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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Look around you!

Autor de la unidad Nombre y apellido Nombre de la institucin educativa Ubicacin de la institucin educativa Otros datos de la institucin educativa Descripcin de la unidad Ttulo de la unidad People around me Resumen de la unidad Talking about people around them will allow students to express feelings about their family, describe physically the people who live with them and introduce family members. Espacio/s curricular/es o asignatura/s The unit is focused for English subject, areas listening, speaking, reading and writing. The objectives is to express their feelings for their family. Ao y nivel This unit is planned for students for second grade of elementary school Tiempo necesario aproximado 4 periods of 40 minutes. Fundamentos de la unidad Contenidos CONCEPTUAL Family Members Mother Father Sister Brother Baby Grandmother Grandfather - Aunt -Uncle -Cousin Grammar in context Possessive adjective Verb BE Demonstrative This/these This is Mary. She is my sister. Wh- questions: Who is?; Who are? Adjectives: Tall, thin, fat, short, sad, happy, old, new. This is Sandra. She is my mother. She is tall. PROCEDURAL Asking and answering questions about their families. -Identifying family members. -Drawing pictures of family members. -Writing short sentences using family members vocabulary, possessive adjective, demonstrative this, that, and verb Be. -Using personal pronouns to replace family members. -Describing their family member using adjectives. -Talking about their family members. -Repeating short verses poems related to family members. ACTITUDINAL Showing respect for the members of the family. Carolina Janeth Pulice B. C.E.B.G. Naciones Unidas Barrio Coln, diagonal al estadio Muquita Snchez Centro Educativo de Educacin primaria

Showing love for his/her family.

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados.

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Objetivos del aprendizaje Uses personal he/she to replace family members names. Talks about family members with others. Uses expressions Who is..? Who are? And its correspondent answers. Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad Pregunta esencial Who is the most special person around you?

Preguntas de unidad

How do live with you? Who are your family members? How do you call the father of your father? What is the name of your mother?

Preguntas de contenido

Plan de evaluacin Cronograma de evaluaciones

Antes de empezar el trabajo del proyecto Students will look at a family Simpson picture and Identify family members in isolation. If they make mistakes I will help them with clues to answer correctly.

Durante el desarrollo del proyecto Identify family members in a picture.

Una vez completado el proyecto

At the end of the project, students should be able to describe their families using the Reorganize words to correct form of demonstrative + write sentences correctly. verb to be + possessive Correctly uses adjective + family member replacement of nouns by vocabulary word. pronouns. Students should be able to answer simple and short questions about their families.

Resumen de evaluaciones We are going to use diagnostic, formative and summative evaluation with brainstorming, practices in the clasroom with heteroevaluation and coevaluation. The progress will be monitor during the three previous clases until we finish the fourth class with the oral presentation of their family pictures. For the oral presentation i will use a learning record. The evaluation will be done during the three moments but during the beginning and development without numerical ponderation. . Detalles de la unidad Habilidades previas Before the developing of this project, students should have a previous knowledge of family
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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

members vocabulary, use of personal pronouns in third person singular (he/she). Procedimientos Day 1: Look at pictures in a power point presentation of the Simpsons family projected in the data show. Identify the family members. Complete five sentences about Simpsons family members. Write the vocabulary in their notebooks and according the pictures write the Spanish meaning. Day 2: Talks about who do live with them. Listen to students answers, help them answer in English. Draw their family in their notebooks, clarify that they should draw only the person who live with them. Look at a map with the correct way to write sentences and its examples. Write three sentences about the picture using family member vocabulary, verb to be, demonstrative, possessive adjective. Read the sentences to the class. Day 3: Play Simon says giving commands to boys and girls separately, but instead of saying for example: Simon says girls stand up or boys get down your head. I will use the form: Simon says she stands up or he get down your head. This change will be done to reinforce the use of pronouns in third person singular. Classify family members in two columns those names that will replace by he and those for she. Read several sentences and choose the correct form of the personal pronoun according the noun. Exchange notebooks to co-evaluate the answers with the group. Day 4: Look to a photo collage and listen to the description of a family. Let students describe their family using a Learning Record. Answer to questions such as: Who is the father of your father? What is the name of your mother?

Estudiante con necesidades especiales No hispanoparlantes

For the student with learning disabilities I will choose just 5 family members vocabulary words. The formative and summative evaluation will be oral. Instead of writing sentences, he/she will say the examples at least one. Use picture identification to recognize family members. Give a low focus to pronunciation. Assign short extra practices if it is necessary. If there is any American native speaker will be helpful for the class in order to practice the foreign pronunciation. For those Smart students I will assign extra activities such as crossword puzzles where they have to follow clues to find the answer. In other case they will help me monitor the group when checking practices with those students that need more attention.

Estudiante talentoso

Materiales y recursos necesarios para la unidad

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Programa Intel Educar Curso Esencial

Tecnologa Hardware (equipo necesario) Cmara Computadora(s) Cmara digital Reproductor de DVD Conexin a Internet Tecnologa Software (necesario) Base de datos/Hoja de clculo Diagramador de publicaciones Programa de correo electrnico Enciclopedia en CD-ROM Editor de imgenes Buscador Web Multimedia Desarrollo de pginas web Procesador de texto Otro Power point presentation of Simpson family, map of semantic rules for writing sentences with Cmaptool, family AutoCollage for oral presentation example. Disco lser Impresora Sistema de proyeccin Escner Televisor VCR Cmara de vdeo Equipo de vdeo conferencia Otro

Materiales impresos Suministros

Photocopies of workshops, picture dictionary, family crossword Family picture

Recursos de Internet Otros Recursos

Los programas de Intel Educacin son financiados por la Fundacin Intel y la Corporacin Intel. Derechos reservados 2008, Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Intel, el logo de Intel, la iniciativa de Intel Educacin y el Programa Intel Educar son marcas registradas de Intel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los Estados Unidos y otros pases. *Otros nombres y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.

2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados.

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