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Topic: Recommending New York Audience: College students, Intermediate level Goal: Review vocabulary Provide directions to a Chinese

ese person visiting New York Make suggestions or recommendations of places and restaurants that one can go.

Pre-Learning: Review vocabulary: matching characters. Each flash has a character. Mix and match words and produce a sentence.

1: As students to write down 4 Things to do in NYC or Good restaurants in NYC 2: In groups of 2. Giving Directions. Pick a place that you have recommended and provide instructions on how to get there. Subway map provided.

Pre learning:

3: Role Play. Students get in groups of 2. One plays the visitor and the other is the local New Yorker. Make a short presentation in front of the class.

Words that could be included in the dialog: //// 4: short survey about American fast food.

Procedure: 1. Vocabulary warm up. Flash cards (with one character on it) are mixed in a pool and students are invited to match them to form a word and produce a sentence. 10 -15 mins

2. Ask students to write down 3-4 places they would recommend to go to eat or visit. 5minutes. 3. For this task, there will be a short pre-learning. Estimated time, 2 minutes. With the list that they have written down, students will get into group of 2. They will practice on how to give direction on taking the subway. 10 mins. 4. With the list that they have written down, students will get into group of 2. A list of words is given to them. The instructor will suggest to the students to use these words during their role-play conversation. The conversation should include making recommendations and giving directions on how to take the subway. 15 mins 5. Students a given a short survey in Chinese regarding the American fast food restaurant. 5 mins

Outcome: Students should be able to make recommendations (places and restaurants) and directions with no difficulties. Students should be able to hear, use and apply the practiced vocabulary fluently in conversations.

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