii, uella Cava, anu Fioese
,'-./: Integiating souices
F, Nai 28 !"#$: ueoige, Beithei, anu Rekait
,'-./: Synthesizing souices
N, Nai S1 !"#$: Riueout anu Rubin
,'-./: Bocumentation style anu Woiks Citeu foimat
W, Api 2 01"2 3#4 5'& #$$.6.'7#1 -&#/6./" '7 #8'9" :;.11:
F, Api 4 <'&;:='- 3#4
N, Api 7 !"9.:"$ >::#4 3?"

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No latei than Fiiuay, Naich 7, the class will mutually agiee upon a ieseaich question foi
oui joint pioject. As a class, we will iuentify 6-8 souices foi oui essay. The bibliogiaphy
will incluue at least one book; most, if not all, of the iemaining souices will be souices fiom
Nillei Libiaiy's online uatabases. Eveiyone will ieau, summaiize, anu paiaphiase the same
souices, but eveiyone will wiite theii own essay of 1,2Su-1,Suu woius. A complete uiaft of
the essay is uue Fiiuay, Apiil 4, foi an in-class peei woikshop. The ieviseu essay is uue
Nonuay, Apiil 7.

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