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Presentation Reflection Alithea Price-Pearlstein FRIT 7235 Digital Learning Environments Spring 2014 Georgia Southern University

The power point presentation titled American Indians: Powhatan S.O.L .2.2 is a total of eighteen slides including a title and bibliography slide. I chose a clean blue and single stripe white design to promote a visually appealing appearance for all students. I choose a large Ariel rounded MT white or black font for a consistent look on each slide. The design needed to be simple void of busy colors or graphics to focus attention on the photographic examples. The intended audience is 2nd grade students focusing on the Virginia Social Studies standards of learning (SOL). The purpose of my presentation was to emphasize how the American Indian Powhatan tribe lived until the English settlement in Jamestown invaded their way of life. The Powhatans are 1 of 3 American Indian tribes studied by 2nd grade students in Virginia public schools. The Powhatan American Indians are particularly important because they are from the state of Virginia. The photographs in my presentation incorporated the visual needs of E.S.O.L students. Labels and arrows around photographs highlighted important details in each picture. The photographs were enhanced with thick white or black borders for a unique finish. The absence of traditional cartoon clip art from slides emphasized the importance of a realistic presentation for a young audience. I began and ended my presentation with a brief segment of Native American music to capture the students attention. My overall presentation included more than the required ten slides to stress the important of the Powhatans economic way of life in the 17th century.

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