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Part II: Soil pH: Postlab Questions Use the soil triangle to determine the type of soils with

the following particle sizes 1. 20% silt, 10% clay, 70% sand Sandy Loom 2. 30% sand, 10% clay, 60% silt Silt Loom 3. 10% silt, 50% sand, 0% clay Sandy Clay . 30% clay, 30% sand, 0% silt Clay Loom 5. 60% clay, 10% sand, 30% silt Clay 6. 0% sand, 10% silt, 50% clay Clay 2. !ist and descri"e three ways in which soil p# affects an ecosystem. $ainwater % slightly acidic Use of fertilizer % e&trophication 'hemical weathering % Oxygen oxidizes minerals to alteration products whereas water can convert minerals to clays or dissolve minerals completely. 3. (hat types of )egetation does soil of the type and p# yo& sampled "est s&pport* Ferns, pines, blueberries and azaleas . (hat wo&ld "e the ideal type and p# of soil to ha)e aro&nd a home* Soil should be fairly loose and well-aerated and p# between 6.6 and 7.3 5. (hat wo&ld "e the ideal type and p# of soil for agric&lt&re* Ideal pH for most plants is between 6.0 and 6.8. and type would be clay loam. 6. #ow do farmers ad+&st the p# of soils* Lime is used on clay based or acidic soils to make them more alkaline

Results: (e decided to let o&r soil sit for another wee, "efore ma,ing o&r calc&lations d&e to the fact that it wasn-t )ery clear to determine where the line was for the sand, silt, and clay. (e did tho&gh get the res&lts for part ... and we classified o&r soil as silt loom. /adly tho&gh we didn-t get the change to do the /oil 0e1t&re 2y 3eel 3low 'hart d&e to the fact that we ran o&t of time. /o we co&ld not confirm o&r pre)io&s classification of o&r soil. .f o&r soil was silt loom tho&gh we need to find a way to get it closer to clay loam for it to "e a healthier soil.

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