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Natali Melton

Robotics Lesson
1st Grade Lesson Plan implementing robotics Students who are in this first grade classroom are in the age range of 6-7 years old and will be expected to follow the rules of the classroom throughout the whole lesson. If students are to break a rule they will be asked to fix what they are doing wrong, once a student has continued to break rules they will be ask to move their color and to sit to the side and will not be allowed to work with the robots.

I will implement robotics into our math lessons by first showing students the different parts that make up a robot. We will identify each of the gears by the number of teeth it has. We will begin by going through several different gears and counting the teeth together as a class and then each table group will be given their own set of robot pieces to identify and group. Students will have to count the teeth on each gear and write the number on their paper. After each student has counted the number of teeth and wrote them down they will group the gears by the number of teeth. After students have grouped the gears by the teeth, I will give each student the same amount of gears with same amounts of teeth and a robot gears worksheet with math problems. To start this part of the lesson, we will go over some of the problems and how to add and subtract the number of teeth on the gears together until students feel comfortable to complete the worksheet and then students will use their gears to solve the addition and subtraction problems on their worksheets. For example; the worksheet for the first part will look like the first image below and the worksheet for the addition and subtraction will look like the second image and students will just use to gears as a visual to help see what happens if you have 3 gears and you add 2 more.

Natali Melton

To implement robotics into writing students will first build the Coggy Doggy robot with their groups and work with the Coggy Doggy to get a feel for how everything works. While students are building the robot they will be asked to take notes on what is working, what is not working, what they had to change and how they put it together. After students have built their robot and collect data from the robot building process students will be asked to write a sequence of instructions and events. Students will be asked to take their data the collected and put it into instructions as if this paper would be going into the box to tell others how to put it together. Students will use their notes of instructions on how they put the robot together and will place these instructions in a sequence of instructions adding their side notes of what does and does not work that they tried. Students will be graded that the sequence is correct and that they used the correct punctuation.

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