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Review of References: Medication Ad inistration Errors in Chi!dren Renee "# $ar% Ferris State &niversit'

REVIEW OF REFERENCES Review of References: Medication Ad inistration Errors in Chi!dren Nursing research is essentia! to nursing )ractice# *Identification of research+ conducted ,' nurses+ to ,ui!d scientific %now!edge is an i )ortant ste) in co unication of nursing

%now!edge+- .Ferris State &niversit'+ (/10# )# 12# In this )a)er the author wi!! eva!uate two different sources of research on the to)ic of edication ad inistration errors in chi!dren and

deter ine the credi,i!it' of the source# 3he significance of research to nursing wi!! a!so ,e e4a ined## Nursing Research Defined Nieswiado ' .(/1(2 defines nursing research as+ *the s'ste atic+ o,5ective )rocess of ana!'6ing )heno ena of i )ortance to nursing+- .)# 72# Nieswiado ' .(/1(2 a!so ac%now!edges that there are severa! variations of the ter nursing research# Research is essentia! to the nursing

)ractice ,ecause it )rovides the science that a!!ows for nurses to use evidence8,ased )ractice# Nurses need to use research a))ro)riate!' for their !eve! of education .9o'd+ 9a!i%o+ :er an+ ; <o!'a%ova8Norwood+ (/1(2# Nurses with a 9ache!ors of Science .9SN2 need to ,e a,!e to eva!uate research for credi,i!it' and a))!' it to their )ractice .&rsu'+ (/1(2# Credibility In toda'=s wor!d of techno!og' infor ation can ,e s)read >uic%!' to !arge grou)s of )eo)!e# It is therefore essentia! to deter ine that a source is credi,!e ,efore nursing )ractice# 3here are first is to a%ing it )art of

an' things the nurse can do to assess if a source is credi,!e# 3he a scho!ar!' source# Scho!ar!' sources are

a%e sure the infor ation co es fro

t')ica!!' an artic!e or research finding that is )u,!ished fo!!owing )eer8review+ which is a )rocess in which e4)erts in the fie!d eva!uate the findings of the stud' and the ethods used#

REVIEW OF REFERENCES :owever+ )eer review a!one does not a%e a source credi,!e# Around 1// artic!es that had ,een (///8(/1/+ .McCart'+ 9orgert+ ;

through the )eer review )rocess were !ater retracted fro Mihaich+ (/1(2#

In addition to ,eing aware of whether or not an artic!e is )eer8reviewed+ the nurse shou!d a!so ,e aware of whether an artic!e is the )ri ar' or secondar' source of infor ation# A )ri ar' source is written ,' the author.s2 of the stud' whereas a secondar' source is another author=s inter)retation of stud' findings# 3he )ri ar' source is genera!!' considered a' ,e )ossi,!e that a different author of the research .Nieswiado '+ (/1(2# Nurses a!so need to ,e aware of the !eve!s of evidence when eva!uating a source# 3he !eve!s of evidence )rovide a hierarch' for nurses to use to assess the >ua!it' of infor ation )rovided# 3here are si4 different !eve!s with !eve! one ,eing the ana!'sis fro ost credi,!e+ as it is a eta8 ore credi,!e as it

isinter)reted so e data or !eft out so e i )ortant )arts

u!ti)!e sources+ whi!e !eve! si4 wou!d ,e considered the !east credi,!e+ as it is

considered the o)inion of e4)erts# 9' deter ining the source of the infor ation in an artic!e and where it fa!!s on the !eve! of evidence+ a nurse shou!d have an easier ti e deter ining how accurate the research is .Nieswiado '+ (/1(2# Article One 3he first artic!e the author read to review for credi,i!it' was+ *Medication ad inistration )ractices a ong chi!dren=s nurses: A surve'+- a surve' of )ediatric nurses and their edications

)ractices# 9oth authors+ Mar'anne Mur)h' and A!ison Whi!e+ teach co!!ege !eve! nursing c!asses and Whi!e is a!so an Associate ?ean at a $ondon co!!ege# 3he authors designed their surve' after noticing that !iterature su))orts the fact that fo!!owing hos)ita! )o!ic' in ad inistration reduces edication

edication errors# 3he' decided to assess )ediatric nurses+ as )ediatric

REVIEW OF REFERENCES doses are often weight8,ased and ore )rone to error+ to assess at what )oint errors are !i%e!' to edication ad inistration was ,eing fo!!owed#

occur+ and whether or not hos)ita! )o!ic' on A))rova! was granted to the

,' the !oca! ethica! ,oard and the surve' was given to a!! 10/

)ediatric nurses at a )articu!ar hos)ita! .Mur)h' ; Whi!e+ (/1(2# 3he author fee!s that the !eve! of evidence for Artic!e One is $eve! Four# Fourth !eve! of evidence inc!udes non8e4)eri enta! studies+ which wou!d enco )ass surve's# Whi!e surve's have the ,enefit of )roviding infor ation fro re!ative!' s a!! sa )!e si6es there is so e a' not give entire!' honest answers#

concern a,out accurac' of the data ,ecause )artici)ants For e4a )!e+ in this stud' nurses shou!d do when ad inistering

a' have answered with res)onses of what the' %now the'

edication as o))osed to what the' actua!!' do+ due to fear of

,eing re)ri anded at wor% .Nieswiado '+ (/1(2# Artic!e One is nursing research# A!though it is not fro infor ation derived fro how to a higher !eve! of evidence+ the

the stud' is a))!ica,!e to nurses and )rovides usefu! infor ation on edication ad inistration+ which a%es it nursing research endations of

odif' )ractice for safer

according to Nieswiado '=s definition# 3he surve' )rovided nu erous reco things that nurses can do to a%e their

edication ad inistration safer as we!! as areas for edication ad inistration

further research+ which wou!d )rovide additiona! data for safe .Mur)h' ; Whi!e+ (/1(#2 Article Two

3he second artic!e reviewed was+ *Medication dosing errors in )ediatric )atients treated ,' e ergenc' edica! services- a retros)ective ana!'sis of records of chi!dren treated ,' edication errors were as

)ara edics )rior to arriving at the hos)ita!# 3he stud' sought to see if co

on in the )re8hos)ita! setting as the' are in the hos)ita!+ and where and when these errors

REVIEW OF REFERENCES are ost !i%e!' to occur# ?ata was contri,uted fro eight different e ergenc' edica! services

.EMS2 agencies in the state of Michigan# 3he stud' was a))roved ,' an Institutiona! Review 9oard .IR92 ,ut the re>uire ent for infor ed consent was waived with IR9 a))rova!# 3he authors are a grou) of )h'sicians+ e ergenc' edica! technichians .EM3s2 and graduates of

?octorate or Master=s )rogra s .:o'!e+ ?avis+ <ut an+ 3r't%o+ ; Fa!es+ (/1(2# 3he author eva!uates Artic!e 3wo as a $eve! Four in the !eve!s of evidence easure ent#

$eve! four data inc!udes a!! non8e4)eri enta! studies+ and this was not an e4)eri ent ,ut a !oo% ,ac% at data that had a!read' ,een gathered# 3here a))ears to ,e no conf!ict of interest and the stud' did get a))rova! ,' an IR9 so it is !i%e!' that it was conducted in an ethica! fact that infor ed consent was not o,tained is not concerning ,ecause data fro was ,eing reviewed and the IR9 did not find it to ,e an ethica! )ro,!e anner# 3he

)ast records

for the nature of the data for whether or

o,tained# 3he )ur)ose of an IR9 is to review )ro)osed studies and eva!uate the not the' are ethica! ,efore federa! funding is received .Nieswiado '+ (/1(2#

Whi!e this infor ation is va!id research+ the author does not fee! !i%e it >ua!ifies as nursing research# 3he research was done on )ediatric )atients )rior to arriving to the hos)ita!# 3he care it is eva!uating is not that )rovided ,' nurses# Whi!e the data indicated an a!ar ing nu ,er of edication errors+ there were no suggestions for wa's to fi4 the )ro,!e and no

infor ation that the nurse cou!d integrate as evidenced8,ased )ractice in their )ractice .:o'!e et#a!+ (/1(2# 3he definitions )revious!' defined for nursing research state that it evidence8,ased )ractice for nurses and this artic!e does not do that# Significance to Nursing It is essentia! for nurses to use research that is s)ecifica!!' distinct to nursing# Without research that s)ea%s direct!' to the nursing )ractice+ a nurse wi!! ,e una,!e to integrate it into ust )rovide

REVIEW OF REFERENCES evidence8,ased )ractice# Research ust ,e of good >ua!it' in order to )ro ote safe )ractices

with )atients# 3he A erican Nurses Association .ANA2 .(/1/2 defines >ua!it' as+ *3he degree to which hea!th services for )atients+ fa i!ies+ grou)s+ co unities+ or )o)u!ations increase the

!i%e!ihood of desired outco es and are consistent with current )rofessiona! %now!edge- .)# 10@2# Bua!it' or re!ia,!e research !eads to ,etter outco es or i )roved >ua!it' of )atient care# Nurses shou!d ,e a,!e to use evidence8,ased )ractice o,tained fro nursing research to

)rovide a safe )ractice# 3he ANA recogni6es 5ust how significant research is# One of their Standards of Nursing <ractice is nursing research and evidence8,ased )ractice# Nurses need to ,e a,!e to deter ine what !eve! of evidence a )iece of research is to deter ine how strong that it is# In addition+ eva!uation of the source shou!d he!) the nurse deter ine whether or not the research is re!ia,!e+ or of good >ua!it'+ to incor)orate into )ractice# &sing research of high >ua!it' wi!! ena,!e nurses to )rovide care that is of a high >ua!it' as we!!# Nurses are invo!ved in uch of the hands on care of )atients+ so the nursing )rofession has a huge i )act on the >ua!it' of care .ANA+ (/1/2# Nursing research is vita! to the advance ent of the )rofession ,ecause using research to guide )ractice is one of the things that define nursing as a )rofession# 3hrough the use of research+ nurses are a,!e to )rove that their )ractice is evidence8,ased+ and it reassures the )u,!ic that nurses are a,!e to inf!uence the hea!th of their )atients# Nursing research a!so he!)s ensure the accounta,i!it' of the )rofession+ as it )rovides nurses with a fra ewor% in which to ,ase their actions on .Nieswiado '+ (/1(2# Nieswiado ' .(/1(2 states that+ *3he nursing )rofession e4ists to )rovide a service to societ'+ and this service shou!d ,e ,ased on accurate %now!edge.)# @2#


Research is a!so vita! to the nursing )rofession ,ecause it can he!) )rove the va!ue of our care# :ea!thcare institutions s)end a !ot of when considering cost8cutting one' on nursing care+ so it can ,e a )!ace to !oo%

easures# <roviding safe care that is ,ased on evidence in

research shou!d !ead to good outco es+ which shou!d reduce cost8cutting for nurses# 3he research )rovides )roof that certain ethods of nursing care )rovide good resu!ts and shou!d ,e

va!ued ,' the institution .Nieswiado '+ (/1(2# Conclusion Research )!a's a ver' !arge and i )ortant ro!e in the nursing )rofession# Nurses have an o,!igation to ,e fa i!iar with current research and how to use evidence8,ased resu!ts in )ractice# Accurate i )!e entation of research not on!' )ro otes nursing as a )rofession ,ut i )roves >ua!it' of care for a!!# 3he future of nursing de)ends on research and a))ro)riate i )!e entation of evidence8,ased )ractice#


References A erican <s'cho!ogica! Association DA<AE .(/1/2# Publication manual of the American Psychological Association .Ath ed#2# Washington+ ?C: Author# 9o'd+ R#+ 9a!i%o+ 9#+ :er an+ "#+ ; <o!'a%ova8Norwood+ V# .(/1(2# Redesigning a graduate research course for evidence8,ased co )etencies DA,stractE# Journal of Nursing Education, 51.112+ A@(8A@@# ?OI: 1/#7F(1G/10101708(/1(/F(C8/1 Ferris State &niversit' .(/102# N&RS 7@/ Research in Nursing course s'!!a,us# Retrieved fro : htt)s:GGfsu!earn#ferris#eduGwe,a))sG)orta!Gfra eset#5s)Hta,Ita,Igrou)IidJI(I1;ur!J K(Fwe,a))sK(F,!ac%,oardK(Fe4ecuteK(F!auncherK7Ft')eK7?CourseK(Aid K7?IF1@CI1K(Aur!K7? :o'!e+ "#+ ?avis+ A#+ <ut an+ L+ 3r't%o+ "+ ; Fa!es+ W#+ .(/1(2# Medication dosing errors in )ediatric )atients treated ,' e ergenc' edica! services# Prehospital Emergency Care,

16.12+ @F8AA# ?OI: 1/#71/FG1/F/71(C#(/11#A10/07 McCart'+ $#+ 9orgert+ C#+ Mihaich+ E#+ .(/1(2# Infor ation >ua!it' in regu!ator' decision a%ing: <eer review versus good !a,orator' )ractice# Environmental ealth Perspectives+ !1"#$C# ?OI: htt):GG/8d4#doi#org#!i,cat#ferris#eduG1/#1(1FGeh)#11/0(CC Mur)h'+ M# ; Whi!e+ A# .(/1(2# Medication ad inistration )ractices a ong chi!dren=s nurses: A surve'# %ritish Journal of Nursing, "1.1@2+ F(18F77# Retrievd fro : htt):GGwww#internurse#co Gcgi8,inGgo#)!G!i,rar'Gartic!e#cgiH uidJF70(FMartic!eJ9"NI(1I1@IF(1IF77Mfor atJ)df

REVIEW OF REFERENCES Nieswiado '+ R# .(/1(2# &oundations of nursing research .Ath ed#2# 9oston: <earson#

&rsu'+ <# .(/102# &nderstanding evidence8,ased )ractice .E9<2 D<ower <oint )resentationE# Retrieved fro : htt)s:GGfsu!earn#ferris#eduGwe,a))sG)orta!Gfra eset#5s)H ta,Ita,Igrou)IidJI(I1;ur!JK(Fwe,a))sK(F,!ac%,oardK(Fe4ecuteK(F!auncher K7Ft')eK7?CourseK(AidK7?IF1@CI1K(Aur!K7?



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