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Memoir Rubric Student Name: 4 Demonstrates clear focus on a central idea; provides insight into who you are,

your background, your family, etc. Uses descriptive and/or figurative language and imagery to enhance voice and help the reader clearly visualize the scenes Contains a clear and logical organizational plan, which includes a well-developed central conflict and a resolution. 3 Demonstrates reasonable focus on a central idea; provides some insight into who you are, your background, your family, etc. Uses some descriptive language and imagery to enhance voice and help the reader visualize the scenes 2 Demonstrates inconsistent focus on a central idea; does not provide insight into who you are, your background, family, etc. Uses mostly bland language 1 Has little or no focus.

Central Idea and So What

Details/ Imagery

Uses general and/or repetitious vocabulary with little or no detail/ imagery

Organization (Narrative Structure)

Contains evidence of an organizational plan, which includes a central conflict.

Organizes ideas inconsistently; does not have a clear central conflict.

Has little or no organizational plan.

Total Score:

Progress toward Composing Goal

6 Demonstrates strong and consistent progress toward individual goal Demonstrates strong and consistent progress toward individual goal

4 Demonstrates some progress toward individual goal Demonstrates some progress toward individual goal

2 Demonstrates minimal progress toward individual goal Demonstrates minimal progress toward individual goal

0 No progress

Progress toward Mechanics Goal

No progress

Total Score: Total Overall:

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