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Lisa Bewley Mr.Hawkins American Government 3/26/14 The Electoral College The debate has begun. The bells are ringing loud as ever. As the election time cursorily approaches in 2016, the debate of whether the Electoral College should be valid is all the talk. The definition of Electoral College is as followed; (in the US) a body of people representing the state of the US, who formally cast votes for the election of the president and vice president. The Electoral College was set up because not every American could accurately vote based on their scrap like knowledge they had of the candidates. Now, a century later, it is time to make a change. The Electoral College must be abolished because of mass media, adverse representation, and the negative come of the winner take all system. Over 115.6 million American households have TVs. 71.7 percent of Americans have Internet access 24 hours a day available to them. This is not counting those who listen to the radio, read the newspaper, and hear word of mouth. Mass media has made it so that it is hard to subside within this country without knowing one thing or another about the streaming politics. Gene Green said, The Electoral College was necessary when communications were poor, literacy was low and voters lacked information about out-of-state figures, which is clearly no longer the case. (Green) In fact, this has not been an issue since John F. Kennedy effectively

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used the television to speak directly to his countries people. In the end, the Electoral College system was formed to deny illiterate people from deciding who their president should be. Right or wrong, that is not the issue anymore. The issue is America is no longer a completely illiterate country. Illiteracy in America now carries only 14% of adults that cant read. Mass media has successfully demonstrated that it can inform and transmit adequate intelligence to influence Americans efficiently, which is one reason the Electoral College should be demolished. Billy believes what Paul believes, but Tom believes what Billy believes, so who is supposed to represent all three of these men? The bicker of an electoral vote is adverse representation. The Electoral College allows the ambassador to carry out his/her own vote whether or not it goes along with what their state appeals. This is more than adverse representation, and clear denial of Americans voices being heard. The election, which took place in 2000, demonstrates as such. George W. Bush lost the popular vote to Al Gore by 543,865 votes. However, because Bush took the electoral by 5 votes he received the presidency. Those who would argue that this was fair to the American peoples popular vote would be foolish. The people spoke; that should reflect the winner. One cant simply believe that 538 people should validly be able to decide who is suited to wear a country on their back. Adverse representation causes a gap between the representatives and their states giving another reason for the Electoral College to be abolished. Ever play an all in poker game? Its all fun in games until the person who puts in the most money looses. The negative effects of the winner take all system has caused a great gap between the candidates and the American people. The winner take all system largely separates

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the Americans from their rights. Yes, some can argue that just like in a winner takes all game you play with knowledge of the rules, however times have changed. 538 ambassadors no longer have more knowledge than the rest of this country. The Framers put this procedure into motion because of the standing of the country and the lack of knowledge they had. The Electoral College was a safety net from the country getting a dud of a leader. The Constitution clearly states the right to vote, not that our ambassadors will take our ideas into account. Just like Bush against Al Gore, Bush was the winner, which took all. The slight difference of Bush winning the electoral vote won him the head seat in the white house. Although he may have still made a better president than Al Gore would have been, there is no knowing what will happen if a malevolent wins the electoral and our country is screwed. The winner take all system is an unjust and unfair way to win a campaign and therefore should be demolished in our country. The Electoral College rejects Americans the right to decree the most adequate President. 538 ambassadors speaking for 313.9 million desirous for change citizens. Although the Framers found the Electoral College the best way for Americans to obtain the finest President, that is no longer the case. Our country has grown into a far more than capable group of people to elect a fit candidate in office. This change would not make the Framers wrong, but in fact make them gratified, as they sought after whats finest in favor of our country. Although abolishing the Electoral College would cause misgivings with some, it is necessary to get rid of it.

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Bibliography Blow, Charles. "Electoral College." - News. N.p., Jan. 2013. Web. 24 Mar. 2014. Linder, Doug. "The Electoral College." Exploring Constitutional Conflicts. N.p., 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 23 Mar. 2014. <>. Black, Eric. "10 Reasons Why the Electoral College Is a Problem." MinnPost. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2012. <>. Schlesinger, Arthur, Electoral College Debate: Election 2000: Its a Mess, but Weve been through it Before, Time, November 20,2000. Green, Gene. " | Electoral College Quotes." FairVote. N.p., 24 Sept. 2004. Web. 26 Mar. 2014. <>.

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